PSL News just announced

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by sect105, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    You can also add Tampa Bay -- They collect a seat deposit. If you decide not to buy your seats one year you lose your deposit, You basically sign an agreement to buy seats for 10 Years. After 10 Years you can choose to give up your seats and get your depost back. I know my cousins Upper Decks were $750 a seat deposit. Ticket Price is $75.

    BADMOO New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I've got my "selection preference" form. The funniest thing is a question:

    Please check all amenities or features you are interested in:
    cushioned seats (that would be wet and soggy when it rains - or torn up from the Giant fan who also "owns" your seat)
    More spacious seating
    VIP Parking Access (at an additional fee Woody?)
    Private Club Access
    Aisle Seating
    JETS Sideline seating
    Sitting in a high row in your section
    Sitting in a low row in your section
    Adding seats to your account
    Access to other stadium events
    Right to transfer season ticket account

    Where are things like:?
    Affordable seats
    A retractable roof
    Baby Sitting
    A BJ from the Flight Crew
    Half time lap dances

    This is the most ridiculous shit ever!
    All I want is a dry seat to watch the game and a booth to buy a hot dog and a beer.
    Instead I have to pay outrageous prices for shit that I'm never ever ever going to want need or use. I don't need a bar with TVs to watch the game - if I wanted that, I'd go to a BAR AND WATCH THE GAME FOR THE PRICE OF A FEW BEERS AND SOME NACHOS.

    I'm putting in for the Upper Primes, but I may just give them up all together
  3. JETSFAN1290

    JETSFAN1290 Banned

    Mar 4, 2008
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    I'm putting in for the Upper Primes, but I may just give them up all together

    Make that the upper upper primes........:beer:
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I really don't know who the Jets/Giants consulted or what kind of mentality it takes to think that football fans want all those nonsensical amenities. I mean, seriously, some of the priorities are asinine.

    90% of the people that go to these games go there to tailgate and watch the game, period. Who in their right mind ever thought people who go to a football game are looking for a "five-star experience?" A couple of Nathan's concession stands and we're good to go.
  5. ilovemaui

    ilovemaui New Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    I was just thinkin' the same thing. We tailgate, maybe get a pretzel inside. that's it. I don't want or need any extra amenities.
  6. JETSFAN1290

    JETSFAN1290 Banned

    Mar 4, 2008
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    Whats next on Woodys list. Every ticket must be accompanied by a food voucher paid for in advance by the ticket holder required for admittance. Many said prepaid parking wouldnt happen. What started at $5.00 is now $25.00.
  7. vjdbbq

    vjdbbq Banned

    Apr 8, 2003
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    - What tailgating zone ?
  8. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I'm going to hover above the stadium in a blimp, and that will still probably be cheaper than buying the tickets.
  9. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    I would almost assure you that if this were the case, 99% of the people in the Meadowlands would renew their tickets without a peep. In this scenario, you lose nothing. You get your deposit back, and you're locked into a ticket price, thats it. A $750 seat deposit that you get back is a far cry from the possibility of losing thousands...OR was this your point in the post? I almost took from what you wrote that the fans in Tampa were getting hosed?
  10. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    $750 is for Upper Deck --- Lowers were more but have been sold out for years, The uppers have also been sold out for years. The key to youy misconception is that you ARE NOT locked into a ticket price, they can raise them every single year. If you do not like the increase in price and do not buy you lose your deposit.

