PSL Default repercussions

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by JetsNation06, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. same old jets

    same old jets Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    just posted this in the other forum - seems appropriate here - Im really ticked at this....

    I sent one of the higher ups we know a long detailed e-mail on this. This goes beyond bad PR/customer service....I can make a case for breach, fraud, bait and switch, interference with contract, etc.....they touted and sold PSL's as an investment that would increase in value and now they have destroyed any value they may have with this season ticket non PSL in our section move while keeping the $....I'm giving them a few days to give a good response before pushing the issue....this is beyond unfair they basically bilked our group out of $50K with no chance to ever resell. I'll check out the other thread as well - ridiculous
  2. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    which other forum?
  3. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Smells like class action

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  4. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Boy they sounding desperate for cash flow now

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  5. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    A part of me cannot believe what I just read from you on this the last couple of pages, another part of me COMPLETELY believes it. Every time I turn around, this FO hits a new all time low. Yep, this organization has officially made me sick. I'm so angry for you. Here's a toast: let The New Dump be only 25% full every game for years to come. Of course I'll always be a die-hard Jets fan - as in a fan of the laundry - but I almost hope the Jets lose terribly for the next 50 years because of the consistent shoddy treatment of its fan-base ever since the inception of The New Dump Debacle. Yeah, it's petty and cutting off my nose to spite my face because at heart I naturally want the Jets to win, but hey, it'll probably upgrade my face. Seriously, I mean it, it's almost worth it for the vindictiveness they're causing. Vindictiveness they fully deserve. Maybe a good internal compromise I can live with is if the Jets win every AWAY game but lose every HOME game . . . FOR ALL ETERNITY! Not a bad idea. See ya in hell, Woody!
  6. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    OH, MY GOD!!!! That's the second person in this thread that this happened to?! F the Jets. I mean it. You should've crapped in that certified letter and mailed it back certified. Did you ever hear from them again, you know, this time BEGGING YOU TO COME BACK? If they haven't yet, it's coming. What bunch of scumbuckets. Wow, just wow.

    Do you still have a copy of the veiled threat letter? Please post if you do, I'd love to read it and laugh. Don't take that wrong, please. I don't mean having a laugh at your expense, I'm just curious to know how shitty it was to see if I can get any madder. Sorry you treated like that, glad you told them to shove it.
    sickandtired likes this.
  7. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Now tell us how you really feel ....lolol. I'm hoping Woody sells. This org and their decisions and the social media nonsense just does not excite me anymore. The NFL overall does not excite me anymore....for other reasons. Its only about $$ to them. Not fans. The only thing I still check-in for is the fantasy results.

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  8. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    ^Hah. Sadly, my eyes weren't deceiving me. Yep, it happened to two different Jets peeps in here, HorribleEverySingleSeason and Donewithfootball. Geez Louise.
  9. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    I sold my tickets on nfl ticket exchange to the last two games cause I expected them to try to invalidate them and of course they did end up calling and sending a email saying they were going to but I had already had the money in my bank account so fuck them. I didn't want to go on Christmas Eve anyway.

    I keep getting emails about paying my invoice for season tickets next year but haven't heard anything on the PSL front. They aren't getting another dime from me and if they ever host a playoff game again (lol) I'll just buy a ticket off stubhub or ticket exchange with all the money I'll be saving now.

    Even with the slightly lowered season ticket prices the tickets on the secondary market will still be way cheaper than face value.
  10. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    You sir, are a professor of the master class in how to walk away from a PSL
  11. HorribleEverySingleSeason

    Sep 30, 2017
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    Meh, if I was smart I never would have gotten one in the first place. I really should have defaulted years ago. The biggest thing for me is I never expected Metlife to be as unenjoyable as it is. I also never expected stuff like stubhub and NFL ticket exchange to come in and completely change how everything is done. Stubhub was around back then but it was nothing like it is today. Going to the preseason games and regular games and sitting next to people who spent way less than I did year after year finally got to me.

    I just find the situation all around sad. I use to absolutely love going to games and all I wanted as a kid was season tickets. Love sure does make fools out of people.

