I can't contact him directly. I sent him a PM earlier today through TGG and he replied with his Blackberry...I have no way of getting in touch with him other than TGG. Sorry guys.
Can someone let EASports know that it's okay to take off for an entire season as long as they're able to have individual stats, cap, FA, etc. for online franchise. I mean, it's great they're trying to get the game out on time, but I prefer to have a game that has everything, than a piece of shit put together trying to beat out a clock.
I was talking to my buddy the other day about this. It seems like the rush to release the game, and then spend months patching it and trying to improve it, which puts them months behind on next years game
fvck I wont be available later, watching the game with a bunch of friends. im off doesnt look like this is happening anytime soon
I don't think it's fair to do it at 10 PM EST, I know for one I won't be available and neither will rmagedon.
I know it's bullshit, because everyone thought we were drafting at 8PM EST... If the majority of the league can draft, then we should get it out of the way. The draft boards are there for people that can't make it. This shit sucks, but if enough people want to do this at 10PM EST, then we should.
At 10pm I'll prob watching a movie with this broad in a movie theater. I'd tell her to come watch me Draft with my online "friends", but I don't think she'd go for that on our first date. It would also make me look like a big fucking tool. So...
We can also try for tomorrow night - anyone have a problem with that? Work/TV Show/Other shit ??? I'd rather just get it out of the way tonight if 6 or 7 of the 9 can make it.
Bros before hoes! Just kidding of course, go watch the movie. You said you set up your draft board, right? You should be fine.
I wouldn't mind doing it tomorrow night between 8-midnight. I'll be available. I have set up my Draft order (or I did the best I could). Don't fucking laugh if I end up with like...2 LT's and 3 LG's and 2 RT's.
I say if hes not here in 10 minutes everybody come back on at 10, who can. If Scik is still not here by 10-10:15 then we should do it tommorow nite. Those who cannot make it just set your draft boards. Odds are we mite not get it done tonite. Unless it is better for the majority to have it tommorow nite