If you were done with the idiocy you wouldn't have responded. You need to find something better to do with your time than posting on a forum seventeen THOUSAND times in a matter of two years. Guess growing up becomes boring after a while.
This is the most recent one from 2014. I guess he hasn't done one for 2015 yet. Election and being a senator probably leaving him without much time. http://www.paul.senate.gov/files/documents/FY2014Budget.pdf I'm sure you will disagree with much of it, but unlike most - he actually puts a real plan out there.
Re-election I can see as a time-consuming effort but actually legislating is easy right now since nothing ever gets passed except for continuing resolutions. Government on cruise control with the only changes coming via executive order.
Thanks for the link. No time to examine it now but all the plans in the world are useless if there's no chance for any of it to be implemented. Do you see this as 50% viable? 20%? 80%?
I put it at about 0% chance of happening because we have a ruling class that is addicted to spending money we don't have on things we don't need. we also have a population that for the most part either doesn't know or doesn't care how far we're kicking the can down the road
Agreed. What percentage of our voters though are voting for a guy with pie-in-the-sky promises that they actually believe, because they are too ignorant to know better? Isn't this where the media is failing us, or is that a hopeless cause also because when they focus on ridiculous promises they're accused of being partisan, one way or the other?
Paul will have to get his words in on rebuttals. The establishment doesn't like the guy. I hope Jeb mush gets clowned again.
This debate has significantly more meat on the bone than the last train wreck, or any of them for that matter.
I cannot stand Marco Rubio. Him and Jeb can go fuck off. Just what we need to do is start shooting down Russian planes in Iraq and Syria. Fucktards. I am biased but Rand Paul clearly sounds like the most reasonable person up there tonight.
Retards are all those who just proposed a no-fly zone over Syria. It's unbelievable how detached they are from reality. They are probably thinking this is another Iraqi air force that they can just shoot down at will.
Did Marco Rubio bang Patty Duke or was that John Astin? Rubio's "isolationist" swipe at Rand Paul was lame as was Rubio, Trump and Fiorino's pandering to the war hawk yahoos in the crowd, glossing over the "gazillions" to be budgeted on military spending (in the face of $18T debt) behind emotionally-charged "dey won't dare fuck with us, not with our blank check-funded, #1 military" rhetoric. Good showing by Paul, calling these fiscal-conservatives-in-name-only on their doublespeak. And the best shot of the night was when Paul (by way of moderator Gerard Baker) totally schooled Donald Trump after Trump went into another China-bashing tirade vis-a-vis the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal: “Hey, Gerard, you know, we might want to point out China is not part of this deal.”
Took a while for Rand Paul to show up for a debate. Good for him. And yes, Rubio and Jeb Bush neocon ways can gtfo.
I think Rubio will be the establishment choice and carry FOX News and the conservative agenda on his back. They may shove Jeb as his VP too as a bundle. Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Cruz are all ass Kasich/Paul actually is pretty good but you can tell the establishment cant stand the guy ahah Chris Christie...All he does is attack Hillary in every response. Save the party! Forget our fighting, think about how she will kill us all!