Religion - a respectful discussion, for those interested

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by Truth4U2, May 2, 2015.

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  1. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    as insulting as we have been, it pales in comparison to Truth, these last few replies of his have pretty much ended
    any hopes of seeing him be enlightened so to speak
  2. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Well, that's 100 pages now; the guy who called for respectful discussion in the OP has shown no respect with his constant lies.

    Pull the plug!
  3. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Are you serious?! Your post is so completely wrong, and clueless, that really I just feel sorry for you. Do you REALLY believe that nonsense, or are you just hell-bent on contradicting me no matter what??? HIV is rampant among the gay community in SF, due to the exchange of bodily fluids among so many "sex" partners (sodomy victims to be more accurate). Actually, heterosexuals who are promiscous, with multiple sex partners run the same risk, but for some reason HIV has been much more prevalent among the gay community. Maybe it's their deviant lifestyle that is closely associated with drug abuse as well. It's sad really.

    We have so much technology today yet we are so incredibly stupid as a society it's almost mind-boggling. I guess it's not surprising, with the steady erosion of our public school system over the past 50 years or so.
  4. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Just ignore the trolls buddy. There are some extremely immature individuals posting in this thread, and it tests my patience as well. But like any good middle school teacher, we need to realize that they are simply uninformed, and in some cases probably just adolescents. Sadly, they have been brainwashed by the "MTV culture", so to speak, and have "learned" more from South Park and Family Guy than they have from school. Of course with the way public schools have declined over the past 50 years or so, they might not be much better off even if they did pay attention to their poorly educated young "teachers" nowadays. The curriculums are a joke as well.

    So we have to be patient, and remember that there was a time when we too were in a similar place as some of the posters here. I will admit, when I was in my 20's I was still pretty naive myself, and immature.

    So we need the Catholics, Protestant Christians, and others to post the important and live-enhancing truths that, sadly today, many people are not getting. If they don't learn these things here, they may not anywhere else. And even if they "push back" on the surface with their knee-jerk reactionary replies, secretly they may be thinking about these timeless truths that countless billions have treasured for centuries. They may not want to give you and I (and the other religious posters here) the satisfaction, but they may be getting something out of our posts. At least that's the hope. Sometimes all you can do is "plant the seed" and let God do the rest. And as Catholics, we are a people of hope, and love, and JOY. We need to work to share the wellspring of our joy with others, whenever possible, so that they too may one day benefit as we do. It's part of the charity that we try to practice.
    #1984 Truth4U2, Oct 17, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
  5. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    "It's sad, really."
  6. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    You are completely clueless. Homosexuality can in no way cause HIV. Unsafe sex is one thing that can cause Aids and no matter your sexual proclivity you can get it. Of course there are other ways to catch it, heterosexuals that share needles run the same risk as well as some other ways.
    HIV/Aids is a huge problem in some African countries that have a minuscule homosexual population so your assertion that it is a homosexual problem is just dead wrong.
    You are just as likely to contract Aids as a gay man that practices safe sex and does not share needles. Just stop with your stupidity already. Fucking moron.
    I like how you stick the term"sodomy victims" in your post, you must be thinking of the young altar boys.
  7. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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  8. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Well, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), my post was right on target.

    "Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet are the population most severely affected by HIV. In 2010, young gay and bisexual men (aged 13-24 years) accounted for 72% of new HIV infections among all persons aged 13 to 24, and 30% of new infections among all gay and bisexual men. At the end of 2011, an estimated 500,022 (57%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men, or gay and bisexual men who also inject drugs."

    So, as you can see, my comments were based on facts.
  9. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    ...and again, according to the most current Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, Sodomy is defined as "anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex; also: copulation with an animal"

    ...shows how screwed up and ass-backwards our society has become in the year 2015, that we actually accept some of these deviant, abusive, and unhealthy behaviors. (with the exception of beastiality, although the way things are going who knows where public perception on that will be in 10-20 years. smh. Crazy, isn't it.
  10. Faux machine

    Faux machine Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
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  11. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Mods- WTF?


  12. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    It's here to stay……no turning back now…

  13. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Question: How could anal sex between consenting adults possibly be construed as abusive? You either: A) Have no earthly conception of what that word actually means OR B) You are intentionally misusing it in order to advance your agenda
  14. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    This must be a TGG approved thread to promote clicks.

    Otherwise there is no earthly reason to allow this crap to continue.

    slimjasi and Ralebird like this.
  15. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    You are obviously too dumb to understand that you can't get HIV/Aids just because you are homosexual, you get it from sharing needles, having unprotected sex and a few other ways.
    From your post
    "At the end of 2011, an estimated 500,022 (57%) persons living with an HIV diagnosis in the United States were gay and bisexual men, or gay and bisexual men who also inject drugs.", A smart person could then deduce that 43% of those with HIV are heterosexual. Your premise that "if you are gay you get aids" is just more bullshit with no basis in fact. Once again, you don't get Aids just because you are gay, you get it from sharing needles, having unprotected sex and a few other ways.
    Sam Hammer likes this.
  16. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    Truth needs a one-way ticket to destination:

  17. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Yeah, I was reading his posts in the Jets forum and it occurred to me that we haven't had a more obvious troll on this forum for probably 5 or 6 years. It's pretty bad.
  18. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    Truth, one day you'll be found in the park throwing breadcrumbs at yourself when you find out all the bullshit you spew is simply just that.
    It's an insult to bullshit actually. deranged......
  19. Sam Hammer

    Sam Hammer Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    The catholic church will eventually accept gay marriage. Bank on it. Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality. The religious justification for the anti gay view point is so ridiculously outdated. It all comes from the book of Leviticus, something that was written 4000 or so years ago.

