He won and won by far. He looked like the most presidential candidate on that stage. Trump is a clown, Rubio is a robot, and Kasich is just Kasich.
Didn't work out so good for the poor folks of Flint did it? How about the folks that survived the BP oil spill? You really think MI and MS could have handled those catastrophes without Federal assistance? I know you're anti gov't but cmon now... Just a bit extreme dontcha think?
Anytime Ted Cruz looks like the most presidential candidate on the stage, Houston we have a problem.. a BIG problem.
Yeah. Romney called Trump a con artist. Guess what, all the GOP candidates are con artists. Cruz and his flat tax/VAT tax plan would be an absolute disaster. And presidential? He's a smarmy elitist pretending to be one of the people. He's a bigger phony than Trump.
I could only watch first 30 minutes of the debate last night and it was enough for me to turn the TV off. I followed it from here time to time. I am upset that the next President will be one of the following four. Hillary, Trump, Cruz, Rubio. Kasich and Sanders don't have any chance. Although I think Hillary is phony, I guess she is best among these 4. God truly help America.
Wow, you seem to be really coming along. Had a Damascus experience? Not that I am open to an alliance. You're bound to say something stupid any post now.
Even after sneering "what you think doesn't mean shit" you still felt compelled to respond. Pointing that (irony) out escaped you.
Nonsense. I was trying to help you out, much like I would help an old crippled lady trying to cross the street.
Puff, seriously? C'mon, you gotta do better than this. Nonsense, you need to respond and whether it's the narcissism or the insecurity is anyone's guess.....like a riddle wrapped in an enigma, only in your case, a little dick wrapped inside a big pussy.
Oooh, that really hurt. So, I am worthy of your personal insults because in your response to me you called my responding to you grounds for name calling. The irony.
Hey joe I don't know who the hell you are but you can't talk to my ally like that. Please stop or else I will have to be involved.
on-topic: Fox News achieved a new low. While Trump repeated his Johnny-One-Note (trade/wall/) talking points, that's besides the point. The point is that farce last night from the very get-go was a planned gang assault. Hell Fox even stored their gunpowder for last night what with those "quotes and charts" at the ready. Total horseshit job by Fox (esp. that smug babe Megan Kelly) while trying to prop up Rubio who's looking smaller and smaller by the minute.
Their excuse for this was that Trump didn't show up at the first debate and missed the hit jobs......