Poll: what kind of stats does Sanchize have to put up to remain a Jet after next seas

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by tbruner12, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    can you get anything right? we had ONE pick 6 in 2010 and it came from mark Brunell as Sanchez was resting for the playoffs in week 17. Only 7 pts all year were scored against our O or STs- that is a phenomenal # but don't let facts get in the way of your ramblings.
  2. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    My bad, I was looking at 2011 when I posted the points of int returns. But the larger point still stands. The one you'll nitpick the error on because it's the only way you look even partially correct is to correct the minor portion of the error, the fact remains the Jets Defense over the course of the seasn allowed the 6th fewest points. That part, as well as the rest still holds true.

    So pick on the insignificant portion of my argument to try to make your case, so it means the jets defense gave up 14 more points than my error indicated, so? They were still ranked #6 in total points without deducting the points allowed through other means. The Jets D allowed an average of 19 points a game, and yes they did have two bad games that they allowed 38 and 45 points. But even with those two bad games the Jets defense still averaged only 19 points allowed per game. You love to use those two games to deride the Jets defense, but to have allowed only 19 points per game average and have those two biggies hanging out there speaks to how fantastic the defense was in the other 14 games. In 5 games the Jets defense gave up 10 or fewer points In 3 of those 5 games the Jets offense behind Sanchez couldn't even win. Without the Jets defense the 2010 Jets do not get to the playoffs, and do not advance to the championship game.

    The intercption points make no significant difference in that, so go ahead, make that the focus of your argument to try to devaluate the rest of the very correct information. Now if those additona 14 points had made a difference in their standings and I had insunated they would have ranked 5th instead of 6th, you'd have an argument. However, since those 14 points have no effect on what the Jets defense allowed as a whole..well you get the drift....It's not like I was erroneously claiming they ranked higher because of the error, unlike someone I can mention ;)

    Speaking of letting facts get in the way, never ever seems to slow you down ;) But like I said, keep driving home the error that was a minor portion of the whole argument, the larger portion still stands untouched.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The D was GOOD not great, the D was up and down, it blew a ton of leads while our pass O brought us back to win numerous games.

    How is that insignificant? that was your entire point.

    I have picked on all of your weak points and shredded them to pieces.

    how did I drive anything home? I mentioned it ONE time in direct response. You are doing a heck of a job trying to deflect.
  4. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Who's trying to deflect? Me? Ha, you've done nothing but deflect. Two games the Defense gave up 30 or more pionts, 2. The had two additional games where they gave up more than 20, 23 pointsto the Dolphins and 27 to Houston. In the other 12 games the Jets defense gave up 20 or fewer points, 5 of those 12 were 10 or under. So there were 4 games total where the jets defense allowd as many as 21 points, 4.

    So the Defense gave up a ton of leads, in a season where the other teams were under 3 touchdowns in a game 12 times? But I suppose you count the defense giving the game away because they allowed 10 points and the offense could only muster 7.

    So yes, the defense was great that season, not all time great, but great.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Additionally Junc,

    People who repeatedly make the statement "I have picked on all of your weak points and shredded them to pieces" as the gist of their argument are usually sociopaths.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Geez, junc hijacking still another thread. Wonders never cease.

    Following the logic on some other threads, ftr I have no direct proof or knowledge that junc is a sociopath.

    But not only can I not disprove that he is, but one can logically infer, as you have, that he is.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    obviously you are trying to defelcet. You mentioned over and over and over again how I was picking on that one point when I mentioned it ONE time in your most recent post.

    You turned this into a hostile debate(not that it is really a debate, more like hammer vs. nail), if you can't handle it move along.

    says the guy too gutless to debate me yet always talks about me.
  8. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    Only a sociopath could like Sanchez.
  9. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Okay nail, at least you know your position now :D No, I said you would continue picking on that one point since you had no way to debase the other 99% of the statement.

    Case in point, deflection is what you are doing right now. Instead of addressing the matter in the larger picture you focus on the 1% that wasn't accurate. When it's pointed out that regardless of if it was 1 or 3 pick 6's the Jets defense still allowed the 6th fewest points in the league, because I had mentioned the pick 6's but had not subtracted them from the total stat. In short, with or without the pick 6 or 6's the Jets defense still allowed the 6th fewest points.

