Religion - a respectful discussion, for those interested

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Truth4U2, May 2, 2015.

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  1. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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  2. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    To get back to posting the truth you first have to admit to the atrocities catholic priests committed on young boys within the church. Until you admit to the thousands of pedophile priests and their vile acts I don't believe many here will let this thread progress further. To keep your head firmly up your ass denying that these acts were perpetrated shows you are not actually looking to discuss, only preach.
  3. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    but that never happened...
  4. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    "As thousands of people awaited Pope Francis in Central Park, many looked up to the sky in awe.

    Although the day has been dry, a rainbow appeared. Perhaps, some thought, it was a sign.

    The rainbow had an unusual shape. Instead of arching at its ends, this one was a quarter circle that hung parallel to the ground like a section of a disc, or a halo."
  5. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Gay pope confirmed.
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  6. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    "…..and the two-one…………………………popped up…….."
  7. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    I've never related to religion because I didn't believe esp the Catholic Church related to the average man or the downtrodden. They were more into opulence. Like the kind of wealth you see at St Patrick's Cathedral or the Vatican. And related more to the politics of the very wealthy and the powerful. Didn't Francis recently say that he'd like to give away everything including the vast wealth of the Catholic Church. He could be lying but I believe he probably means it. Of course we all know about how the church did little during WW2 to resist the Nazis and in some cases collaborated with them. So to me this guy is just doing his job. And is a breath of fresh air. And as far the pedophiles who mask themselves as priests. Isn't he trying to get rid of these fucktards.
  8. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    work your way down that link until you get to the bit about the 1493 Doctrine of Discovery. Explain that mr. science.
  9. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    You mean this part? "A Sun Dog spotted over Central Park by @LaurenGlassberg . Sunlight refracting through ice crystals of cirrus clouds."

    Sure, science can explain how it happens, but what caused those conditions to appear yesterday, when they were not expected by meteorologists due to the prevailing weather pattern of the day? And a FB friend of mine just posted that the same rainbow was spotted in the sky over Philadelphia today when the Pope arrived there. .... Coincidence? "We report, you decide" ;)
  10. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    The Church you see in big public events like the Papal visit is not at all like the Church average Americans attend on a weekly basis. Local parishes operate much differently. The reason for elaborate Cathedrals and rituals is to highlight and point out the importance of God for all of us, the respect and priority we should give to God as a community. We should spend our money to build up Religion, an important institution worldwide that serves to promote world peace and justice, and to hold governments in check, to "keep them honest" so to speak. And of course money should be spent on the poor, which is why Catholic Charities is so big and does so much good work worldwide. And the Catholic Church was the driving force that exposed the horrors of the Nazi's in WW2; once the Pope at the time stepped in, the rest of the world finally saw the Nazi's for what they were, and the Catholic Church helped rescue many Jews from concentration camps. Fr. Maximillian Kolbe's heroic efforts are a famous example that highlight the Church's efforts to oppose Hitler.

    I posted this somewhere else, but it applies here, in response to your question:

    For those who are not Catholic, or have been away from the Church for some time, the Papal Mass at MSG is not at all like a typical Catholic Mass. While a beautiful, ornate ceremony, I just worry that some people might get the wrong impression about what a typical Catholic Mass is like. If it seemed a bit "cold", or ritualistic, or even Medieval, that's because it was a kind of a throwback to the ancient Church, and the kind of Mass style often used for big events in the world Church. Especially in suburban communities, or rural communities, Masses are much more "family-oriented". What I mean by that is, the Mass is in the native language of the people (in our case, English), there is more modern "folk music" and the congregation is encouraged to sing along, children are sometimes invited to the altar to help sing the "Our Father" (sometimes accompanied by their parents), and the Priests often give lively homilies with humor and even puppet shows for the children sometimes. It is a warm, engaging, family affair, as opposed to an ancient somber ritual. I just hope that Papal Mass, while interesting and beautiful in its own way, does not turn people away who might otherwise consider returning to weekly Mass, or becoming Catholic for the first time.
  11. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    Imo the church should be spending all of their resources to help the poor and nothing on palaces. I believe this is also the way Francis feels about it. And like Francis says resist inequality and factors that lead to human blight and misery. It is his job to be political. And to resist tyranny. Instead during WW2 their leadership (not all of them) accepted the status quo. Something some U.S. politicians say the Pope should follow. Thank God he doesn't listen them. Who else is more qualified to talk about it than him.
    #1911 pclfan, Sep 26, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
  12. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Yes. Their priests fuck children.

    TommyJ likes this.
  13. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    Pope Francis about to drop some sick verses with the Italian prez beatboxing behind him

    #1913 joe, Sep 26, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
    NY Jets68 and Faux machine like this.
  14. pclfan

    pclfan Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2013
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    The problem with the pedophiles isn't the church. It's just a locale they look for like schools, youth sports where they can find vulnerable children. So there's nothing religious about these guys at all. It's just 1000 times worse with the church because it's the one place where people put their guard down and show trust. The abomination is first them being able to get through the vetting process and get ordained as priests. You'd think they could spot these creeps. And then the cover up. Based on what I've read under Francis this hasn't been the case. They are going after these guys and not sweeping things under the rug.
    Truth4U2 likes this.
  15. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Try again, Einstein.

    1493 Doctrine of Discovery. Truth away.
  16. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    So you're telling us the pope is gay, got it.

    Edit: Sorry forgot the obligatory, "not that there's anything wrong with that".
    NY Jets68 likes this.
  17. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    last Catholic series i went too I fell asleep. Yea they are shorter than Baptist ones, but holy fucking shit are they boring.
  18. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Horrified Pope Calls Philadelphia Humanity’s Greatest Sin Against God

    PHILADELPHIA—Visibly aghast as he took the pulpit at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia to deliver a sermon Saturday, a horrified Pope Francis reportedly referred to the city as a “blighted abomination, forsaken by Heaven” and “humanity’s greatest sin against God.” “In my travels, I have seen countless examples of man’s inhumanity toward his fellow man, the most utter wretchedness, and the vilest iniquity, but in this place and in these people I see a darkness blacker than all the world’s evils. God has fled this town,” said the ashen-faced pontiff, recoiling in disgust from the assembled crowd while describing the Philadelphia metro area as “the only corner of Creation where the light of the Lord does not shine.” “The love of Christ falls upon us all, even the lowliest of the low—but not Philadelphia. Touch me not, for you are the unholiest of all that is unholy. I can offer no blessings here, where all that is, and all who are, are an affront to God.” After concluding his prepared remarks, the pope reportedly led the congregation in a prayer for God to rain cleansing fire and brimstone over the city and then salt the smoldering Earth so that no wickedness could ever again arise in its place.
    TommyJ likes this.
  19. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    For the win.

  20. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Was it in the city? There are different styles of Mass, and different Priests...a lot depends on the Parish you attend and the part of the country you live in. Inner city areas, like NYC or Jersey City, tend to have lower attendance and more traditional-style Masses that may be boring to some people today (though they are often just as prayerful and fulfilling). Ultimately, a Mass is a Mass, because you are receiving Christ and the Holy Spirit. Over time Mass attendance will give you a sense of peace and joy. All of the parishes I have attended in upstate NY (north of Westchester) have been lively and inspiring, with packed Churches and more modern, lively Masses, with modern music, generally more interesting and often humorous homilies (formerly called sermons), etc.
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