Just what we need in the White House....A robot incapable of thinking on the fly, a person who panics alot, and a person controlled by the billionaires/neocons...What a horrific combination. I hope Trump kicks his ass today in NH.
Trump is going to win NH, Kasich with a surpise 2nd and Bush in 3rd so far. Rubio and Cruz fall way back.
Rubio and the establishment/media gonna declare victory with this 5th place finish????? LOL Trump did kick ass. Wow.
Fiorina can go... She is useless. Christie served his purpose to destroy Rubio. He can stick around lol.
So it is currently Trump 34%, Kasich 16%, Cruz 12% with about half the vote counted. This is pretty much what RCP said would happen except Kasich took 3% from Rubio. South Carolina is going to be the Establishment's last stand in the primary season is my guess. RCP has it at Trump 36%, Cruz 20% and Rubio at 13% or so, which we can reasonably expect to go down a bit now and Kasich or Bush to go up a bit. In any case, the Establishment will be routed if Trump and Cruz go 1-2 there with over 55% of the vote. The only saving grace will be the fact that neither Trump nor Cruz can be expected to go into the convention with more than 40% of the delegates or so. Cruz will be stronger than Trump in much of the Southwest and across the Bible Belt. So the convention will probably be the most uncomfortable convention for the GOP since the 30's when the media would get a photo of an elderly black Republican delegate from the South with cigars stubbed out all over his jacket now and then. This is going to be like 1968 for the Democrats. Angry delegates convinced they're getting screwed while right-wing demonstrators swarm the place outside, convinced they're getting screwed.
When people discover that food does not naturally grow on grocery store shelves. It's brought there by a consortium of huge corporations all of whom need the current monetary system to survive. Barter works for small transactions, not the ones that feed hundreds of millions of people. Small towns and rural areas can grow their own food and hunt and all that good stuff but they've never had to do it with millions of refugees from the cities all around them on the move and looking for that magical food that used to grow on grocery store shelves but dried up during the great fiscal crisis when the dollar suddenly wasn't worth anything any more.
Trump is finishing what her hero Newt Gingrich started but not in the way she would like to see it finished.
Vermin Supreme says if he is elected everyone gets a free pony. I know a pony would feed my family for a good month.