I would actually be OK with raising revenue at a reasonable level as long as that also was coupled with cutting spending. In fact, why don't we go ahead and make that a law too, until social security is actually funded. We need fiscal responsibility in government. Tax more, spend more is not a good way of doing things.
Social Security isn't going to be fully funded again in our lifetime. The demographic bubble that we baby boomers represent guarantees that. The only way to get Social Security fully funded again is to open America up to unlimited immigration and resolve the aging population problem. A few million more young Mexicans paying into Social Security would help. Same with a few million more young Africans and a few million more young Asians, etc.
It doesn't need to happen in our lifetime but it does need to start heading the right direction. We've been so irresponsible with those funds and spending it makes me sick. You think the deficit number looks bad, just look at the unfunded liabilities.
The real problem long term is that we got into this mess assuming we were going to be the world's reserve banker and we'd be able to borrow our way out of any crisis by selling more debt. There's no way we're the world's reserve banker in 2050. It's just not going to happen. You've got China emerging and you have Russia and Brazil organizing an alternative world reserve currency to replace the dollar. Nothing we do in the short term is going to stop that storm from engulfing us in the next generation. That's why another round of tax-cutting before we get the deficit under control and have a real plan on the debt is just lunacy. WWII started because Germany lost control of their finances. WWIII will probably start because we've lost control of ours.
I just hope you share the same sentiment about more spending and more government programs as you do about cutting taxes. "Free" college shouldn't be something on the table right now, for example.
China's done. they are on the verge of a big economic downturn. too much consumption/reliance on foreign trade will be to much to handle. They will decline into a recession soon. as I understand it we don't have to worry about their currency anyway. China is too insistent on having a fixed exchange rate, which along with having an independent monetary policy makes for restrictions on free movement of their capital. You can't have all three - the "impossible trinity." and China stupidly won't give up the stable exchange rate like the U.S. and other developed countries. They are shooting themselves in the foot. Now that's going to hurt the rest of the world some when they decline but obviously not as much as it will hurt them, so we don't have worry about a "storm engulfing us in the next generation"
China will buy the new reserve currency instead of dollars. So will most of the other big buyers of US debt. At first they'll do it to diversify and manage risk but eventually we'll get mostly cut out of the picture.
Does anyone have a good needle on how real the Chinese economy is? Are they still building ghost cities?
The wages subject to social security is capped to $118,500 for 2015. Owners of S corps artificially have low wages to limit the amount of SS tax paid. It is circumvented by the use of S corporations as distributions from income are not subject to the social security tax. Those are the main 2 limits if removed that would help social security funding. I don't want that happen for 2 reasons: I would have to pay more taxes (I employ the 2 tactics above) and more importantly, why should I pay more taxes for a voting group that has caused our budget messes in the first place and want the younger generation to pay for their fuckups? All of our budget issues is caused the retired folks (they love spending and various governmental programs and tax cuts along the way). And now these useless folks (net money drain on our government) want the younger generation to pay for their mistakes in addition to wanting us to maintain certain government spending that benefits them (SS/Medicare). Medicare is the real program that has issues...Medicare premiums only cover 25% of the costs...Guess where the 75% comes from...We younger folks + Debt.
You get this worked up when someone online calls you an idiot? Can't imagine what happened when you flunked all those exams in grade school.
Wait so, I'm the one gnashing my teeth and one day I'll grow up to be wise like you? Calling people a... Dickhead. Twat. And telling them to piss off. Did you ever grow up Stokes? Seemingly not.
Seriously don't play the high and mighty card here dude. Of all people- you cannot do that. There has been plenty of civil political discourse on here even between people that share polar opposite opinions. You are the only one that seems to have a problem with people telling you to piss off. I wonder why? its because you act like a child and instigate that bullshit. Stokes wasn't even talking to you and you respond with this? waterboy went off on you because he addressed your sharp ben carson stuff, honestly without even really defending the guy and you respond with "he's an idiot and so are you." even when I agree with your political opinions (and a lot of times I do) its obvious you are acting like a dickhead/twat/etc. so don't be surprised when people respond to you like are one. the only person that needs to grow up here is you.
The irony? If someone really believes that policy should be tied to the Bible, that would make them an idiot. Only people who haven't grown up call people twats and dickheads. That rhetoric is only used by idiots.
twat and dickhead = NOT okay idiot and challenging someone's manhood though is OK especially if you call them that first (for those keeping score)
I challenged his manhood when he tried to discredit an entire discussion by comparing it to the truth about "priests banging little kids". Yeah because that sarcastic comment brings so much value to a forum. He does it everywhere in every discussion, like a little kid.
You're just an immature kid trying to play grownup on a freaking Internet message board. I grew up 30 years ago. Grow a sack, the stuff you're arguing about is pretty funny, although I would have gladly engaged you when I was a snot nosed kid like you are gnashing my teeth about politics. _
You grew up 30 years ago but are still calling strangers on the internet twats and dickheads and telling them grow a sack? Snot nosed kids use that language. I didn't know "grownups" used it too. The more you know.
Hahahaaa just like a child. It was over last nite. You said your piece, I said mine, you ended. But you just HAD to continue it today. Have fun with this, you won the internet today because I'm done with this idiocy. Be proud. You won. _