    When you stated that the Jets had given up tons of leads I pointed out that the Defense had allowed 20 or fewer points in 12 of the 16 games, and 5 of those games had been 10 points or less. The only way the Defense gave up tons of leads is if they Jets weren't scoring much at all, which they weren't consistently. Facts are facts.

    But here's a point, if the Jets defense was consistantly giving up leads "ton's of times" as you suggest, it means that in order for the Jets not to have given up leads meant it had to play perfect all the time because frequently Sanchez was not leading the team to points...case in point, 3 losses in which the Defense allowed 10 or fewer points...
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    it's so sad that none of you can attack my arguments but instead focus on attacking me. Sad human beings that know nothing about football.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Go back and re-read that rambling post please.

    I am not focused on your mistake, YOU ARE. It means very little to my rock solid argument. You are the one needing to twist and make things up to try to counter my rock solid info.

    You don't seem to undrerstand, if they give up less than 20 every game it means nothing if they are blowing late leads.

    I can also twist and say they gave up 20 or more 8 of 16 games, right?

    The bottom line is they blew a double digit lead in Miami and were rescued by the O
    blew a double digit lead vs. Minny but luckily got a late TO
    blew a late 7 pt lead at Cle
    blew a 23-7 4th qtr lead vs. Hou
    blew a double digit lead at Chi

    That's not what a great defense does.
  12. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    So your argument for tons of games are two of the games where the Jets gave up more than 20 points, Chicago and Houston.

    Lets look at the Minnesota game first, since I've already covered the Browns game, but because you've got a loose memory board I'll also recover that.

    First, the only reason the Jets had a double digit lead in the third Quarter was teh Jets DEFENSE forced a fumble. The Jets offense got the ball on the Minnesota 46, and the running game, not sanchez, the running game drove the ball 30 yards to the 16th, where sanchez then missed on a pass, his only pass of the drive, and the Jets took a field goal to lead 12-0.

    But lets dial back further. Jets defense squashes the Vikings and they're forced to punt from their own 10 yardline. Jets get the ball on the Minnesota 40, Sanchez throws 3 passes on the drive for a net total of 3 yards. Jets running game picks up 30 yards in the drive, Folk kicks FG. 3-0 Jets.

    Jets defense then holds the Vikings to 1 4 play drive and 2 3 play drives.
    Jets get the ball on their own 32. Sanchez complets 2 of 4 passes for 30 yards. Jets settle for a long FG. 6-0 Jets.

    Jets force a turnover and gives the ball the offense again in Minny Territory ath the minny 47. The jets do drive but Sanchez can't punch it in to the endzone despite a short field. Jets settle for a FG, 9-0 Jets.

    So lets see, at this point the jets DEFENSE has given the ball 3 times to Sanchez inside of Minnesota territory and all they could muster was 3 FG's off of those. GRanted the offense did drive 35 yards on the other FG.

    So the ONLY reason the Jets had a double digit lead in the game was because of the DEFENSE!

    But lets continue, shall we?

    After the 3rd quarte Jets field goal the Jets AGAIN make the vikings go 3 and out. Jets offense takes the field and guess what, again can't move the ball and punts from the jets 25. The Vikings do score a touchdown here, Farve to Moss on a 38 yard pass. 12-7, there goes the double digit lead. Of course it's really stretching things to say they gave up a double digit lead when all it took to give up that double digit lead would have been a FG!
    Your really stretching it though by making it sound like they gave up a 21 point lead or something.

    But to continue...Vikings kick off and the ball is returned to the Vikings 19 yard line...Sanchez passes for 5 yards, Jets go 3 and out and settle for a FG..

    the 4th time the Jets have gotten the ball inside of Vikings territory and the Mighty Sanchez can only come up with the teams 5th FG. 15-7 Jets.

    At this point Farve throws another deep pass of 34 yards for TD after a Peterson 30 yard run. 15-13 Jets. Now are noticing a trend here?

    Jets now score a TD, finally, off a 23 yard run by Greene. the drive is 40 yards on the ground 26 in the air. The last two plays were both runs of 16-23 yards. jets lead 22-13.

    Farve comes right back and throws for 64 yards to score another TD. 22-20 Jets.

    Jets offense fails to drive or score. punts.

    Now for your got lucky, Pickoffs are part of a defense, but you call it lucky, whatever, a stops a stop. and if the Jets offense had been able to do anything considering their great field position most of the game it's not even close at this point.

