Rays Talk

Discussion in 'Baseball Forum' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Hey you fucking retard, you weren't ":attacked becautse of the Rays success", you were attacked because you're a fucking retard. The Devil Rays ARE playing above their heads... you listed players below their career BA, why not mention the pitchers...

    Scott Kazmir- Carrer 3.53 ERA, this year 2.63
    Matt Garza- Career 4.06 ERA, this year 3.47
    James Shields- Career 4.09 ERA, this year 3.70
    Andy Sonnanstine- Career 5.31 ERA, this year 4.60
    Edwin Jackson- Career 5.30 ERA, this year 4.33
    Dan Wheeler- Career 3.89 ERA, this year 1.82
    Trevor Miller- Career 4.43 ERA, this year 3.74
    JP Howell- Career 5.54 ERA, this year 2.96
    Gary Glover- Career 4.90 ERA, this year 3.45
    Grant Balfour- Career 4.77 ERA, this year 1.08
    Jason Hammel- Career 6.24 ERA, this year 4.98

    Almost every pitcher on the fucking team is far exceeding their career numbers right now, and that won't last. If you think it will, you're stupid.

    I'm fucking drunk out of my mind and still made you look stupid. Not hard appeatrently.

    No one thinks the Devil Rays have the best farm in baseball, though they should since they sucked so bad every single year they had a top 3 pick. And they won't get anyone.
  2. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    Not to take sides but most of those pitchers that you listed are young so it is possible that a good amount can maintain their success this year with experience. And there have been plenty of teams that have been in the exact example that you just described and rode it all the way deep into the playoffs, I can already think of 5 teams in recent world series alone

    And this is from Baseball America,
    "In addition to all their young talent in Tampa, their farm system also has been ranked No. 1 by Baseball America for two years running."
  3. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Well it looks like you're saying "Fucking" a lot. I can tell you're a sad person in life. You're just another low life. I'm also about to pull the covers off you're face and prove that you're just another little hyporcite that this world could do without. Go play in traffic. Pay attention to this next post. You little hyporcite!

    Have you ever heard of "players getting better with experience"? You do know that Andy Sonnanstine is the oldest pitcher in this Rays starting rotation right? He's only 26.

    Kazmir is only 24 years of age. He's slowly coming into his own and becoming the ace of this Rays rotation. Last year he led the American league in K's. (I can tell you had no idea) So yeah, I would REALLY HOPE that his career era of 3.53 continues to go down. I mean, have you ever heard of a "learning curve"? Have you ever heard of "rookies having problems on the mound at times"? Probably not, because you seem to know NOTHING about baseball. Knocking a starting pitcher because he lowers his era? Are you freaking kidding me idiot? lol, thats funny. I can do the SAME exact thing with the Boston pitchers.

    (I'm about to point out and prove how you're nothing but a dunk hyporcite). Pay attention, I'm about to make you look like a Baseball CLOWN.

    (I'm about to mock you're original post that you made about the Rays pitchers ERA #'s) I'm about to MOCK you: And it was OH SO EASY! All I'm doing is mocking you right now idiot. (Wanna call people names? That's what I'm also doing to you) Stupid.

    Ready? I'm about to make you STFU... And then you can just SHUT YOUR PIE hole. Wanna talk about "exceeding their career numbers right now" EVERY pitcher on the Red Sox is pitching "Above their head" (AS YOU WOULD SAY) lol


    Josh Beckett's career ERA=3.73, his ERA in 2008 is 3.70 (I guess he's pitching above his head) lol. That's how STUPID you sound right now, you little drunk. Go check into AA you little bum.

    Dice-K's career ERA= 4.05, in 2008 Dice-K has an era of 3.12. (According to you, Dice-K will fall back down to earth) lol... I guess Dice-K is REALLY having a lucky season. lol. His record last year was 15-12, this year he is 9-1. According to you, he can NEVER keep this up! He is BOUND to fall back down to reality. (Do you see how stupid you really look right now?) lol. Boston is BOUND to slump. (I'm just mocking you) I bet you can't tell. Can you? I doubt it.

    Jon Lester has a career era of 4.02, in 2008 Jon Lestor has an era of 3.21. See how stupid you sound right now with your little "Era stats". Want me to keep going? Ok, I will. Oh yeah... It looks like Lestor is also "exceeding his career numbers right now" As ONLY you would say.

