The current field is really messing with the GOP establishment. Ideally they'd like some guys to get out so they could consolidate behind an alternative candidate to Trump in time for the primary season. The problem is that Cruz and Carson are the guys they'd most like to drop out and Trump is much more likely to get their voters than any of the other candidates. So winnowing the field down doesn't do anything for the power brokers trying to regain control of the process behind the scenes. What they haven't fully grasped yet is that this year, in this environment, with the economic conditions in play and with the last 4 years of activism the Tea Party is in control and the establishment is just along for the ride. If you look at the poll numbers above you could easily read them as 55/45 - Tea Party/GOP Establishment with the understanding that Trump in particular is drawing some unaffiliated voters that the GOP can't likely get to the polls any other way come November. This is not a problem for the establishment if they're willing to recognize that a quiet revolution has occurred in the party over the last 6 years and they're really no longer the guys pulling the strings.
"I hate the concept of guns" Fuck him. Fuck all these pussy ass gun grabbing liberal pussies. He is a NY liberal, with NY liberal values.
Trump calling himself a conservative is the equivalent of Luke Bryan comparing himself to Waylon Jennings. It just doesnt work.
Oh look, BloomTurd might run. Just what we need, another weasel from NY wanting to be president. Bye bye personal rights if he's elected.
You should actually be happy if he does run. He would take away votes from Hillary/Sanders or whoever DNC nominates.
I think he would hurt both sides. But yea he'd hurt the Dems more since he has zero appeal outside of the urban areas of the northeast. Even there I'm sure lots of people wouldn't vote for him, such as minorities and found people.
Perhaps instead of lamenting Bloomberg's possible entry, you might question why your guys have left such a huge gap for him to fly his fleet of luxury jets through. Fail! On a grand scale.
I guess you haven't read much about this. Bloomberg's not sure if he would do it if Clinton is the Dem nominee but is more convinced he should if Sanders is their guy. The real reason he may do it is because of Trump, especially after the "I Love Sarah" show the other day. (With apologies to Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.)
That's his perverted way of saying that "nothing you can do or I can say to lower my ratings." Well, he seems to be right so far.
If I needed a reason not to vote for Ted Cruz under any circumstances: Ted Cruz Tells Reporters "I'm a Christian First, American Second"
So much for the possibility of a separation between church and state. This guy is talking himself out of the nomination