    Hint it's pretty lame to call it blowing double digit lead when the offense has been so putrid all it would have taken to blow a double digit lead is a FG.

    And it was the DEFENSE that put the game away with the pick 6....the defense scored as many touchdowns as the offense in the game. the defense gave the offense the ball in vikings territory a number of times but all the offense could muster were fieldgoals....

    BTW, blowing a lead means at some point you actually LOST the lead. Your really stretching here son.

    Against the browns yes they blew a lead at the end. But we've covered that game and how inept the offense had been all game. Go back and reread for that cap.

    Houston game I've also recapped, go back and reread that one for the ineptness of the offense there as well.

    Chicago was one of the Defenses worst games of the season, and that one was pre-conceded as was the other game they allowed 30+ points in.

    In short Junc, your argume Fails the litenous test. And in a desperate play to appear right highly exaggerated the points to try to make it look more on your side ....I don't blame the defense for breaking a couple times the offense had been breaking all season.
  13. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Are you talking about the Minnesota game that was played in a DRIVING RAIN STORM?!!?!?!
  14. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That game was played in a monsoon and Mark didn't turn it over, he played a tremendous game in thos conditions and gave us a 15-0 lead. After the D blew the lead and it was 15-12 he led us on a TD drive to make it 22-13 w/ 4 1/2 to play- should have been over but the D allowed Minny to score a Td in just over a minute to pull w/in 22-20. Thankfully they got the pick to win it but that game never should have been close.

  15. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    1st, I didn't bring up the Vikings game, Junc claimed the Jets gave up a double digit lead in the game, which they didn't give up the lead and which the offense had done nothing to help the defense, despite the defense giving great position to the offense.

    2nd, don't claim weather. if one team can pass in the weather so can the other. Fact is one QB did throw well, the other didn't. Never mind the other QB was around 40 at the time.

    Junc is just desperately trying to cover his bold statement that the jets defense had given up tons of leads...3 of the leads he mentioned were 3 of teh Jets worst games which I had acknowledged as being poor games. the other claims on his list, not so much.
  16. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Junc as always WRONG, the Offense gave the Jets 10 points...The other pints were set up by the Defense where all the offense did was ove the ball 10-20 yards for a fieldgoal...if the Defense doesn't give the ball to teh offense in Vikings territory 3 times and special teams once, the Jets only score 10 points. Nice try though, really. Should have been over yep, if the jets offense had managed to score, or atleast keep control of the ball at the end, which they couldnt do.

    But that's right Junc, double down on the exageration all you want.
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    our O scored 22 pts in that weather, right? that was more than the 20 Minny scored, right? Our O didn't turn it over either while Minny did all night. We had a 15-0 lead, the D blew it, the O then stretched the lead back to 9 and they D blew it before getting lucky Brett pulled a Favre.

    Desperately trying? even you can figure it out by looking up the boxscores, you don't even have to eatch those games to get that info verified. The D blew tons of leads in 2010 onyl to be rescued by the pass O.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    did the D score those other 12 pts? getting it near midfield(let's not act like we got it on the Minny 9 yd line) is nice but you still have to move the ball to get into FG range especially in a monsoon.

    It doesn't matter if the D scored the first 15 pts, the bottom line is they blew the lead like they did so many times that year, like they did a bunch in 2009 and a ton the last 2 years.
  19. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hey is that milli and vanilli I here arguing against 1968 jets? Blame it on the rain murrell and junc, what a weak ass argument! Farve played too, and he was a shadow of his former self and out played your shitty super hero.... Nacho!
    Weather is something you overcome in football not use as an excuse! Go back to lip syncing cause the arguing for Sancho is pitiful! Why is it neither one of you two will mention his career year? 2011 was his best numbers by far, and all you got is a bunch of chokery from his 1st and 2nd year? The years when the defense and run game put us in the playoffs and dragged your Qb around like a dead carcass!
  20. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    How did favre outplay Sanchez when he fumbled twice setting up 2 Fgs and threw an INT for a TD? that's 13 of our 29 pts. 29-13=16, right? Minny scored 20, right? 20 is more than 16, right? but Brett had more yards so he was better!

    How can people spend as much time watching and discussing this game as you guys do and not have any clue what they are following?

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