Yup... you'd never know much about my religious beliefs because I barely talk about them and I never tell someone my faith is stronger than yours or my god is better than yours... you wanna know why? Because it's none of your business.....
I'm not a fan of all the bible thumping myself but the purpose of separation of church and state is to keep the state out of the business of citizens. It's a limitation on the state. There's nothing inherently wrong with candidates referencing Zuess.
As for these cries about Hillary going to jail and being a criminal. The Repub establishment are following her 24/7 and will try to get her on anything they can. She couldn't get away with swatting a fly. So if she did something illegal (like with emails: not deleting personal emails but sending classified emails on a personal server and then lying about it): that will come out via the investigative process or in court. Rather than like Carly Fiorina calling her a liar without any real proof. It's just a grandstand move by her because she has nothing on her resume to draw attraction to her candidacy. Bernie has no chance on a national stage because he's a small s socialist and probably they can find plenty on him that wouldn't play with the general electorate. Kasich is a good alternative and as he says can work with Congress and maybe could battle with the Tea Party to get some common sense legislation passed (in other words: compromise). I think that Lindsay Graham is too despite his getting into the pit sometimes with the far right looney birds.
Turns out that FOX news Kelly chick was on Howard Stern years ago talking about penises, having sex while she was pregnant in the 3rd trimester and talking about her breast size. Yup, that "war on woman " question is looking more and more stupid everyday. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Hillary is a proven lying scumbag. Get used to it. Indicted, in Washington is different than it is for real life folks. But she is nothing more than an over entitled housewife, given position and prestige because of her Husband. That won't play now. She is not a people person. Goose...cooked. Bernie standard bearer by default. No more righteous sheep, than the indolent left. But hey..you are already considering Kasich, and the gaydar inducing Graham, so take a moment of self realization. The DemonRat party is so bad for you that Republicans are looking acceptable... hmmm...
The scariest phrase in the English language. "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help" Animas River anyone? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-...ly-poison-animas-river-secure-superfund-money
Mel Reynolds. Bill Clinton Jesse Jackson John Edwards Gary Hart Eliot Spitzer Anthony Wiener David Wu Kwame Kilpatrick David Paterson Antonio Villaraigosa Marc Dann Gary Condit Jim McGreevey (wait not women...unless you include his WIFE) Wayne Hays Gavin Newsom (I've omitted more bc they were Boy on Boy) Yep..Republican War on Women..
I don't know the whole story here. But wasn't the cruxt of the whole problem pollution in old gold mines (and the EPA was trying to clean it up). Maybe their fault or a mistake but the reason they were there in the first place was no or little regulation of the companies that run the gold mines. They have to be forced to comply to rules or you get chemical and oil spills etc that like on the gulf coast are killing our environment. And now the right wing wants to even go further with the KXL. Which brings more of the dirtiest oil in the world to the US so the Koch Bros can make billions. So think twice before you say no regulation or fed gov involvement. If you have no regulation you get this!
I have oil trains from North Dakota going through where I live every day and every night, if there is a derailment, it would be catastrophic. We need the pipeline because it would prevent this from happening.
TransCanada claims they have newer technology to help prevent pipeline leaks. And pipelines are probably safer than trains. Not 100% sure of that. The environmentalists complaints about KXL is that it would support more dirty oil being pumped and tranported into the US. Proponents say there will be the same amount pumped anyways. Pipe or no pipe. That's kind of hard to believe if the costs will be higher without the pipeline.
There's gold in them thar streams. Then why can't you wait to get the whole story before you "unregale" us once again with the kneejerk, partisan claptrap. . . . . . yawn…
First of all this pollution of rivers from old gold mines in the west has been going on for years and esp seeping into the Animas River. And EPA was trying to clean it up on a smaller scale level after local residents opposed a bigger project even though they had funding for a big clean up project. They were afraid that it would hurt tourism. Some of the original mining companies who had caused the toxic contamination either didn't have the funds or had gone out of business. EPA breached a debris dam releasing as much as 3 million gallons of toxic laced water. In other words there was long term pollution due to these old mines for many years and EPA was trying to clean it up, was cooperating with the locals and even knew it could be a dangerous project. All of this goes back to unregulated industry. We've seen it time and time again.
I meant to post this last week but even if Trump meant what many thought he did, he might of been correct..
How does anything Kelly said to do with sexist comments and views of the opposite sex? And there is a war on women on health issues, limiting abortions, defunding Planned Parenthood, the list goes on and on. I have no truck with men-hating feminists, and the whole gay rights thing does nothing for me. But there is merit to the view that the GOP pursues retrograde policies when it comes to issues of concern to women.
wanting to defund planned parenthood is part of a war on women? weak sauce. Do you agree with planned parenthood selling baby parts and targeting minority communities? http://www.protectingblacklife.org/pdf/PP-Targets-10-2012.pdf
This again hasn't been proven yet. The group who made these videos is a shady organization, tried to pull off a phony scam and has key members affiliated with the militant anti-abortion movement. You're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Except with the Repub right when if they hate you it's the other way around. They even tried to defund PP in Congress with no proof, based on unsubstantiated videos with no investigation. Kind of irresponsible don't you think. And then if you defund PP: what do you replace the services they provide with? I guess they didn't think of that when they ran to defund.