Hell no they wouldn't. Just like the Steelers trade Holmes because of weed but keep Big Ben after being accused of 2 rapes.
Fuck roger gooddell hes a puppet . Salute to Baltimore. Sad it took the actual footage for it to happen. Goodell gives out crazy harsh punishment for animal abuse but lets domestic abuse and manslaughter slide.. Oh yeah let's suspend Gordon for some weed all year but give Ray two weeks.. What a joke. Then suspends rice indefinitely after Baltimore already cut him bc his punk bitch ass seen how to do his job from people that works for him!
The best of all the hypocrisy is that they only gave him 2 games, but made a new policy saying that first time offenders will get 6 games for first time offenders. Last I checked Ray Rice is a first time offender and should have only been given 6 games. I'm glad he's gone and I won't even watch the video of what he did, but the NFL is just looking worse and worse in this situation. They handled this terribly.
Am I the only one that finds this fucking retarded? What did everyone think happened? Him dragging his fiancee out of an elevator didnt provide enough context clues that he slugged her?
http://fox4kc.com/2014/09/08/graphic-video-nfl-star-ray-rice-punches-girlfriend-in-elevator/ I'm not seeing her spit on him.
They are all hypocrites, everyone. This video should NOT have changed anything, at all. He should have been suspended 8 games, and when this video was released it wouldnt have been as bad.
On another note, I am getting a little tired of both Harbaugh brothers. Jim Harbaugh is playing his players despite them getting domestic violence claims and even felony charges, while John Harbaugh acted like the punishment was fine for Rice, yet when Rex Ryan has a player that gets a DUI its WW3 in the media.
not only that, the same organization kept someone around for years that everyone knows was an accomplice in a murder and he's a hero now...Big Ben raped two girls that we know about and hes still the Steelers QB...the list goes on
Yep, yet the jets are the great satan, those evil jets. All classless people of the NFL; Jim Harbaugh, Ray Lewis, Ben Roethlisberger, Goodell.
Yeah this to, im not defending Rice, but if Goodell had handed out the appropriate punishment originally, he wouldnt have been cut. The 2 game suspension is why he is getting cut, had it been 8+ games I doubt we see this reaction.
The important thing to take from this, is that the liberal media and social media in particular has officially taken over this country, and that women only want equal rights where it serves their purposes
De Depends, With his new contract they couldn't afford to cut Flacco if he had done it, remember Rices's numbers still count against the cap for 9 million next year. If it had been flacco If it had been Flacco cutting him would have been a 30 million cap hit next year....
Very true, the fact that he is now being given a indefinite ban is kinda crazy. Its a horrific thing to do but if this guy cant re-enter the league then thats not fair either consider there are guys in the league who have done much worse.
Because men should KO women who are out of line and don't know their place? Please....A real man never strikes a woman.
I agree...but I also would say that women by an large want equal rights and not equal responsibility. What Rice did was wrong, but no one seems to acknowledge the fact that she attacked him