Putting your Jets bias to the side, is Sanchez good?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Deathstroke, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. JackBower

    JackBower Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    Haha ok, what the hell are you trying to say here? I responded to a dumb post I am not defending anything. In fact I think that was the first thing I wrote in this thread.

    Haha my bad dude. I just got done with a 10 hour shift and I read your post wrong.

    Idk where you are seeing Sanchez is top 5 in our eyes. And probably the reason other people wouldn't argue Sanchez was huge to the success to this team is because they haven't watched every game.

    Like most football fans, I watch my team very closely and get highlights (the occasional game) of other teams around the league. I am not a football guru, but I know enough.

    You're coming in here saying that we are out of out minds because we think our QB is better than say Josh Freeman (a name I read while skimming this thread). Sanchez has more wins, more 4th quarter combacks, and more playoff appearances and wins. Freeman has 6 more TDs, 6 less INTS, and 500 less yards than Sanchez. So now why the hell would we pick this guy over our own QB just looking at those numbers?

    NOTE: I compared Freeman because it makes sense rather than compare him to a top 5 QB like Brady Manning Brees ect. Nobody is picking Sanchez as a top 5 QB you are just riling yourself up.

    It may be off, but I am pretty sure Sanchez has 5 game winning drives this year, taking leads in the 4th quarter and winning in OT. Only 2 QBs have more this year. This was the stat line last week, I didn't take week 17 into account because I can't find any new statistics.

    If you are saying Sanchez has done nothing this year to help the team, you aren't looking at the big picture.
    #361 JackBower, Jan 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2011
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I did not say Rivers wasnt good.

    HE's very good.


    In ONE game, all externalities being equal, if I had to put all my chips on the table, I want Sanchez, every day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

    50 games removed from high school, he's won 20 games, 2 playoff games and played well enough to put his team in a position to won 14, (Droppery, GB, Droptonio, Miami,Keller converts 7 into 3 at Chitown...)

    As I said..bottom of the ninth, 2 on, 2 outs...I want Jeter. Sanchez has that quality, so far.

    Rivers...not so much.

    And ND, and MR E. while we agree to disagree, consider this a personal apology for the pissy tone yesterday.
  3. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Sanchez is too inconsistent to be considered a top qb right now but he's shown flashes to make us believe he can be something special. The ability to elude defenders in the backfield and he can make accurate throws down the field.

    Right now I don't think most of Sanchez issues are mental. He can get into really bad streaks when it comes to accuracy, holds the ball too long, seems to struggle with either looking off the defender or just trying to force the ball into tight coverage. Good news is that all of Sanchez flaws can be attributed to lack of experience & therefore can be overcome. Sanchez is progressing well and has shined when pulling out some big plays for the Jets.

    Sanchez big problem is that he's a 2nd year qb for a SB contending team. Which leads fans to compare him to Manning/Drew/Brady. If the Jets were struggling to be 8-8 and Sanchez had the same exact performances/numbers then we'd all be excited on how he's developing.
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Dude...He's asked to go DOWN THE FIELD....with 2 WR's and Harstsock,Richardson and a RB in the game (hence playing 8 on 11 because those three need no defending), and no play action, yet completes nearly 55%.

    The last two weeks with decent calls, he's at what 65%?
  5. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    What's your point? I didn't say Sanchez sucks. Stated that he can look really good but he's inconsistent. Then you bring up games where he looks good as if you're proving me wrong somewhere.

    Sanchez is improving but let's be real ... he's not playing 8 on 11. There's no qb in the league playing in such a situation. If players don't run out for the pass, they'll help pass block or they'll do something to draw a defender towards them.

    Don't confuse what you belive Sanchez ceiling to be and the qb you're watching today. Sanchez is improving but still inexperienced.
  6. Phallus Phil

    Phallus Phil New Member

    Jan 1, 2011
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    Solid, Middle of the Pack


    Very athletic... streaks of legit winning NFL QB play (when his confidence is high)... if his confidence is shaken, his limitations get exposed - decision making, check downs, attitude. Overall he's a bit streaky.

    Will not be an elite QB in the mold of Brady, P. Manning, Brees, Rivers, and even Rothlisberger... but - he can be a solid NFL-caliber starting QB. His stock will rise if he switches his approach from that of emotional to that of rational.

    Currently, roughly 11 teams are better off at the QB position, about 3 are even, and perhaps 17 other teams are worse off at the position than the NYJ. That puts Sanchez at about the high end of the middle of the pack.

    He may project to be a Romo or maybe even Cutler caliber NFL QB.

    Sanchez is likely to be considered a top 15 QB. He may only crack the top 10 after the elite guys start retiring.
    #366 Phallus Phil, Jan 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2011
  7. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I'm sure this thread has gotten even shittier since last night but is anyone still going to argue that a guy like Bradford can definitively be put on a QB ranking list ahead of Sanchez after last night?

    I saw a guy with tons of potential and a ton of stuff to work on. First big game of his career and he was underwhelming to say the least.
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I think it goes like this.

    Any guy that looks decent, automatically goes ahead of a guy that plays for the Jets.
  9. DisgruntledLionFan

    DisgruntledLionFan Active Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    No doubt he has a lot to work on and he did make an extremely poor throw on the INT, but last night showed how limited the STL O is with those scrub WRs.
  10. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    What I find interesting is that the Dolphins have all but given up on Chad Henne while the Jets are unwavering in their support of Sanchez as their QB of the future. You can certainly make the argument that Sanchez outperformed Henne this year based on W's and L's but statistically their 2010 numbers are very similiar. Henne has a QB rating of 75.4 and Sanchez is 75.3. Henne has thrown more INT's than TD's but Sanchez's completion % is pretty horrific at < 55%.

    Now I know that Henne is in his 3rd year and Sanchez is only in his 2nd. I'm just wondering if we'll all be screaming for a new QB if Sanchez is still playing at the same level a year from now.

    Sanchez may turn out to be a very solid NFL QB. But if I'm evaluating him on where he is now, today - I have to say he's in the bottom 3rd of the league among starting QB's.
  11. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    He was playing against a defense filled with scrubs.

    The supporting cast argument fails to take into account the level of competition. Sanchez has played much better teams with a much better supporting cast around him. It may not be a total wash but the supporting cast argument still doesn't allow for anyone to definitively say that Bradford is better than Sanchez right now. If you want to argue that Bradford is further along at the end of his rookie year than Sanchez was I would be inclined to agree with that.
  12. DisgruntledLionFan

    DisgruntledLionFan Active Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I wasn't making the comparison, just talking about last night's game

    And scrub defenders don't have much to do with a guy letting the ball go throw his arms and amazingly not being able to even touch it.
  13. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Which all QB's deal with, even Sanchez with his much better supporting cast.
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    A point I made yesterday.

    In reality, Sanchez should have won the GB game (JC), The Miami game (SH) and Chi (DK)

    In spite of that he's won 20 regular season games (including some big time comebacks) in 2 years.

    He's a pretty money player.
  15. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    You can point to one game or you can point to the body of work. If you're going to use that game against Bradford, I think anyone can just as easily mention Sanchez's wonderful game at home against the Bills last year.

    If there were a team handcuffed by the playcalling or the receivers any more than the Rams, I'd love to see it. Anytime I've seen the Rams play, the playcalling is a MAJOR question mark, and he's throwing to Danny Amendola and Danario Alexander. I would love to have Sanchez's situation if I'm Bradford.

    I still take Bradford for one game. Not by much, but I do.
  16. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    I use last night's game because it was the first time I had gotten to watch more than just highlights of a Rams game. I have been arguing for Sanchez over Bradford and the other young and promising QB's because I know he can play well in a big game.

