I think it just got easier. Basically go thru ur roster and EVENTUALLY you're gonna be forced to cut 1-90's rated player (Type A), 1-80's rated player (Type B), 2-70's rated players (Type C), and 3-60's rated players (Type D). But hold off on this, because the computer just shut me down on cutting players already. We'll cross the "how we sign them" bridge when we get there.
Fixed it for u. But yeah, that's the idea. But don't cut anyone yet. I had them all lined up to go, but was stopped by the CPU. So, I guess we'll just go into the Draft, and see what happens.
It's actually Brickwalls's system - I just tuned it up a little bit. I thought the Niners had Frank Gore as well? He's not rated in the 90s? Andy Lee is 90+ too, right? If a team only has ONE 90s rated player, then they are shit out of luck I guess. If you can work out some sort of compromise, then I think it'd be fair? ...maybe release a higher rated 80s player and a lower rated 80s player instead? ...if we did this though, everyone would want to take use it. We could do a FRANCHISE draft sort of thing, where each team can name 3 to 5 untouchables, but everyone else on their roster is available...and instead of signing a free agent, someone can claim one of the players off of your roster?
Thats what i worried about. Willis is worth at least two first round picks. Plus you shouldnt have to release your best player, one you definitly would have resigned in a real world type situation. Maybe we should include 96 and above are Type AA free agents and carry a really high compensation tag.
Problem is you don't know who will pick up Willis until AFTER the Draft, so draft pick compensations are useless, unless whoever signs him, let's u go their entire roster and let u pick u pick n choose who u want.
I know the more i think about it we should have free agency before the draft. Has the cpu allowed you to drop the rest of your players yet, if so we should do free agency before the draft tonite it should go pretty fast all we to do is the 90 and 80 overall players the 70s and 60s should be first come first serve
Nah, it didn't. I began dropping 3 players and then it stopped me telling me that cutting anymore would put me at below the roster requirement. So, I couldn't cut anyone anymore. And these were players in their 60's, so...
I think there's some players available right now that are FA's. They're found under the Retired PLayers ALL the way at the bottom (I think). But you can't sign them. You can't select them or do anythign with them. So, I don't think there's a FA BEFORE the Draft. So much for being the best "Online Franchise Mode".
You can sign a shit player as a fill before the draft. You have to carry a certain amount of each position.
I see. I guess since they don't work with $, they just do it for roster spots. I think I see what's going on here. This sucks tho. It really, really does.
Sorry to interject... This is what EA does themselves... http://the.funnybrew.com/2009/08/madden-2010-online-franchise-issues.html http://maddennfl.easports.com/blog.action
Okay, it looks like we need to find ourselves a new Commish first before we even do anything. Hahaha.