Yeah, that's kind of why I was asking. It sure feels like Roger is waiting to see how FA and draft goes before lowering the hammer. If jets trade Mo and don't draft D high - a year off for Sheldon. If Jets retain Mo - slap on the wrist. "Haha you didn't need to do it"
that is a legitimate concern, if i were the jets i would be bothering that fucktard on a daily basis. whats the deal asshole? whats the deal asshole? the fact that one guy, who happens to be a complete asshole can hold some weed smoking and another very serious offense, but without the weed smoking the second would only be a first offense and 4 games over a team and a guy like he does is preposterous. i am all for getting performance enhancing drugs out of the game. but lets stop toying with people over smoking weed. but the little guy likes to be able to feel the power over them so it will stay on the books. they should test the owners too. bunch of assholes.
The wait on Richardson's suspension is likely related to due process. The NFL is dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's. I suspect that the Jets already have been given an idea of what the discipline range is likely to be and are factoring it into their plans. It's possible the NFL is going to be very random on this in both sanctions and timing but unlikely. It's not nice to screw with one of your employers when you've already got another one up in arms in the Pats. The idea that screwing the Jets might somehow help out against Kraft's displeasure is not a very likely proposition. That would just make for two highly pissed off owners. Richardson may get zonked for the year but I doubt it will be done in a way that hurts the Jets more than losing him does.
Wouldn't mind putting my D in the basket of Sheldon. I mean...uhh.. But, yeah I actually kind of agree.
If Mo was on another team and the Jets had cap space, we'd see those forum titles "sign this beast!". The second he's on the Jets demanding money, Jets fans want him gone. Are we going to make the John Abraham mistake again? You need to keep your elite talent, especially the ones who stay out of trouble.
I agree the Jets have been abysmal at keeping their elite talent. It still irks me that they let John Riggins go as a free agent before free agency. But John Abraham is the worst possible example of this. If they can parlay Mo into a Nick Mangold-type fixture for the next ten seasons, the Jets should do that in a heartbeat.
Why worst possible example? From what I remember, he was a pro bowl front 7 player who wanted to be paid, the Jets didn't want to, he wasn't a troublemaker. Isn't that Wilkerson? How different? And was this really the worst?
James Farrior was a nice kick in the nuts for us Jet fans. He had a really good year before he left. Mo could match or even worsen Riggins leaving the Jets. We won't receive nearly the same compensation in comparison to the Abe trade. Draft is in about a month, time to start the countdown.
Farrior happened the way it did because the Jets had Farrior at OLB, a position he played in college and which he was not good enough at to star in the NFL. The Steelers did what they do with almost all OLB's they draft and moved Farrior inside, where his combination of quickness, size and strength was an asset instead of none of them being where you want them in a star OLB. The Steelers draft light 4-3 DE's and turn them into OLB's. The only guy they've made an exception for in recent years was Jarvis Jones and he's had trouble staying healthy.
john abraham wasnt a mistake. no one wants mo go. not even the jets. he wants a contract prohibitive to the teams longterm success. it wouldnt be a mistake trading him. it would be a mistake trading him unless he takes market value
And because of that he had a few all pro seasons. I forgot we had to go through the Herm era before we transitioned over to a 3-4 with Mangini. He still had a good year with us before he left via FA. He could've had a future with us.
The day John Abraham got his DUI, I didn't care. The day John Abraham sat out a playoff game to avoid injury with his 'pay-day' coming up, he was dead to me.
i have a hard time getting on goodells case for not letting us know right away how long the guy who actually comitted those acts is gonna be suspended for. 100000000% of any hate should go towards sheldon and sheldon only