    Even Tim Wakefield (according to you) is, how did you say it? Hold on, one second... Let me copy and paste "exceeding his career numbers right now". Oh yeah, thats right, let me talk about Tim Wakefield. Wakefield has a career ERA of 4.31, this year in 2008: Wakefield has a career era of 3.72 (Once again, do you see HOW STUPID YOU LOOK? You're a fool.

    And Masterson is a rookie with an era of 3.75. (According to you, his ERA can never lower because it's his "Career era as a rookie" Idiot.

    This is HOW STUPID you look & sound when you talk about players on the Rays lowering their era. The jokes on you, your just a clown who went to MLB,com and found some "Era stats". You actually thought you were proving a "point" Well I proved my point. Your an idiot.

    If you never knew that the Rays had the best farm system, you can NEVER talk about baseball or anything else with me again. It's clear that you either know NOTHING about basbeall, or you just love to hate on the Rays. Either way, you sound ignorant.

    Do you know how many top 20 pitching prospects the Rays have? 3.

    David Price (#10)
    Jacob McGee (15)
    Wade David (#17)

    No team in Baseball has three top 20 overall prospects. The Rays have 3 PITCHING prospects ranked in the top 20. Oh yeah, we also have some more ranked prospects for the lineup. I'll just leave you feeling stupid. I'll give you one player ranked in the top 20, (Brignac). I'll give you one player ranked in the top 40 (Desmond Jennings) and I'll also give you one player ranked in the top 100, (Jeff Niemann). We also have ALOT more top prospects. I'll let you look up the rest, lol. Have fun. Here is a hint: The #1 draft pick in this years draft (2008) In case you had no clue.

    You proved you know nothing about the Rays, baseball, or the Rays farm system. Everyone around baseball knows that the Rays have the best farm system with the most top prospects.

    #23 TampaBayJetsFan85, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  4. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    You do know that you're talking about yourself right? lol, that's the funny part.

    This is what you said to me.

    "Almost every pitcher on the fucking team is far exceeding their career numbers right now, and that won't last. If you think it will, you're stupid.

    Well guess what you little punk? EVERY pitcher in the Red Sox starting rotation is "exceeding their career numbers right now" And as you would also say... "and that won't last. If you think it will, you're stupid."

    Did you REALLY just call youself "Stupid" I think you did, know wait... I know you did. You're just a drunk, go check into AA (you need it)

  5. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    You're really not very good at trading insults, you know. I mean, in case you were wondering about something other than that baseball team stocked full of young talent you have a giant boner for.
  6. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    I was just being an asshole. He listed guys who were below their batting average, a pretty useless stat anyway, that had either one year in the majors, or were coming off a career year. I was trying to be equally absurd. I guess that doesn't translate well on the internet. Also, I was very drunk.
  7. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Here is the thread. I was looking for the Royals-Rays thread to post in last night as I watched the game, but I couldn't find it. I will be happy to post in it tonight though. :beer:
  8. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I just proved how much of a little prick you were, that's why you have nothing to say. lol, funny how things work. And that's right, you were being an asshole but thats nothing new, that's the type of person you are. Don't blame it on "Being drunk", go check yourslef into AA, you have some serious problems.

    -And 2005 was Crawfords career year, not 2007. lol

    -Also, last year was not a "career year" For B.J Upton. He has been in the league for years now, last year was just his FIRST chance to play as an everyday starter. He made the most of his playing time, he showed what he was made of. Far from a "Career year"

    -The only player who had a "Career year" Was Carlos Pena, and he's also having another breakout year in 08.

    You're a fool.

    And I have news for you buddy... Crawford, Upton, Longoria, Navarro, Kazmir, Shields, Garza, Sonnanstine, Jackson and the Rays will only continue to get better with experience. None of those players are over the age of 26. And they are all signed long term, the only one whos not in Upton and he has made it clear that he's signing in the offseason.

    Enjoy the Rays farm system, lol
  9. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    And that is my entire point. They Devil Rays don't have enough experience.

    Yet you have been trying to tell me how Price is going to come up and dominate the Major Leagues after not even throwing 50 innings in the minors, and only 12 as high as AA (unless he started last night, then it's like 17). So which is it? Do rookies struggle or dominate?

    This is really funny for some reason. Also, see above post. I wasn't actually serious.

    Yeah, if Josh Beckett's ERA goes up 0.03 points the Red Sox might was well just give up the season now.

    Record is a terrible way to judge a pitcher.

    Considering that the only two years he pitched in the Majors before this year he either HAD cancer or was recovering from chemo, I think getting better would be expected.

