If you two wanna turn yourselves into a greasy spot on a country road somewhere, go right ahead. I don't give a shit and I don't think anybody else does, regardless what they say to your face. But you two monkeys are not going to do it on my racetrack. Now y'all heard of a "Japanese Inspection?" Japanese Inpsection, you see, when the Japs get in a load of lettuce they're not sure they wanna let in the country, why they'll just let it sit there on the dock 'til they get good and ready to look at. But then of course, it's all gone rotten... ain't nothing left to inspect. You see, lettuce is a perishable item... like you two monkeys. You trade paint one more time, you so much as touch, I'm gonna Black Flag the two of you, and take apart your racecars for three-hundred laps. Then, if you pass inspection and you put your cars back together, I might let you back into the race. Now, just to show there's no hard feelings we're all gonna go out to dinner together.
Ben Carson is a Neurosurgeon and probably way smarter than most people on this board including you or me. The pyramid thing is more about religion than reality if you listen to what he said. I think he does believe it, but he also believes in magical creators and an afterlife. a Carson/Webb ticket could have been really strong imo.
I know Carson is a smart guy. Which makes it all the more frustrating that he continues to say really stupid, ignorant, shit every chance he gets. Its like he's trying to sound like a dumbass for votes? That's one thing that is really frustrating me about his party. There seems to be a desire to be less educated/more ignorant. Since when is that a good thing? Being smart, seeking knowledge should be what we are seeking for - not to be set in our ways, dammed if its ridiculously stupid or not. A guy like Carson who made a career out of neuroscience is taking every opportunity he can to deny science and (even the medical professionals' consensus in one case) these days.... to get votes? A fuckin sad state of affairs. I was intrigued by him initially. If he ran as the heady, smart, thought challenging, but fiscally-conservative GOP alternative to the other ignorant assholes he might've even gotten me and many others to cross the aisle and vote for him come election day. But nah, he decides to ignore who he is and run as another ignorant asshole. Its worse because he is smart. he's just doing this shit for votes. fuck him
My outsider's take on this business among GOP voters' favoring "outsiders" is that it's not so much about what Carson is trying to defend. Sure there may be an element of illogic in such voters, as Nagle points out seems to be the case regarding a lack of concern about getting facts straight. But to say you don't like what politicians are doing, so we want someone who doesn't have any knowledge or experience at politics is not logical. Say you don't like your current dentist. You've come to the conclusion he didn't give you proper care, and may not know what he is doing. Does that mean you change him out by having your mailman work on your teeth? In a word, no. I think the preference of GOP voters for outsiders is more about the increasing divergence between the business wing of the party and the majority of GOP voters. Such voters see especially Congessional leaders as tied to the business wing, like Boehner. Party insiders in other words are about representing the business interests. Of course this analysis does not fit so well a candidate like Fiorina, but imo it does since she's going nowhere, and only seemed to move up by saying outrageous things AND not being a party insider. But what this analysis means for people with at least some political experience, like Rubio or Cruz, is not clear. Eventually they will be caught between the business wing and the throw the bums out voters. I really don't see where that ends up going.
I think that was a pretty asinine analogy by a smart guy. "By the people, for the people" - The American Dental Association
Ben Carson is proving he is a dumbass. This pyramid theory was from 1998 almost 20 years ago. So he's not doing it for votes. He did speeches for a supplement company and said that those magic beans cured his cancer. He is an imbecile. I'm quite frankly shocked he was ever allowed to operate on people. The guy seems like someone left a sponge in his brain at some point.
Did I say anything about him doing it for votes? Did you even read what I posted beyond the first sentence? What an incredibly reasonable and unbiased post. I can see where you're coming from here, makes perfect sense. The fact is, the only problem you have with Carson is that he's a Republican, and that's easy to see. If he were a Democrat you wouldn't give a fuck what he said about some God damn pyramids in 1998. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Carson
Every professor I've ever had laughs when someone asks if they can use wikipedia as a source. Wikipedia is not a source.
smh. you might as well stop reading the gop thread, you obviously have no interest in learning anything about any of the candidates.
I was shaking my head too when I read that Ben Carson is so willfully ignorant of science, yet he is supposed to be a man of science. I would never want someone with his misguided beliefs running our country. I've learned all I need to know about Carson through his ridiculous commentary lol
i have a problem with the fact that he's seventh day Adventist. I was raised a seventh day Adventist and they are nutjobs
Ben Carson has a vivid imagination.... http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/05/politics/ben-carson-2016-childhood-violence/index.html It appears he's never been a thug or violent in any way BUT, he insists on selling that to religious conservatives. Sad thing is, nobody seems to remember Carson the thug but they do remember him as Carson the Meek. Ben Carson... Fraud.
wow so for those keeping score we've learned the following about Dr. Ben Carson in just a few months: -He's a "saved christian" who was probably never really bad in the first place. -He's (probably the only) Yale graduate who believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old and the pyramids were grain silos. -He's a world renowned pediatric who rejects the unanimous recommendations on childhood vaccination from his colleagues at the Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics -He benefitted from government assistance programs throughout his upbringing but now he believes they are destroying this country. -He proposes a 10% flat tax across the board that will fix our economy and lower the deficit....Even though the government's current tax hike is 17.5% of the GDP and we're increasing our debt. Question him on how its going to work? and you'll be called unfair... but you know somehow he's doing well in polls with people falling for his bologna. I think he's at least something right though. He's got a good theory for why that might be the case below...
cman ... not one person they interviewed denied anything. they just said they didn't know or remember it and that they were surprised to hear it. I'm not saying his book is all truth but to conclude that he's lying? seems like a leap to me.
A leap for a man who believes the pyramids were grain silos? Now THAT is a leap. A leap of faith, as it were.