Anyone else having this problem? I keep randomly getting logged out for no reason; it's not like I'm clearing cookies - it is in the same browser window, usually minutes after signing in, sometimes a bit longer. Any idea why?
Because god laughs at your avatar and the laugh momentarily shorts out the computer log in system. I would know, I am God of course.
That usually happens to me when I don't check off the Remember me box. Sure, it doesn't remember me after being idle for 15 minutes, but for some strange reason, it forgets who I am after a click or so. Sometimes at work or computer labs, i have to remember to log out manually when I check off remember me, or else it can get dangerous.
Thanks for the info, I couldn't log in for weeks but after I checked "remember me" eyerything is now ok...
One thing to remember about Remember Me people is that you are automatically logged in when you access for the forums. This is beneficial on your personal computers, but not a good idea on a public computer in a lab at school, or at work, or whatever your circumstances. You will be held responsible for whatever is said under your name.