    Bradford showed some nice poise for most of the game and he was hurt by some of his own players (which happens to all QB's) but he eventually succumbed to the pressure and threw an awful pick to end his team's season. I have already given my counterpoint to the supporting cast argument which is that Bradford hasn't exactly played the cream of the crop this season either. I think that comes close to making the supporting cast argument a wash.

    I would say that Bradford after his rookie regular season is farther a long than Sanchez was at the end of his rookie season but he isn't further a long than Sanchez is right now. He is also missing out on invaluable playoff experience that Sanchez got as a rookie and will be getting again as a second year player.
  17. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    Sanchez will be fine, he's tough, agile, vastly experienced for a young qb, has a good arm, coachable, smart....he'll be playing at a pro bowl level in a year or two. What I like the most about him is the comebacks. He's made some great throws in crunch time.
  18. rex-N-effects

    rex-N-effects New Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Its really simple

    If your a hater you can easily use the low com% as well as the low amount of yards average offense of the jets and say he sucks

    as a homer you can point out he is 2-1 in the playoffs and 19-12 as a day one rookie starter and most 4th quarter comeback drives this year

    being unbiased you can easily watch the games and say he has potential and desire but he's still inconstant. he's exactly what you want/expect out of a player his game and his exp. flashes of greatness, makes all the throws but is inconstant and needs to protect the ball better.
  19. Blazer

    Blazer New Member

    Jan 3, 2011
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    The major statistical difference between the two is in their win-loss totals. In Freeman's 25 starts, he's come away with 13 victories (.520). In Mark's 30 games (not including yesterday's, because he had no bearing on the outcome), he's pulled out 18 of them (.600).

    A significant difference, and definitely worth mentioning. But what lies behind those numbers?

    Well, defenses are the first thing to come to mind. In 2009, the Buccaneers might've been the worst all-around defense in the NFL. In 2010, they fielded a respectable squad, but were gashed by almost every competent runner. They blew several leads and forced Josh Freeman into tight situations, some of which he pulled through, others he didn't. His defense has allowed 21+ points seventeen times over his career.

    Mark, meanwhile, has played with what's arguably the top defense in the NFL over the last two seasons. They've allowed 21+ points only nine times in two seasons.

    And while were on the topic of teammates, don't overlook the fact that Mark is throwing to a former Pro Bowler and a Super Bowl MVP. Freeman's throwing to a 2nd-round rookie, a 4th-round rookie, an undrafted rookie, and finds the only significant advantage over Sanchez in Kellen Winslow. And until the emergence of LeGarrette Blount, Freeman was handing the ball off to Cadillac Williams (3.5 yards per carry this season), and Derrick Ward (who finished with 3.6 last season). It's a far cry from Thomas Jones, Shonn Greene, and LaDainian Tomlinson.

    Having a poor support cast has forced Josh Freeman to play from behind, which is why Freeman has almost twice as many 4th-quarter comebacks (7) as Sanchez (4), and is tied for most all-time, over a passer's first two seasons. He would've had 8, but the NFL issued an apology letter for costing the Buccaneers a game against the Lions. Josh is being heralded as the Next Clutch Quarterback. In more than half of his career victories, Tampa Bay was trailing in the fourth quarter.

    But someone said they don't care about supporting casts. Fair enough. Perform with the hand you're dealt. Freeman posted a 95.9 quarterback rating this season, highest in the NFC South. He threw eight more touchdowns than Sanchez, seven less interceptions, and 200 more yards on 33 less attempts. Now, "looking at those numbers," how could you not choose Freeman over Sanchez?

    Numbers may not mean much, but if you don't care about supporting casts, and you don't care about numbers, then how the hell do you think a team gets succeeds? Because both play a big part in that measuring stick you call the playoffs -- which the Buccaneers were an NFL-apology-letter away from making.

    Freeman put up better numbers, with a worse team, in one of the most competitive divisions in the NFL, and Jet fans are the only group in the NFL who wouldn't take him over Sanchez right now.
  20. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Being called a joke by a clown like you is almost comical.

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