He deserves a chance to get back into the league eventually. I was as anti rice as anyone when it happened, but people deserve second chances after they receive proper punishment for their actions. It's just too bad the authorities didn't provide the proper punishment themselves.
Just back from a trip and reading some of the backtracking and changes in stances after defending Rice's actions and saying they'd do the exact same things is truly LOLWorth. It's embarrassing. _
Another moronic post. Acknowledging that she hit him, which is domestic abuse, in no way equates to believing that his response to the abuse was warranted. You see the stupidity you are defending, Mangold?
I think this is an awesome point--lots of people think that they get away with something when they don't get punished--often the opposite is true. I think about OJ--his life would have been better if he was convicted and served 15-25 years. His not-guilty verdict actually ruined him more than a guilty verdict would have. His life sucks now very much. As it should. Same with Rice--a one year suspension, domestic abuse counseling, etc and petition for reinstatement as a "changed man" is preferable to what is going on now. As things stand now, this is worst-case scenario for him and he will never be reinstated or even respected in any way until he takes his punishment.
No there are far worse. One fraud defended Rice's actions for dozens and dozens of posts and now is playing the chivalry card. _
And you wonder why I call 1985 a piece of shit and a fraud. Go beat the shit out of a woman for being spit on. Now backtracking like a bitch ass pussy. Irvington NJ not only raised weak ass pussy bitches but pieces of shit to boot. _
Bobby. I saw her hit him at least 3 times in the video available. I don't think it justifies his actions at all. But let's get real.