I had to look this up since it sounded like a troll job at first. I guess some study was done about how testosterone increased the longer you when without blowing the load, so some dude started a Reddit sub called /r/NoFap and a bunch of dudes flocked to it. I just looked and there's all kinds of testimonials about the effects they get from not milking the serpent. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/
thats why I just go to the whoriental places. much better having some young girl pulling on it than sitting at home fapping to a movie. plus u are supporting the local economy. fuck porn
Wouldn't the obvious solution be to just get a girl? Even the least congenial guy among us has to know the one neighborhood girl they can go to, hit her up couple times a week or the day before your date and you are good to go.
That seems counterintuitive. It's a medical fact that secual activity increases T levels. Partner or no partner.
This is the feminist propaganda!! THEY want us to stop so that they have more needy unsatisfied men bowing to them in hopes of getting a release. PROUDLY SPRAY, BROTHERS!!!! Let them beg you for a minute of your precious uptime. Sammich or no Stallion!
You're right Jil.. I wish pussy was so plentiful and easy to come by when I was younger. Hell, we had to work at it. Yanno, talk the talk, have some style and class about yourself. Just a lil bit of swag too. Nowadays, getting laid is as easy as breathing or at least it should be. After 50, you start to pace yourself as the T-levels start to fall.
I heard you get superhuman strength if you don't fap for 210 days. Someone has to sign up and get one of those badges, then proceed to lie about all of the benefits.
What does that have to do with to fap or not to fap? It ain't like you only fap because you don't have access to pussy. Sometimes you just got to fap.
Sorry, as a non fapper, (not saying i never did, just have no need to for quite some time), i was not thinking of those with a fap dependence. I apologize for my inconsiderate remark.
The Jets have just opted to join NoFap with their recent coaching decisions. Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk