You completely ignore the situation inherited by Reagan. The LBJ tax cuts, additional government programs, war and massive inflation fucked us all up. He cut taxes and increased spending. The baby boomers were all entering the workforce and needed jobs. Under Reagan's watch the economy turned around and we had the biggest economic expansion in history. He failed to convince others to shrink the size of government (reduce spending) but he was 100% right it needed to happen and it's still fucking us today. Rand Paul hasn't only focused on the flat tax. Maybe that's all you've heard of but that certainly isn't the case. I think if people on the left took the time to listen to his views they'd be surprised and actually agree on more issues than they would with any other Republican. The government spending has to decrease. We cannot continue to spend on unnecessary government programs and wars. I don't think you need to worry about Paul anyway - seems he's getting no traction. You should be very worried about Donald Trump though. That blowhard somehow has people convinced.
Why is this thread even still alive. It works like this. (typing slowly for those of you SOTU) Candidates with establishment support (RNC) are artificially being kept on life support. hence there are roughly 15 candidates. Actually there are maybe 8. Jeb ain't one of them. He is unelectable, but he has a machine behind him that dates back to the 1980's Huckabee should have been relegated to Gadfly status by now. Kasich ..Not a consideration. Trump is a sideshow, but has generated enough buzz for reasons to be discussed later, to be a top tier candidate, but one without a chance. Fiorina, is a candidate. Cruz is a candidate. Rubio, has already gone Washington. Which brings us to Trump/ The political consultancy machinery is 'Washington' hence instead of bringing forth ideas, and styles, we are getting Madison ave. techniques to those that can A:afford them and B: promise future lucre (ahem..Mitt Romney) so establishment candidates are on life support. Trump..can afford all of that but isn't using it. Trump is arguing like Democrats argue. Street Fight. Not Marquis of Queensbury. Like the Tea Partiers, who got elected, then froze out in D.C. the Republican party establishment has a huge issue that it is whistling past the graveyard...and the media is not examining. Trump is a symptom...not a problem.
OMFG... Are you serious? or P.U.I. Regulation, by fiat is destroying the Democracy, and that's the favorite tool of the left. Regulate, and Pack the courts. De-regulation is a tool of the right decried by you and your ilk for turning the country over to the Capitalists, instead of our Benevolent Governing Masters. The Laffer Curve is correct. Government should do less, not more. Natural Rights exist. Cuba awaits you.
Even Hillary could beat them. With all of her red flags. Cruz can't work with Congress. Even his own party can't stand him. Only the Tea Party (whoever they are) will support him. Fiorina isn't a candidate. She says nothing. Just a lot of bluster and showmanship. She was fired by Hewlett Bell. She can't spin her way out of that one. I still think their best chance to win is Jeb Bush. You can't blame him for his brother's disastrous Presidency.
Reagan wasn't fucking 21 year old Interns. (P.S. Reagan's V.P. actually won the Presidency...(Legacy))
hillary!ous can't beat her own husbands meat. Martin O'Malley would like a word with you... Cruz can't work with Congress. No Shit Sherlock, where did you park the squad car? DC IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM. And GWB's presidency was the most consequential in historical terms, since Reagan. Disastrous? WHO LOST IRAQ? WE ...Just today...Supported bombing raids against Islamic State. Get a clue or STFU.
So I guess you trust big oil to regulate themselves. Just ask the people on the Gulf Coast about that.
Right. Liz Taylor at 15 ....much better than Monica Lewinsky at any age. By your own admission, a superior performer. Even with the Women.
I'm sorry, was BP operating outside of the control of the E.P.A. I was unaware of that. about that little more recent spill on the Animas River?
Underage. Against the law. You were trying to rip Clinton for doing something unethical. But your hero was 100x worse.
Why was EPA there in the first place. Because of pollution from gold mines contaminating water after negligence by mining companies. If BP wasn't guilty why pay a billion plus in settlements. You're blaming that on the Feds?
Against what law? And she intitiated the alleged exchange (P.S. Clinton actually did break the law. Jackass. Where did his law license go. You don't have the candlepower in your light saber for this....just quit now.) (And before you retort...please make sure to actually check WHEN statutory elements were codified. Hint...(they didn't exist back then))