    I am not saying they are getting hosed I weas merely adding another team to the list compliled by another poster that charge you to get seats. A PSL in some ways have an advantage to a deposit. A PSL that was purchased to Carolina Panthers Uppers that were Originally $1,000 a seat have recently sold (last year) for $3,000 a seat. In that case you can profit (others you can lose) while in the case of a deposit the team gets to hold on to your money interest free and still has the opportunity to keep it.
  11. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    AHHh...I gotcha. Still not a horrible option given the way tickets for sporting events are going. I'd much rather be in Tampa in December for a home game, rather than the Meadowlands!! But with regards to the Carolina (and other PSL's done in the mid to late 90's), the starting price wasn't nearly as crazy as the starting prices we have now. I think that's the problem...its not the PSL per say, it's the starting price. If you start a PSL at $10,000, most would argue your upside is limited. When you start the PSL at $1,000 (like Carolina), you might say "what the heck, i'll take a shot at it going up". With a $10,000 starting point, or even $25,000 starting point for a PSL, people aren't willing to gamble on the secondary market rising, especially in this environment. Personally, I'm not even going to think about doing the PSL, because I couldn't live with myself. And on top of that, I think the secondary market for these seats will crumble.
  12. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I agree and I really do not think the concept of a PSL is bad. Dallas and the Jets/Giants have taken PSLs to another level that I do not think the market can bear. I am sure most of us would have gladly payed a reasonable amount $1,000 - $3,000 if we could afford it and owned the rights to the seats knowing you could sell it to get your money back (in tough times) or even at a slight loss. As they will pretty much always be sold out and there would always be demand, but that demand is not going to be there at $10,000 - $25,000 per seat.
  13. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    The way the NYJs are selling the PSL it is the same as say owning Microsoft or any stock for that matter & it has only way to go is UP never down just up & up & up like a rocket. Now once U get past the PSL U have to deal with the seat price per game which are like very, very hi. Way more then even a broadway show in fact.

    I believe off hand that mezz seats will be going for $400.00 per game per seat

    UD seats even in the upmost part of the deck will be a $100.00 or over per seat per game

    So even the "cheap seats" will cost you close to 1/2 grand per seat

    4 seats X $125.00 per seat = $500.00 per game
    Parking $ 25.00 per game
    Gas & tolls ? per game
    Other expenses like food or Jets gear ? per game

  14. ilovemaui

    ilovemaui New Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    actually that isn't true. with Microsoft stock, if the company is in business, and making money, the stock will ALWAYS have value, you even can get a dividend (Microsoft actually does pay a dividend). The only downside is if Microsoft goes out of business, or just keeps losing money, then the stock value will be worthless or go down.

    With PSL's, it's completely different. Since the PSL is only good in the current stadium, there is a diminishing return that will get to nothing, the closer you get to the point that the stadium has to be replaced. That's a bad investment in my book. Plus, there is no dividend, or any potential upside at all, except possibly in the 1st few years, but that is greatly mitigated by the fact that they PSL's are too high to begin with.
  15. rudd28

    rudd28 New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    I saw this article in the morning, and found it humerous in a way. It is a blurb about front row seats still available for OPENING DAY at the new Yankee Stadium. Not that it's shocking, but great to see that people or companies are not spending this money, and telling the teams to shove it.

    "As of Tuesday night, you still could purchase two seats to Opening Day, for a mere $2,625 apiece, not including the $59.70 "convenience charge" on Ticketmaster. I should have mentioned in the column that the ultra-expensive seats do come with food and parking, in case your mother doesn't feel like sending you with bologna sandwiches and a Pepsi."

    This was taken from a NewsDay article this morning...
  16. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Me thinks U did not read my post correctly. Just like the PSLs companies can also go belly up try most recently Circuit City if U need an example

  17. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Now you're predicting Microsoft to go belly-up? Fucking priceless.
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Now did I say that or did I just use Microsoft as a EXAMPLE. Would U rather I used GM or Ford or AIG or Citi Bank or Bank of America as the EXAMPLE?

  19. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    You should have just stuck with using Circuit City :wink:
  20. ilovemaui

    ilovemaui New Member

    Feb 22, 2009
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    my point was that if you buy stock in any company - it could have value and could appreciate forever if the company is solid. Sure, companies can always go belly up and the stock is worthless, but that isn't the point. If you buy a PSL from the Jets/Giants any team, it ONLY has value for a certain amount of time at best, and ALWAYS ends up being worthless. Plus, there is NO benefit, dividends etc paid on this purchase. The best you could hope for is that your team makes it to playoffs/super bowl. But you don't have to buy a PSL in order for the Jets to get to the Super Bowl. Additionally, the purchase of the PSL doesn't even give you the right to purchase Super Bowl should your team make it that far. So what else is a PSL other than a STUPID tax on addicted Fans (of which I am one, but I won't be tempted to rob a bank to pay for my PSL 'crack').

    Just look around. It's everywhere. What the matter? you don't want to spend $5300 face value to ( to go see the precious Yankees on Opening Day in the house that Ruth built (actually, it was more like the house his Great Grandson built). Oh, but it does include Free Food (you gotta eat a lot of that "free" food to make it worth your while). LOL

    All I have to say, is Wake up America!!!

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