People are sick of the Bushes. Jeb going to feel left out being the only one to not become a president. Sent from my LG-LS720 using Tapatalk
Speaking of Mitt, this was the very moment he lost his chances at becoming President. Mitt felt that burn!
We used to elect all sorts of funny looking Presidents before the TV era. 1960 changed that. We elect the guys who look Presidential now and glasses is not part of the image, especially in the angry villagers party.
Lol @ people calling the guy a bad businessman and then mentioning he's worth $3 billion in the same sentence
well I mean the counter argument like yours stems from people not understanding money. Can you be "worth" $3 billion and be a bad businessman? absolutely you can. Woody Johnson's worth $3.5billion. He can't even tie his shoes
What exactly is Woody's business besides the Jets? He inherited a buttload of money and, from what I know, never really put his money into anything (bonds, etc. doesn't count) except for the Jets.
Imo Rand Paul has not gotten any traction probably for a couple of reasons, but among them would be that his lack of interest in foreign policy and generally anti-Interventionist views on using the military is not in keeping with where the GOP voters are. And yes, it is a particularly weak field, despite the large number still in it. Imo the only reasonable one is Kasich, but he did not do such a great job as Ohio's governor, and is not an inspired campaigner.
I wouldn't say he has a lack of interest in foreign policy. His views are certainty much different than the typical gop stance though. I think you're dead on for that part. IMO he's right in his different approach to foreign policy. the regime change style foreign policy we've been doing for the past however many years has done nothing but contribute to the chaos that exists now. we can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results. as much as we'd love for more democracies in the world they need to happen naturally to have the best chance at success imo.
i think his father kinda hurts him. We all kinda liked his dad but thought he was a little bit wacko. That stigma is on Rand now as people have a hard time taking him seriously. idk, just a theory. I'll admit it could be wrong because Trump and Sanders are both wackos and people are taking them seriously
Probably, but I don't know that many GOP voters care much about auditing the Fed pro or con. Previously I should have been more clear about Paul and foreign policy. I am not saying he has no positions on that, as he obviously does. It's more that foreign policy is just not his area of focus. I think he is a true libertarian, and foreign policy is a subject that undercuts the whole premise of libertarianism. Collective action by a government is a necessary part of foreign policy, and libertarians would like to pretend that the world can be navigated without collective action.
There are extremist for every point of view. I don't think Paul is that far to the extreme. switching gears ...
You need some tech company to do this... Microsoft's a good choice. Rather have them than some anonymous business doing it.
whoever is doing it shouldn't be allowed to donate to any candidate though. obvious conflict of interest.
When not puttering around with the Jets and raising money for the GOP he is Chairman and CEO of a family investment company that does things like buy billions of dollars in tax losses at a pittance to save hundreds of millions in real dollars of tax obligations. He has recently paid back $300 million to the IRS when they would not buy into his scheme. Whether he actually has anything to do with the transactions or just mumbles approval is anyone's guess.