    Live and learn, it is what it is.
    CBG and MurrellMartin like this.
  12. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I learned these same lessons. I defaulted after the 2016 season and I couldn't be happier. I attended 9 out of 10 games (missed one Preseason game) and spent less than $1,000. I previously had LLEZ PSL's/seats and while I did end up sitting in the LLEZ for about half of the games in 2017, I got to sit in the Toyota Club TWICE and another game on the 30 yard line. I saved nearly $2,000.

    You will too.
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I am shocked on how many intelligent people paid for a PSL. I thought most were corporations. How could anyone not think, with this shit origination, that our short lived success was just that, short lived. I sat in the Upper deck from 1981so It was not a shock to stay upstairs, and I did take a tour of the new place and sit on the Mezz End zone (4k), but after a couple hrs., I came to my senses and stayed in the UD, PSL free. And those fuckers, after 30 years, put me in row 10 at the goal line. Mother fuckers gave the good UD seats to the douche bags that sat downstairs and to new people. And now, after giving my tics up, I went to 4 games last year, all in the UD, and spent $220 for 4 games pre-season free. F the Johnson brothers.
  14. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Most people who ponied up are just loyal fans, and also people who took a calculated risk that their PSL would retain their value. In reality, the PSL turned out to be worthless because of the lack of demand (face value 50-100% above market value, plus poorly built stadium / bad fan experience). So people who thought they were buying an asset actually were buying themselves an enslavement into indentured servitude in having to pay the ridiculous ticket prices or lose their investment.

    To anyone still holding, it's a sunk cost, move on! Unless of course you are on a payment plan, in which case you can still recoup a significant amount of that cost by walking away
  15. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Gordon hit it spot on. Thankfully I had many payments left. And anyone who 'partnered' with me or I sold tix to picked up the tix/psl cost so I didn't lose out too much. Miss the loyal fans and friends I made in the section. But oh well.

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  16. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    That's what I did. A 15 year payment plan. Walked after Year 6. I'll always kick myself for wasting a couple of thousand dollars on the PSL's, but, lesson learned. I was young and stupid. I refuse to open my eyes, even though I had plenty of friends and people around me buying tickets for pennies on the dollar from 2014 on. After 2016, I finally woke up. Thankfully.
    CBG, grkmanga31, sec314 and 2 others like this.
  17. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I count my blessings that I did not buy a PSL and ran from my season tix when I did ! Anyone who is still living this nightmare read or reread what others have written and if you can cut your losses now !
  18. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Here's what I want from this place. There are/were a few PSL holders on here, RoyalTee still is. I implore you to read the original terms of your contract and then call up the Jets FO and see if it matches what you signed. I wouldn't be surprised if it changed behind your back and you weren't notified. And, if you were, you probably didn't bother to read it because you're protected for the life of your tickets for life! A huge lie. I am sometimes guilty of tossing stuff because it's typically a bunch of nonsense. However, someone poked holes in your condoms and you were sold a bad bill of goods. "The Jets reserve the right to do anything to anyone at anytime, PSL or no." That was basically the entire gist of it. "Isn't this breach of contract for PSL holders?" "No, the Jets can do what they want." Holy Canoli.

    I can't wait to talk to my rep about my "non-compliancy letter that will be sent out at such time" that she hung over me if I didn't pay by March 1st. My non-compliancy letter, when is it coming in the mail? "A few weeks." Kiss my athlete's foot. Now this is going back two weeks ago when I said I was considering bailing. I kept getting emails to renew, renew, renew, and the last one that I received said YOUR DEADLINE IS DUE MY MIDNIGHT ON MARCH 1st - with a clock ticker. Hahahaha. Well, my veiled "deadline" has expired and I haven't heard a peep yet. Oh, right, March 1st isn't a "soft deadline". For anyone not in the loop, the Jets FO are a bunch of paid lying turds.
    sickandtired and CBG like this.
  19. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Yes Jetophile they are walking talking sacks of lying feces
  20. sickandtired

    sickandtired Member

    May 27, 2017
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    Welcome "officially" to the other side, jetophile. Freedom!!!!!!!! What are you going to so with the windfall? The first year I took my family on a cruise LOLOL.

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    Brook! likes this.

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