account info then payment info then delete info something like that, it's where the sign in option is if it's not on auto sign-in
Didn't see that, only went by what was posted in thread. Hopefully it's not stupid like a week of Hulu Premium or that useless PSPlus.
I believe this is the compensation If so that is fucking stupid. cant copy, but looks like Tuesday the 31st. They're doing maintenance and should be bringing up the store then.
I bought this for 1 reason: online play. I paid a premium for the box and the games and I cannot use it for the specified usage. Fuck that noise.
I understand what you mean but if I buy a computer and then I go on the internet and TGG is down for a month I'm not going to cry to Petrozza for compensation. Granted it's not the same scale but both are free services that we enjoy when we can.
I didn't pay $350 up front plus $60 per additional content for TGG, like I did with my PS3 and games.
Just to point out something about Anonymous, known Hactivist groups like that would only gain access to the CC information to prove a point to these major corps. The guys behind this most likely are already loaded from their jobs in Securing down bank networks or other high profile IT jobs.