Religion - a respectful discussion, for those interested

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Truth4U2, May 2, 2015.

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  1. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    So true, I remember the end of the school year we would always head over to Msgr. Scanlan High School because those girls were ready to let loose.

  2. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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  3. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    What do you mean disrespectful?
    Per OP sexual use of prepubescent boys is blown out of proportions while masturbation is widely known to be bad.

    I'm just summarizing OP's teachings, that's all.
  4. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I hate how Truth4U2 is the PR rep for Christians on here. But from what I've read and kind of understand from skimming through this thread, he is a Catholic, so it mostly makes sense now.
  5. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Medical professionals will tell you that it is recommended for prostate health to ejaculate there times a week or so. Keeps things moving through the system. It's great if you can get that fucking your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever, but if not, better to jerk off than not. Maybe if you do it thinking about jesus, that would be ok?
    TommyJ likes this.
  6. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    three times a day or three times a week? :D
  7. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Well I think it's at least three times a week. I don't know if there is an upper limit to the recommendation. I think I read somewhere that it takes about 48 hours to completely regenerate a full load of semen.
  8. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    J pie!


    How did Cardinal Spellman die?

    Someone slipped him a poison alterboy.
  9. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Where the hell do you get this crap? You cite an obscure link to some guy named Farouk - no qualifications whatsoever. Isn't he the guy who was the "Egyptian Magician?" He even admits that he went looking to write the story but could not find any research to prove his point but wrote it anyway.

    That's you all over. Just spout your twisted opinion and try to pass it off as "fact" or "truth" when there is no substance to your argument. The way you pussyfoot around the perverted clergy criminals is disgusting and you really need to do a little self-examination (if you'll pardon the expression) to understand why you need to be an apologist for the unforgiveable.

    Perhaps you should take some time off here in order to come to grips with the seriousness of the crimes and perversity which you so cavalierly excuse if the perpetrator wears his collar backwards. Seriously.
    Charlie Kelly likes this.
  10. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    haaahaaa! you said it above pal, the bible is the best selling book of all time, and it is indeed all about selling and show business, just like politics.
    I'm proud to have had the most ridiculous post you've seen, for if it's ridiculous to you, that means im sound as a pound over here. Jesus' Resurrection as reported on CNN? oh that changes everything for me, ok now im a believer. thanks for that. i feel clean, and reborn.
  11. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Would you like to add to the discussion on here? So far, the mature responsible adults seem to be scared away (or just disgusted) by the handful of adolescent boys who are so clueless about religion it's just sad. 80% of the country is still represented by the moral majority, the grounded, mature, family-oriented good people of the world. How many of them attend church on a weekly basis is another story. But the immature clowns who are mocking religion in this thread represent a tiny minority of lost souls, those living their lives in "quiet desperation" and dismissing the very thing that can make them happy. I'm paraphrasing a famous quote by Henry David Thorough, btw.

    Religion is the way out of that life of quiet desperation, and the path that leads to inner peace, joy, and happiness. Most people in the world still understand this.
    The teaching of the Catholic Church is the solution not only to the Priest abuse scandal, but to the epidemic of sexual abuse in general in our society. Horny, perverted overgrown adolescents, who feel the pathological need to whack off to porn, and lust after school girls...they are posing as camp counselors, coaches, school aides, substitute teachers, etc, in an attempt to find their victims. Priests are a tiny footnote, grossly exaggerated by those same horny, overgrown adolescent boys who are out there abusing girls.

    Catholic moral theology is the solution to the problem of sexual abuse, and most other societal problems. If everyone was a practicing Catholic, it would be a utopia, truly Heaven on earth! But sadly, not enough people embrace the Truths of history, which always lead to the Catholic Church.

    The "Sexual Revolution" is the root cause of most of the problems we now face, including pornography, abortion, rape, sexual abuse, etc. Nobody is perfect no matter what the social climate, but when the Catholic Church predominated in American Culture in the 1940's and 1950's, there were far fewer problems in society. It was a sane, mature, rational age....what we have now is insanity, plain and simple; a bunch of overgrown selfish adolescents in positions of authority, who call themselves adults but who are living more like teenagers. This is an overgeneralization of course, but the closer you get to the metro NY area, the more immature idiots you find.
    #371 Truth4U2, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
  12. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I don't argue with idiots. Sorry.
  13. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Hey check out the big brain on Nebraska. You might not be as dumb as I'm sure you look.
  14. JetsHuskers fan

    JetsHuskers fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I like how he keeps playing off the child sex abuse that ran rampant through the Catholic Church as if it was no big deal. Well it is a big deal in how they covered it up and lied about it.