    Wakefield's ERA will certainly go up. He's a knuckleballer, and they are prone to periods of very good pitching and pretty bad. He's been on a good streak, but it's likely that he'll go on a bad one at some point. In the end he'll probably be around his career averages, like most players.

    I thought rookies were supposed to have a hard time on the mound?

    HAHAHAHAHAHA... I love when people do that.

    Anyway, I could come up with other stats if I wanted. Like the fact that the top 4 starters for the Sox rank 57th or better in VORP and only Kazmir on the Rays is higher than 66th. I just thought ERA would be the most complicated thing you could understand.

    On the Baseball Prospectus top 100 the Rays have 6 players listed, the Red Sox have 7. On Baseball America's list they each have 7. On Sports Illustrated they each have 7.

    So the Sox have the same number of top prospects the Rays do, and they've done it without tanking for 10 years and stocking up on top 3 picks.
  10. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    I'm not talking about overall prospects, I'm talking about prospects in the Minors, not combined. The Red Sox have players like Ellsbury, Masterson and players who have already been called up. The Red Sox farm system is NOT EVEN close to the Rays.

    W L Class Team ERA
    4-0 A Vero Beach 1.82
    2-0 AA Montogomery 1.50

    You know who that is? That's David Price. He's the most elite pitching prospect since Kerry Wood.

    Exciting time to be a Rays fan :=)

    And I was "Mocking you" When you were talking bs about the Rays pitchers era... So I just let you know that some rookies have problems on the mound. Jaba dominated as a rookie for the Yankees as the set-up man. And David Price is MUCH more elite than Jaba. I know ALOT about Jaba, and he will never be the pitcher that David Price is about to be, never.
  11. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Yeah, clearly anytime anyone goes to a party and has some drinks they are automatically an alcoholic with "serious problems". And I wouldn't go around calling people "little" anythings, when judging by your avatar you're about 4 foot 7.

    You don't even know your own team. Crawford had career highs last year in AVG, OBP, and OPS+. "lol"

    Last year was the best year in his career. And I said you named players that EITHER had one year experience or a career year last year. So pick which category Upton falls into. If you don't want to count his benchwarming years, then he had one year of playing. If you do, than last year was his best year. Either way, he fits in to what I said.

    Pena has been SIGNIFICANTLY worse this year compared to last year. His AVG has dropped 55 points, his OBP has dropped 75 points, and his SLG has dropped 198 points. He's also striking out more and walking far less.

    Hey look at that! You used the right one for once! Good job little buddy!

    Which again, IS MY ENTIRE POINT! I never said the Devil Rays don't have good players, I said they don't have the experience to handle a pennant race. Thank you for stating my point for me.
  12. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Fine, take away Ellsbury and Masterson for the Sox and Longoria for the Rays. The numbers are still basically the same.

    And where is Kerry Wood now? Oh yeah, in the bullpen because he can't stay healthy. Yes, he's having a good year, but he has to be considered a bust at this point. Which is my point. You never know what prospects, especially pitching prospects will do.

    So basically you're saying that rookies struggle when it's convenient to your feeble argument, but they dominate when it helps to make your weak point.

    The second part is pure nonsense and conjecture that has no basis in anything.
  13. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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  14. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Ok, I'm going to bump this thread when the Rays make the playoffs. I know 100% they will make the playoffs. You say we "lack the experience"

    When it's all said and done, we will see who was right and who was wrong. Time will tell. But I have watched Baseball since I was a kid, I know the Rays will win the East. Watch, just watch. It's clear that you know NOTHING.

    I'm done with you. I already proved that the Rays were not "Playing above of their heads" If thats the case... Then so are the pitchers on the Red Sox. (according to you)

    I also proved that the Rays have the top prospects. It's not even close.

    I'm done with you.

    I'm about to watch the Yankees get a win over the Red Sox, then It's time to watch the Rays go 4 games above the Red Sox against the Royals tonight.

    P.S The Red Sox have 5 more loses than the Rays, about to be 6 after tonight.

    I'm done with you. I made a post about the Rays sweeping the Red Sox, you could not handle it... It's obvious. When it's all said and done with, the Rays will take the East. When I bump this thread, you're gonna be the one that looks like a clown.

    "We lack experience" lol

    The Rays are .500 on the Road

    The Red Sox cant win on the road, big problem. That WILL be the downfall of the Sox
  15. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    -15. Wade Davis, RHP, Rays: A 6'5" righty with a big-time fastball and one of the best curves around, Davis will just be one part of what will be a nightmare rotation for opponents facing the Rays in the years to come.

