I could post the truth about the beauty of the Nazi Party and the Communist Party if you are really impressed with large gatherings of people.
How's that Nazi party doing today? How many communists are left in the world? The Catholic Church has stood the test of time, because it brings real peace, happiness, and joy to people in their lives. Over 2000 years and counting....
And pictures of large gatherings of the faithful are scientific proof that god exists? Whatever you say, buttercup.
Judaism has been around and providing the same benefits for much longer by the way. "3000 years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax."
I never said that, just that millions of people find peace, happiness, and fulfillment from their Catholic Faith. And that the Catholic Church has thrived for over 2000 years, despite repeated attempts by the Roman Empire and other regimes over the years to destroy it. Even today, thousands of people in other parts of the world who are being persecuted and threatened with their lives risk it all to receive the Eucharist from an ordained Priest at Mass. Not to mention the reported religious experiences of countless people over the years, witnesses of miracles from the time of Christ to the present, near-death experiences even by previously non-religious people, etc, I could go on and on, .......none of this scientific proof, of course, just a whole lot of evidence over the past 2000+ years. ....... but, of course, you are free to believe what you want.
LOL .... OK, you get points for that spot-on Big Lebowski quote! ....but how can you say "the same benefits"???
Judaism hasn't been bringing people real peace, happiness and joy in their lives? Why do you think they are still Jews? For the cuisine?
okay, so long as we're clear that photos of lots of people agreeing with your point of view, just like pictures of politicians agreeing with your point of view, is clearly not conclusive proof of the validity of your point of view. I'd have thought that was beyond obvious, but you are the one that keeps posting these pictures to validate your point of view. As a man of science, you have to admit, thats pretty weak. And, don't forget, you started this abortion of a thread with an argument allegedly based on science. Why can't you just be happy with your faith in your own life? Why is it so important that you need to twist yourself into a pretzel to try to convince others that you know something we don't? You are very unpersuasive in your arguments.
LOL, the food is pretty good, no? ..... but seriously...I don't doubt that devout Jews find fulfillment in their Faith. In fact, Judaism is the root of Catholicism. Jesus Christ Himself was a Jew, and the original disciples were mostly Jewish converts. And of course we share the same Old Testament in the Bible. The divergence occurred when Jesus Christ came; some witnessed and/or believed the miracles and recognized Him as the messiah, and others did not, and are still waiting for their messiah. No disrespect to anyone, but it seems to me that those who have received their Messiah would have a Joyful sense of fulfillment in their Faith. In addition, the Catholic Church alone has the Sacraments; the Eucharist, Reconciliation/Penance, Annointing of the Sick, etc, and these Sacraments confer a profound sense of Peace and Joy to those who participate in them faithfully. The Sacraments are the main reason many Protestant Christians come home to the Catholic Church. It's also the reason many protestant Christians want a real Priest for their own loved ones when they are sick or near death.
That's a good question. But the answer, for me, is really simple. I have found the "pearl of great price", as we Catholics sometimes refer to our Faith. It has provided me with such a profound sense of contentment and Joy, even when tragedies strike and life's troubles get me down. By turning to my Faith, the bad times are not that bad, and there is an underlying contentment even when life gets me down. I can't really explain it adequately in words, but I want others to benefit like I have. I truly want the best for people in this thread, and on this board, even if they insult me or just disagree with me. Because I know we are all human, we are all the same at our core, and I have seen the positive effects religion has on the lives of people I know. I mean well, I really do, even though I can get carried away sometimes and say things I shouldn't say sometimes. But you're right, I'm probably not doing a very good job at it....I just hope and pray that I am not turning anyone away from religion with my posts.
It's really sad that you don't actually hear how awful you sound when you say things like this. "Lets go Jets. Patriots suck!"