    This same book also says not to eat shellfish, not to wear mixed fabrics, stoning people for adultery, stoning disobedient children and also condones slavery. There are countless rules in Leviticus that are way out dated, so to cherry pick the one rule out of the hundreds and use it to justify hatred today, really makes me wonder.

    Why aren't the anti gay people attacking folks that wear mix fabrics as well? According to their book, it's just as bad. It's just weird how a view based on hate or devaluation of another person is the one view that sticks in modern times aside from the ten commandments. It's downright hypocritical to claim that one rule is fact while ignoring most of the rest, including the several teachings of Jesus about empathy and not judging others.

    So to Truth, my question is this. Why do you think god doesn't like homosexuals? What is the justification? I hope you have more than Leviticus, and if not I hope you follow all of the commandments to a T. Just let me know when your child breaks a rule and you have to stone him. I'd like to be there for that.

    Except when it comes to homosexuals, right? Unless you consider it sharing your joy with others to judge them and not give the same rights as anyone else? Yeah keep spreading that hope, love and joy as you try to paint gay people as disease ridden abominations to society.
    #1999 Sam Hammer, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  20. Truth4U2

    Truth4U2 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
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    That's a good question, thank you for asking it. I realize that on the surface there seems to be no problem with anal sex (or oral sex, for that matter) between consenting fact until fairly recently I would have agreed with you. But when you study it more closely, some key points become evident. 1) Just because both people agree to engage in the behavior does not make it healthy for either one of them, and 2) psychology and the physical aspects of human sexuality are closely linked.

    I'll try to explain. First of all, our human sex organs (genitalia) are like machines, in that they are designed for a specific function, namely procreation. Without spelling it all out (I assume we all know how this works, lol!), it's obvious that the dual role of the male "member" is urination and providing sperm cells for cooperating on God's act of creating new life, while the female genitalia is designed to receive those sperm cells and facilitate the development of a new human being. We all agree with that part, but the key to understanding why other forms of erotic behavior are unnatural and harmful is an understanding of the psychology built into human sexuality. In order to facilitate the continuation of the species, God created (or evolution produced, if you prefer) a dual system of the physical and psychological, both for the same end of creating new life. In other words, there is a strong psychological and emotional drive for a man and a woman to engage in intercourse the way God (or evolution) intended. (for believers, they are one in the same; evolution describes the mechanism by which God creates). There is a well-documented "bonding effect" in science; when a man and woman engage in sex (proper intercourse open to new life, that is), chemicals are released in the brain that create a unity between the man and woman. Think about the first time you had sex, and how attached you felt to that person. Now, when someone then has sex with multiple other partners, the brain is "confused" so to speak, and the bonding effect is diminished with each successive partner. (your feelings of attachment are "spread thin" so to speak). Makes sense, doesn't it? Sex is designed to be a physical expression of the love between a man and a woman, a perfect, complementary union; a man and woman each brings unique qualities that complement each other like a key in a lock, both in terms of the physical act and the psychological/emotional/spiritual bond.

    So, we are designed to be united in love, man and woman, and this loving union naturally provides a stable home environment for children to be born into. The loving relationship between a man and woman, exclusively devoted to each other, provides a secure, stable, loving environment for the healthy development of the child. And the mutual love of the parents for their children further solidifies the marital bond.

    But why not a man and another man, or two women? The answer, which should be self-evident when you really stop to think about it, is that 2 men do not complement each other, nor do 2 women. It's like "2 locks" or "2 keys" trying to fit together; only a key and its complementary lock fit securely together, united as one. Not only are 2 men or 2 women unable to conceive a child through natural means, but if they adopt a child, that child will have to grow up without a mother or a father. And artificial insemination is no better, in fact it is even worse since you are artificially, in a lab, "playing God" when normal sexual intercourse is a "collaborative effort" between God and man, and whether the extremely small chance of conception actually happens (in biology we learn how unlikely the process actually is, statistically speaking) is a matter of the will of God. It's no accident; of course this is a matter of faith, but when you have both a strong understanding of science as well as a strong faith, it makes perfect sense. A mother has a unique set of gifts which no man can duplicate, and a man has a unique set of gifts which no woman can duplicate. I realize this is counter-cultural today, but it's still true, no matter what popular opinion may be. Science understands that women and men are fundamentally different not just in terms of their biology, but psychologically as well.

    As for individuals with same sex attraction (SSA), they are called to a unique lifestyle. Just as some people are not cut out to be married, some people choose celibate religious lives, some people choose to live as hermits, etc. But that does not mean that sodomy with their chosen life partner is healthy for them or their partner! That's NOT love, but disordered lust, just as masturbation is disordered lust, and psychologically/emotionally harmful.. Oral "sex", properly understood, is mutual masturbation, and has nothing at all to do with SEX. It represents 2 people abusing each other for their own lustful pleasure, and is psychologically harmful to both! ... Again, these ideas are not popular in our culture today, but that doesn't make then untrue. Science is not a popularity contest, human nature is not a popularity contest, truth is not a matter of popular opinion. That's what many people today don't understand.
    #2000 Truth4U2, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
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