yeah but hobbes was picking mccain to trounce Obama when the exit polls were coming out on election day saying the opposite. Not even months in advance. I also believe he predicted Romney to win as well
Well there's going to be lots of people like that out in force on election day. I remember the Perot-heads on TV claiming victory. Hell, everyone in the primary season sounds like they've won unless they are suspending their campaigns.
Considering that the National debt has more than doubled, and set the middle east in flames, unleashed Russia, and is the process of abandoning Turkey, as well as Israel, Yes.
Ummmm...because going from Texas Land Comish to the WH requires at least 2 more electoral stops..Governor,Congress, or the Senate...
Ummmmm....or maybe he just becomes a community organizer. It used to require executive experience to be the Chief Executive, but we seem to be lacking that in the field this year. Those that have that experience seem to be lagging in the polls. Things used to get accomplished in this country through debate and compromise. Now the propensity is to for force legislation through the executive branch by those who have never actually run anything, politically.
when cruz drops out I imagine most of his supporters will go to trump. This race is over unless something unforeseen happens super Tuesday.