and where were they in 09 and 10? whatever. Fish are a shit franchise. They won't sniff the playoffs for another decade or so
Sparano canned, Tannenbaum no longer gm but gets reduced role, Rex survives, Sanchez and his ridiculous salary remain intact.
So true, this is just putting a Band-Aid on a much bigger problem. Woody needs to learn that when you blow shit up you do it completely not this reassigning BS or status quo garbage. Tannenbaum and Bradway and all their minions should be gone for good come tomorrow. I'd be more than happy taking our lumps next year with a whole new FO, QB and OC because at least we're building something new and hopefully for long-term success. Sanchez and his big salary can ride the bench next year as a backup until he's released.
Predict what Woody will do in these coming weeks Everyone in this thread is making the same mistake. You're all assuming he gives a shit about putting a good product on the field and therefore you believe that's his primary concern. With most owners, that's true. But Woody's first and foremost concerns are selling tickets. On yeah, as an afterthought, it would be nice if we won some games because that would make the job easier. But his history tells you all you need to know. Woody's gonna bring in splash. Do something flashy. Then hold a press conference and tell everyone we're all fixed now and put Ryan up there again to announce "We're going to the Superbowl." And there we have it, And suckers like me will fall for it yet one more time and mail in my check.
Too many people want to blame the offensive coordinator and qb,,,,,this team has problems all over the place,,,,we do not need a band aide,,,we do not need Norv turner and Vick ,,,we need lots more.the off line phoned it in last week,,I am curious if they or any other part of the team quits today . From what I am hearing and seeing the bills should be a pushover today they packed it in weeks ago and the coach has a good chance of coaching his last game toda ,they say gailey is too easy going, aid back,basic nice guy,,,,so I am curious to see if the bills lay down on him
Getting rid of Tannenbaum and letting the new GM clean house is the easy move, but what guarantees are there that it will bear fruit in either the long or short term? Who would you bring in? I for one am tired of change every four years. The highest reward decision is to keep Rex, change Tanny's responsibilities and bring in a new voice for personnel decisions. If the Jets return to their winning was under Rex, that would be the best possible ending for the Jets. It may seem like a high risk decision now, but is it any higher risk than cleaning house?
44 I would love to agree with you but cannot. The coach must be responsible for all phases of the team,,,Rex is not all he cares about or knows is defense. We ave had continuity for 4 years and scary part is the team, talent wise and coaching has gotten worse not steadily better,,,,,,,I am not sure who the answer is but I am pretty certain it is not Tanny and Rex and company,,,,I am very curious to see how this team plays today. Do they all show up or do guys lay down like the off line sat week. I still am comfy blowing it up because what we have in place now ain't working.
New prediction:Woody keeps Rex for one more year out of spite No better way to tank than have a coach who knows he will be fired at the end of the season.
the team didnt decide to get rid of herm, he did us the favor and it was the best thing that could have happened to the franchise or he would have led the jets to a 4-12 at some point in the next couple years. terry bradway got reassigned in 06, was that a bad move? no it was a good move, he sucked. the only problem with that move is that they didnt get rid of him completely. mangini getting fired in 09 was a good move too, he was not going to lead the team to the promised land. we had continuity because the gm stayed and has been here since 06. so i am not sure where this whole we change every 4 years is bunk. the jets have DECIDED to change one time in the past 11 years at coach and 1 time at gm. and every change that was made was good. you get consistency when you find the right guys to run the team. we currently dont have the right guys.
i think tanny and sporano are gone. rex gets one more yr with a good Oc to prove the first 2 yr were not flukes
I think Rex and tannenbaum should be tied together. I kind of think if Rex stays it will impede their ability to get a good GM. One would think a good gm is gonna have their options. There are gonna be jobs available. I just think a Gm should get to pick what coach he wants. You hire a guy, and then force staff on him. I just don't think that's a good idea. So either clean house or give Rex and Tannenbaum another year. Bring in a new oc for sure though.
No changes are coming, who ever wants to leave will. I think Sprano is gone. We will have the same team next year. Rex, Tanny will sell Woody on the injury bug bit us this year, Sanchez will play better next year. It's going to take 3 years of loosing football next year for any changes to happen. As long as Woody makes money it doesn't matter what results the team brings.
This didn't work for the Fins last year though. They wound up with Ryan Tannehill instead of Andrew Luck or the consolation prize of RGIII. I don't think a Rex coached team is capable of winning fewer than 5 games. The defense is just too competent to allow the bad teams to consistently beat the Jets and that's where 2-14 is born.
Hey, you know where I stand. I would fire them all and hire the best damn GM that money can buy. Let him sort out this mess. But I agree with what you said. I wrote that before I saw the report which had Woody hiring someone to find a GM. Now that the season is over, it's best to fire everyone. I would eat all the contracts. Rex, Sanchez, Tannenbaum, Tebow, Sparano, Holmes etc. etc.
Do you think people will really pay good money next season if Sanchez is still the QB? I can't see him improving and the shit will get worse every week whilst he is still here. I can see things at Home games getting really nasty if Sanchez is still our starting QB.