    Maybe if Catholics let their preachers marry like they do in every other Christain denomination they would not have had that mess.
  15. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    This post is why no one takes you seriously. You didn't start this thread to discuss, you started it to preach. No matter what was posted it would not have mattered. Many millions of people live happy, fulfilling lives without having to rely on some unseen and unproven being.

    And now those of us that are not religious are perverts now? Go fuck yourself, it was priests and other members of this "great" religion you follow who molested young children, not me or anyone else in this thread who has jerked off before. If "catholic moral theology is the solution to the problem of sexual abuse" then there would have been no priests abusing young children in the first place.

    You have been so deluded by your church that you are the one who will never know true happiness since you are locked in to what the church says makes you happy, not what really makes you happy. Anyone that thinks the sexual revolution was the cause of pornography, abortion, rape, sexual abuse, etc. is flat out wrong. Just another one of the many statements you have made with no basis in fact.
    slimjasi and Ralebird like this.
  16. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    First of all, leaving the Catholic Church because some Priests were accused of child molestation is crazy, it makes no sense. That's like saying you're never going to a doctor again because some doctors are accused of malpractice, or that you're pulling your kids out of school because some teachers have been accused of molesting children. Or maybe you should leave your wife, because some wives have cut off the dicks of their husbands. In fact, the number of Priests who have actually molested children is probably the same as the number of wives who have cut off their husband's penis. When you wake up and find Mr. Johnson missing, don't say I didn't warn you LOL!

    And the Catholic Church doesn't just have "preachers" like Protestant groups do, we have actual clerics, real Priests. Authentically ordained. We have real masses as well, with the sacrament of the Eucharist. Protestant church "services" are a group of Christians who get together, led by a lay preacher with no formal training, or objective standard. Every pastor is free to come up with his own interpretation of the Bible. Chaos really. Only the Catholic Church is the authentic Church of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. Jesus called Peter "The Rock upon whom I build my Church", ordaining him as the first Pope. The Apostles were annointed with the Holy Spirit and ordained as the first Priests. They even performed miracles themselves after Jesus was resurrected; they were clearly authentic clerics ordained with supernatural graces and powers. Jesus said "truly I say to you, unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not have life within you". To this, the apostles and other followers at first said "this teaching is hard, how can anyone believe this?" ...and many left. That proves that Jesus meant that the Eucharist is much more than a symbol or reminder of His presence. ..... how Protestants, who claim to use the Bible only, can deny these things is beyond me.

    And the reason that Priests do not marry is that they are supposed to be 100% devoted to their congregation. A wife and family would take away from the time they would have for their Priestly duties. They are supposed to give their whole lives to Christ and his church....if married, their top priority would be their wife and family, not their congregation.
  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    He's too funny, priests have been raping children for centuries, now that they've been outed, all of a sudden they are the protectors of our youth.

    That's like asking Rosie to guard the donuts.

  18. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    No, some of the people in this thread have been talking about having sex with underage Catholic School girls; I never called anyone in here a pervert, as you just accused me of doing. But now that you mention it, apparently there are some sexual predators here, dirty old men talking about fucking Catholic School girls....and you try to claim we don't need religion? The sexual revolution, unchecked, leads to horny men lusting after young girls. When there is no morality, eventually anything goes.

    And you actually said: "If "catholic moral theology is the solution to the problem of sexual abuse" then there would have been no priests abusing young children in the first place."....are you kidding me, that makes absolutely no sense! Those few Priests accused of molesting children, if they were actually guilty, were obviously not fulfilling their Priestly duties, and were obviously not following Catholic Moral Theology. So what you said there makes no sense.

    And how can you say that the Catholic Church has not made me happy?! You don't even know me. Although I was raised Catholic, I did not always follow my Faith. I know for a fact that when I am living my Faith well, I am MUCH happier than when I am not. Even now, when I like to think of myself as a devout Catholic, I still struggle at times to avoid sin and follow the teachings of my Faith. But I don't abandon it, because not only am I convinced that it's the absolute objective Truth, but I have found that I am much happier when I avoid sin and follow my Faith closely. It's a discipline; like those who diet and deny themselves fast food or fatty desserts, they do that because they feel better on a healthy diet. Same thing with religion, and in my experience the Catholic Church. When I follow my Faith closely, although I may have to give up some short-term sexual pleasure, for example, I know that when I do my days are more fulfilling to me and I am happier and more productive. I am only the best version of myself when I am living my Faith and avoiding sin. I have found that to be true. My Faith has been a tremendous practical benefit for me.
  19. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    + a billion.

  20. Charlie Kelly

    Charlie Kelly Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Truth is becoming the biggest troll on this forum
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