apparently trump thinks part of the Internet is in Syria. that's the part he wants to shut down. holy shit
Cruz, Carson, Bush, Trump, and Fiorina need to get off the stage. Embarrassing these are the choices for America. The world is laughing at us
rubio and kasich want to continue replacing governments in the middle east. because it's worked out so well so far
I totally agree with what Trump just said about fighting Assad, ISIS and Iran. Kasich wants to punch Russia in the nose? Does he mean a nuclear exchange? Delusional idiots.
Christie says it's because we have to try something different. like he's talking about trying a different qb or something. gotta try something different. let's shoot down some russian jets. wow
and then you ask how anyone can take Trump seriously? At least, as crazy as some of his ideas are, he's not proposing anything that might lead to a nuclear war. The rest are just effing lunatics.
As much as they wanted to see a Cruz vs. Trump fight, it seems like those two have teamed up instead.
christie, kasich, and rubio are war hawks who scare the shit out of me given the current climate. I think any of them would create a strong possibility for ww3. bush is similar in that regard but he seems slightly more reasonable. I don't like any of them. I can't take trump seriously as a presidential candidate even though I agree with him on a lot of things.