Religion - a respectful discussion, for those interested

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Truth4U2, May 2, 2015.

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  1. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    pot meet kettle.
  2. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    Mostly skimmed though your bullshit in the post. My conclusion is that, like most of your other posts in this thread, you find things like masturbating and sex to be more immoral than priests raping little children. And preachers in my denomination which I am a Baptist, they are married and they tend to their flocks just fine. This idea that you crazy Catholics peddle is fucked up. You only hear about widespread sex abuse in the Catholic Church. nowhere else, and if it did take place, it sure as hell would not have been covered up to the point as it was in your fucked up little church. Thats what happens when you have a large corrupt governing body like you Catholics have with a faux Pope leading it.
  3. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Before the "sexual revolution", horny men never lusted after young girls...

    I blame Hugh Hefner and Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice.
    slimjasi likes this.
  4. Charlie Kelly

    Charlie Kelly Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Still haven't figured out where that elusive ignore function is, eh?
  5. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    If you were actually paying attention, we were speaking about when we were in high school and hooking up with high school age girls. Just because you were not suave enough to have gotten laid before you got married, when you cut a whole in the sheet to have procreating sex with your wife, is no reason to be jealous of those of us who had sex as teenagers.

    Those priests went to seminary school where they learned "catholic moral theology" and then they went and raped small children. It is obvious that "catholic moral theology" did nothing to stop them. If the teachings of the church do not stop such things then it is worthless.

    You can keep lying to yourself but if you were much happier when you follow your faith then there would be no temptation to go outside of it, yet you admittedly do. What would be the reason you struggle to avoid sin? Because it is something that makes you happy, otherwise you would not struggle to avoid it.

    Fell free to go to church on the sabbath, read your bible all you like and talk about it to those who care to listen but stop with all the bullshit. How many times have you said "it is a proven fact" in this thread, only to have multiple people prove you wrong? Too many to count would be the correct answer.
    What happened to all the proof that masturbation is bad for you? That never materialized did it. Just like most of your proof, it never ends up finding it's way into a post.
  6. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    And yet there are people in this thread who think raping Catholic School girls is OK, and then go on to criticize the Church for the handful of Priests accused of similar about hypocrites! There are people who actually admitted to having sex with underage Catholic School girls, and then turn around and condemn the Church for the same thing. smh.

    And you claiming that there is "widespread sex abuse in the Catholic Church" is a lie, plain and simple, as I already showed earlier in this thread with actual facts. But don't let the facts get in the way of your Catholic-bashing propaganda lol.

    The Catholic Church is the only Christian church supported by the Bible, and that's a FACT. Protestant denominations were started by rebel heretics like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others, mostly for personal selfish and/or political reasons. The Catholic Church, on the other hand, is the only true, authentic Christian Church founded by Christ Himself, and followed by all Christians for the first 1500 years of Christianity. Before the heretics came along, broke away, and formed their own bogus protestant groups. ..... but at least you all believe in Jesus Christ and His teachings, so that's a start. Protestants are on the right track, and eventually most of them find their way back to the Church.
  7. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    You need to get laied.
  8. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    Where's an alter boy when you need them?
  9. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    On the first thing you said, just because someone learns something good does not mean they will follow it. I know eating junk food is bad for my health, but I do it anyway....does that make the teaching that eating junk food is bad for one's health "worthless"? Of course not, it just means that I failed to follow a good teaching. Just as those corrupt priests failed to follow the good teachings of Catholic Moral Theology.

    On the second thing you said, you are mistaking pleasure for happiness. It's a common mistake people make, especially nowadays. Pleasure is a fleeting sensation, a physical sensation that is pleasurable. Happiness, on the other hand, is a deeply felt emotion, or a content state of the soul. Depressed people often binge on junk food, but does that cure them of their depression? Does that make them happy? Of course not. Falling into the temptation of sin never makes us happy, it just temporarily masks our unhappiness, and often adds to it once the thrill or momentary pleasure wears off. People are commonly tempted to do things that they know are not good for them.

    And the only reason it seems like I am preaching is that nobody has presented me with an argument for me to address, and consider. Just stupid, empty insults. Or comments like yours that make no sense. I don't mean to insult you or make fun of you, but when you make false claims and then insult me what do you expect me to do? There have been maybe 2 or 3 posts in this entire thread that were intelligent, well-thought out responses, but none of them disproved anything I said. Because unlike most of the other posts I have read on here so far, mine are not just things I made up, but are based on time-tested truths, facts, historical events, etc, as taught by the Catholic Church. I am simply repeating what countless other educated academics and theologians have revealed throughout the ages. There is nothing new under the sun, and anyone who claims to have a "new way of life" is simply repeating the mistakes of past civilizations that failed.
  10. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Wow, you grow more and more disgustingly obtuse with each post.

    So when I was 15 and I banged a 16 year old (underage) Catholic school girl, you equate that to a 50 year old man anally sodomizing a 10 year old boy.

    And no, it wasn't a "handful", it was 10s of thousands of priests.


    Btw, I refuse to treat you with the respect you think you deserve, yet continue to show you have not earned.

    This thread has totally jumped the shark.

