PSL Default repercussions

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by JetsNation06, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH! I chose liberty. Funny, I don't feel like a turncoat at all. BECAUSE I'M NOT. I'll always be fan of the Jets with my usual ridiculous rabid unswerving fervor, but the FO is blowing it, blowing I tell ya. Scratch that. Consider it blown. It just baffles me that people are leaving in droves and somehow this is how they attempt to fix it? Get the hell outta town, which coincidentally, is what I did. I still haven't gotten around to posting the final straw in the other thread in this forum (PSL Holders Screwed Again), and I'll also be cross-posting in Brook!'s original thread in the main forum so people can see how badly they are truly getting tooled. I had posted before that I was going to be cross-posting, but it fell to the wayside. I actually said to another poster that what happened wasn't too exciting. That's not entirely true. What they pulled is pure lies. Pure lies, heh, what an incidental oxymoron.

    So yeah, to answer your question about what I'll be doing with this windfall is that I'll be going to stubhub and sitting in Section 139, Row 1 on the 50 yard line for $75 each per game. I decided for now to ignore the emails from the FO that are sure to come at some point and wait for a phone call instead. Then I'm gonna politely unload (which I already did when I threatened to leave) and finish it off by writing to Mr. Johnson, Ambassador Extraordinaire - IN DETAIL - whereupon office staff will promptly crumple my letter into a ball and play trashcan basketball Oh, and I will be posting that letter here when that happens, and probably write to my favorite yellow rag, The New York Post.

    Once again, can someone who still owns a PSL please post the terms of their original contract (identity redacted, of course). I'll give ya five bucks.
  2. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    SUE, SUE, SUE! After all, being overly litigious is the American Way! And once in a blue moon, it isn't frivolous! I even said to my rep, which I already mentioned, that isn't this breach of contract (what is happening to you and others like you in the affected sections)? She said no, you silly ninny, this is not breach of contract, the Jets reserve the right to do whatever they want to anyone at anytime, even to PSL holders. Anything. She really said that. So I said then what the hell is the POINT OF OWNING A PSL?! Got a sales pitch about concessions, Rewards Points, and transfer rights. Well, yeah, if you can anything you want at anytime, this should placate me?! What I wouldn't do to have had that conversation taped. Wait until I have my final discussion with the FO. I'm going to say in a parting shot, "Guess what? There is a lot of buzz that PSL holders are strongly considering a class action lawsuit. Just thought you should know." *CLICK!* I don't think that'll be tipping anyone's hand. I'm sure they've already heard it, they're just too smug to give a crap about it is my guess. Don't be surprised, however, if team lawyers are already scrambling to undo anything illegal they've already done before they get slapped.

    I seriously hope you guys have a legitimate case. Tell me one attorney that wouldn't take this on com gratis if they get to sue an NFL team and possibly win. You won't find him/her if you searched every corner of the planet. This is the third time that I'm saying it, but please list the terms of your original contract. If it doesn't say they can void the terms of the contract at any time with or without your knowledge, they're going down like the Lusitania. Good luck, and please take to heart what I've said here. Do it. I'd also like to add, which I've also already said, call up and ask for a copy of your original contract. Even lie and say you misplaced it if you have to. I'd relish the opportunity to see what they changed behind your back. Better yet, what they changed back, which in either scenario, could bode well for you. Better still, get an answer somewhere along the lines of, "It is your responsibility to keep it in a safe place. We no longer have that on file." Oooo, oooo, oooo, YES!
    #122 jetophile, Mar 5, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2018
    sickandtired likes this.
  3. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Lo and behold, I just got my first email from the FO: ACT FAST: YOUR JETS SEASON TICKET PRICE FREEZE IS STILL AVAILABLE. Hahaha, toldja, how good am I? "March 1st is not a soft dead line." What happened to that line of shit? Hardy-har. Liar, liar, pants on fire!
  4. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    I got that email as well......have no idea why they would think I'd pay that since I didn't pay my PSL. Yeah let me pay my season ticket invoice just so they can freeze the season tickets so I can't use them until I pay my PSL payment. Makes sense.
    Donewithfootball and Brook! like this.
  5. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I'm sure PSL buyers must have known going in that there was 0 interest in putting talent on the field once all of the PSLs were sold. That's the whole purpose of PSLs to begin with. You have to look no farther than to see the fact Gaggy and Bowels still have their jobs.
  6. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    So your saying the Jets won't spend a lot of that cap money this year because they sold the PSL's? Wanna make a bet
  7. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Jets have to spend money one way or the other, there's a cap floor and when you go under that floor you have to make it back up in future years. Truth is Jets don't need the gate to make money, that's how rich the NFL is. Of course they want the gate because it's pure profit. The team has every incentive to be successful for not only ticket & suite sales but also for general merchandise and brand/equity appreciation with increased national exposure. And last but not least they have to pay the mortgage on the galactic air conditioner. That's what the PSLs were supposedly for in the first place
  8. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    The Giants won a Superbowl after selling their PSLs.
  9. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Cross-posting here:


    EDIT & P.S.: Like death and taxes, being a techno-tard is forever. I suck! It's the thread above, Posts #38, #39, & #40. As if that makes me look any smarter. :/

    EDIT & P.P.S.: I tried again. I think I'm still stupid. Can stupid people think?
    #129 jetophile, Mar 18, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
  10. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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  11. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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  12. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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  13. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Can someone post the new seating chart and prices on this thread

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  14. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Remember when this box arrived in 2010. I still have some originals. Maybe I'll create a collage in a frame. Especially with Martin and Revis. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    snoballz and MurrellMartin like this.
  15. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I'm impressed how well the tickets still look. Mine never looked like that after a long day at the stadium. :D:D
  16. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    The best thing about this post is the dog butt. ; ) I still have that box as well as previously mentioned.
  17. Donewithfootball

    Donewithfootball New Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Here's my update. I continued to receive emails about my PSL until 12/19/17, when I was notified that my remaining tickets were inactivated (I had already donated them through the NYJets website). I started receiving emails asking me to renew my season tickets on 2/12/18. Once the renewal date passed, I also started receiving phone calls both to my home phone and my cell phone. I received an email on 4/11/18 notifying me that my seats would be released from my account unless I brought my account up to date within 24 hours. Of course there was also the requisite warning that I will also lose access to the Rewards program and all my points (boo frickin' hoo), and what is an email from the Jets without:

    "Please note that all money that has been previously paid towards your personal seat license(s) will be retained by Jets Stadium Development, LLC (“JSD”) and you will remain liable for any outstanding balance due under the contract. This notice is not intended and may not be construed as a full and complete statement of JSD’s rights or remedies, none of which are waived and all of which are expressly reserved."

    I still get emails about draft parties, the new schedule and whatnot, but so far nothing else regarding the tickets or PSL. My thanks to jetophile and sickandtired for the info on the class action lawsuit. I have sent the law firm my info.
    MurrellMartin likes this.
  18. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I defaulted and I have a guy from the Jets who regularly e-mails me asking me to come back and buy tickets again.

    They're not too bright and again, they'll never go after anyone.
    sickandtired likes this.
  19. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Well that's business, they still want your money. They won't sue anyone because it would be terrible PR and the lawyer fees would eat up any payments. I am surprised though that they haven't sold the debts to collection agencies. Normally companies sell the debt for like 10 cents on the dollar and then you get never ending calls and emails and they somehow find a way to ding one of your credit reports. Jets not even doing that
  20. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    The outcry from the thousands of fans who defaulted is something they do not want to deal with. They're having trouble enough getting asses in the seats.

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