This guy on Facebook keeps saying that Jesus is coming. Does this Jesus guy have a refractory period?
"Raymond Kolbe was mischievous and energetic, a difficult child who exasperated his mother. One day she was at her wit's end. After punishing him yet again, she said to him, "Raymond, what will become of you?" For some reason, the question made him think. He ran off to his parish church to put the question before the Blessed Virgin: "What will become of me?" Mary appeared to him, and gave him his answer. Raymond returned home and told his mother, who came to believe him without any reservation, because of the radical transformation she witnessed in his character. Her troublemaker had vanished! Soon afterward Raymond, at age 13, entered the seminary of the Conventual Franciscans. He was still a high energy youth, but now his energy was directed toward noble ends. He was inquisitive, with a fertile mind. He devoured books of Physics and even set down the design of a rocket for space exploration. The Franciscan superiors recognized his gifts. They sent him for further studies in Rome. He set up an organization to promote the Faith, using the new print media of newspapers, magazines, etc. He succeeded in attracting many to his organization, mostly young people and brainy people. But he dreamed big; he wanted to reach many more. .... but when the Nazi's took over, he was placed in a concentration camp. He readily identified himself as a Catholic Priest, proud to be a witness to his faith, even in those horrible circumstances. His occupiers saw his communications empire as an enemy of their neo-pagan propaganda. When he arrived at the death camp, a guard grabbed his crucifix, struck him and taunted him "do you still believe?" When the Priest answered yes, the guard struck him again, and then repeated the question. This continued for awhile before the guard gave up and walked out. [the devil used the holocaust to try to crush the faith of people in God and in humanity, but of course it didn't work in the only illuminated the heroic deeds of the Catholic Church and the amazing faith of people in the face of terrible evil!] Of course, soon thereafter Fr. Kolbe performed his famous and inspiring act of sacrifice and selfless love, when he volunteered to take the place of a man who was pleading to be spared for the sake of his wife and kids. As a result, Fr. Kolbe suffered a long, torturous death in a starvation bunker, yet he carried on with an inner peace and joy in spite of his horrific physical pain, leading other victims in prayer and he was even said to have a seren smile on his face when they carted his dead body out! ~ from Dr. Scott Hahn's book "Angels and Saints" One of many examples of the Catholic Church defending human dignity and love in the face of godless oppression, cruelty, and hatred. Fr. Maximillian Kolbe's heroic sacrifice during the Nazi persecution has made him one of the greatest Saints of the Church, and is a perfect example of how the Catholic Church has been defending human dignity, freedom, and life since the beginning. Catholic Church, pinnacle of victim blaming.
This part is great: Later in the deposition, Cunningham backed off the statement somewhat, saying he'd have to know the child's role. "Well, I mean, without knowing the circumstances completely, did the boy encourage, go along with (it) in any way?" Cunningham said. The lawyer asked Cunningham if he could imagine any circumstance in which a 14- or 15-year-old boy could be held responsible in the eyes of the church when a priest asks him to engage in sex. "I would not – obviously, what the priest did was wrong," Cunningham said. "You're asking me if the young man had any culpability, and I can't judge that." Holy shit. _