  11. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Just keep digging that hole. First you said that some were talking about having sex with under age catholic school girls, WHICH IS A LIE, and now you say that people here advocate raping catholic school girls, ANOTHER LIE, then you double down with the "under age catholic school girl" claim, THE LIE TRIFECTA.

    I have not let any lies get in the way of what I post, NO MATTER HOW MANY LIES YOU POST, I don't let your lies stop me from posting the truth.

    You are the only one posting lies, you claim to have proof of things but the proof never seems to find it's way into your posts, only your claims of proof. A little tidbit for you, when you say you have proof of something, the time to post that proof would be at that same exact moment you post the words "I have proof". Where is the proof that masturbation is bad for you?

    All I saw in that last paragraph was blah blah blah blah, it means nothing in this conversation except that we know it is only the true catholic church that raped and abused young children, not any of the offshoots you talk down about.
  12. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Just stop with the "nobody has presented me with an argument for me to address". When you were first presented with them you chose to go with the "because no one knows what came before the big bang, must be god". You were then rightfully mocked and most will continue to do so.

    Your "facts" are just you saying something is true without presenting any actual proof. Either admit you were wrong about masturbation or present proof that it is harmful. I know you can not prove it is harmful but you will continue to avoid the issue.

    Once you admit you are wrong about that we will move on to the next untruth you posted.
  13. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    He's approaching soxx and barcs level.

  14. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Actually, you have not added one piece of factual or truthful information to the discussion. You just continue to hurl childish insults and repeat the lies and myths you hear from the Bill Mahers of the world. It's more accurate to say that not one Priest was ever convicted of molesting a child. Seriously, show me proof that even one Priest molested a child, I bet you can't. The whole Priest molestation scandal is probably just a smear campaign by church-haters. A handful of Priests have been accused, but I don't think even ONE has ever been convicted. Has one Priest ever been tried in a court of law? The Church defrocked those accused and paid out settlements to the alleged victims but I don't think they were ever tried publicly. Instead of just screaming "that's so stupid, you poopy face!", or something like that, which is your typical reply to my posts, can you actually provide a single link showing that a Priest has been convicted? If not, then please do us all a favor and STFU about this already!

    And since you write like you are 10 years old, here's a video that might help you:

    #4 on that list especially .... "It's OK to disagree, but it's not OK to be mean."
  15. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Holy shit you are an idiot.

    You sit here and spouttotal pie in the sky dogma handed down by your church elders and you've been exposed by a dozen posters here as being a total fraud and an ass.

    Well done, you've represented yiurself and your church well.

    And by well I mean like shit.

    TommyJ likes this.
  16. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    1) Nobody presented me with a scientific explanation for how the universe could have come about without God. All I got was "just because science doesn't have an explanation right now, doesn't mean they won't discover one in the future". I presented sound logical arguments for the existence of God, complete with links to actual evidence and scholarly works. Nobody who doubts the existence of God was able to provide even one link, or any kind of logical argument. They just sidestep the issue, then mock what they call my "imaginary friend" or the "flying spaghetti monster" or whatever other childish insults they can come up with.

    2) Here's a whole list of scholarly articles on the harmful psychological effects of frequent masturbation:

    Once again, you are proven wrong on all counts. This is the 2nd time today I've had to respond to your baseless claims. This isn't even challenging, please put more thought and/or research into your posts. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but this is your 2nd post today that hasn't even made any they say on ESPN, C'MON MAN! ;)
  17. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    ...Says JStokes, the all knowing, supreme guru of the universe! You don't need any sources, or any facts, or to even make sense, because whatever comes from your beautiful mind is gospel. All hail JStokes! Just keep spouting your crap that you make fact you need to find some of these wise "elders" you keep talking about, and learn something. The wisdom of experience should not be discounted. I remember back in the late 90's, when the internet stock boom was at its height, and all these young kids (myself included) thought it was a "new market", and "the old rules don't apply anymore". I remember my grandfather, in his wisdom, telling me that he didn't understand this "new market", and that according to conventional wisdom, none of these tech companies were making money, and the insane valuations did not make sense, and were not sustainable. I thought he was just an old, out of touch "elder", as you like to say.....turns out the elders were right, and when the market crashed tons of 20-something millionaires went broke, those without a solid religious foundation committed suicide, and the wise old "elders" turned out to be right all along.

    So go find yourself an "elder" and learn something before you waste our time with any more of your juvenile posts. Seriously you sound like a 15 year old...the expression "arrested development" comes to mind.
    #397 Truth4U2, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  18. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    The priest molestation scandal was just a smear campaign.

    Holy shit.

    17,000 documented cases of abuse, the Catholic Church ADMITTING to abuses and to payoffs and shuttling priests to foreign jurisdictions to avoid prosecution.

    Yeah, it's one big smear campaign.

    Disgusting how these enablers defend the indefensible.

    BeastBeach likes this.
  19. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Go look up ESPNs QBR, put down your church elders talking points and stop looking like an imbecile.

  20. Charlie Kelly

    Charlie Kelly Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    This is a good resource. There are thousands listed as accused along with media report links and also the number of convicted is easily in the hundreds

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