    Exactly. And read the remarks next to David Price. So called "Experts" Never thought the Rays had a chance to compete this year. That shows how much everyone really knows. I really wouldnt expect you to think any different.

    Scott Kazmir
    David Price
    Wade Davis
    James Shields
    Edwin Jackson

    Just wait, another two years and the Rays will have the best rotation in all of baseball with a NASTY bullpen.

    The Rays are not going anywhere, get used to it. In two years Kazmir will ONLY be 26 and our oldest pitcher, Shields, will only be 28. All of our young prospects are signed long term.

    Get use to it, I'm out.
  16. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    So because the Sox prospects are good enough to get called to the Majors, they somehow don't count? Buchholz is in AAA right now, and Masterson will probably go back once Colon gets off the DL. Then there are the players in the last 3 years from the farm system who are quality players already... Pedroia, Papelbon, Lester, Delcarmen, Youkilis, Hanley Ramirez (traded), David Murphy (traded). The Red Sox have done an EXCELLENT job with the draft since this management group took over in 2003. The reason the Sox prospects are lower on the list is because they are in the lower levels of the minors for the most part, because the last group of prospects have moved to the big leagues. And again, the Devil Rays SHOULD have good prospects since they sucked so bad for years that they have had top 3 picks every year. And it's just now that they are starting to get decent prospects. What were they doing for the last 10 years?
  17. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    You are an absolute moron. Get it through your fucking midget head that I'm not saying they won't be good in the future or that they don't have good players. I'm saying that THIS YEAR, THEY DO NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE NEEDED TO HANDLE A PENNANT RACE. I know you're functionally retarded, but it shouldn't be that hard to understand.
  18. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Well the Rays have the best farm system in baseball, hands down, that's all I said because everyone around baseball agrees. The Red Sox have a good farm system, but it's no where near the Rays. We are FULL of nothing but top 50 prospects.

    You keep on saying "We lack the experience needed to handle a pennant race". Cliff Floyd, Eric Hinske and Troy Percival have all been around them before. And the other solid player we have, are good enough to handle their own. Time will tell, but the Rays have the #1 record in baseball for a reason, they also played the #1 ranked SOS which is tough any which way you look @ it. Still walked away with the best record in baseball.

    Out of the next 30 games, over 20 of them are against teams with below .500 records. First time all year that our #1 ranked SOS drops off, BIG TIME.

    Say what you want, I have grew up watching this team since 98 and I know what type of team they have. I have watched baseball for years and the Rays ARE contenders this year, and will be in the playoffs. Book it. I could care less if a person such as youself thinks they "Lack the experience".

    The Rays are ALREADY 21 games over .500, even if the Rays play .500 ball the rest of the way, we would then end up with 91 wins. All this team has to do is play .500 ball the rest of the way? And they end up with 91 wins? Amazing.

    This team has won in April, won in May, won in June and is also 3-0 in July. They are showing NO signs of slowing down.

    17 of the next 22 games in July are against teams with below .500 records, come back and talk to me after July. lol.

    Just to let you know, the Rays played 20 of 26 games in June against teams with above .500 records (Red Sox, Rangers, Angels, Marlins, and Cubs).

    The Rays still finished 16-10, 6 games above .500 during that brutal month.

    Watch what this Rays team does in July. You have NO IDEA, I'm just excited to know that I do. Just watch. Holla @ me after July. We can talk some more, we WILL talk some more.

    You also said in another one of your angry posts "You are an absolute moron. Get it through your fucking midget head that I'm not saying they won't be good in the future or that they don't have good players. I'm saying that THIS YEAR, THEY DO NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE NEEDED TO HANDLE A PENNANT RACE."

    As you would say... (This is what I'm saying) You are an absolute moron. Get it through your fucking big head that I'm saying the Rays WILL MAKE THE PLAYOFFS in 2008.

    How are the Tigers and Yankees doing with all of thier "Pennant race experience"?

    Exactly, this is 2008, not 1996.
    #38 TampaBayJetsFan85, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  19. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    The Red Sox lack the bullpen deph before Pappelbon to make the playoffs in 2008. Pathatic bullpen.
  20. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    I've watched baseball for as far back as I can remember. You aren't unique because you've watched the game for 10 years. I've PLAYED for 20 and still do today. I've also managed for the last 4 and plan to coach at high school as part of my career. You act as if you know more about baseball than anyone because you have watched a shitty team for 10 years. My point is that they are very similar to last year's Brewers team and the numbers back that up. They lack experience and my opinion is that said lack of experience will be their downfall.

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