It's not 60% for sneaky onside kicks. In most cases onside kicks are not surprises. Most often they come at the end of games and the receiving team has their hands team on the field and they expect the onside kick. This is why the receiving team recovers the ball more than half the time.
We can break it down into surprise or not surprise if you like, but the fact of the matter is it's still harder to lead your team on a TD scoring drive. Oh, and the fact of the matter is that Junc did a good job of helping us diagnose his severe retardation.
Yeah, obviously it's more difficult to put together a drive that ends with a touchdown than it is to field an onside kick.
polian is a dick for calling out players that actually played pretty well. i think that some blame has to go toward manning, however you cant put all of the blame on him. i will not blame baskett, that is THE most difficult play in football as far as i am concerned and while there werent 9 guys coming at him as unc said he still did get grazed by a guy flying towards him just as the ball was getting to him... so here i go into my turn around.. oh shit ball coming my way... gather myself... avoid getting head taken off... catch ball... goddamn!!!! son of a.... i wouldnt want to be the guy on the receiving end of an onside kick, especially when its not expected. at least when its expected you will have some guys in front block the rushers and hopefully the guys in back catch the ball.
watch the slow mo at about 1:47, he is getting hit at the exact time he is trying to field the ball. That is an incredibly difficult play there. Thank you for posting the video and enhancing my point.
your point was he had 9 guys coming at him, your point isn't enhanced at all. it's funny because i know your smart enough to know that this a dumb argument. your just seeing how far you can push people... thats cool.
i will agree with the person everyone else in a thread disagrees with just because i like to get my posts quoted.
It was an exaggeration obviously. There's no way in that formation that 9 guys can get to the reciever as he is about to catch but multiple guys were bearing down on him and one hit him the exact moment(maybe even a split second earlier) he was trying to catch the ball. What baskett attempted to do in that situation w/ everything that went on during that play was amillion times hardre than leading a TD drive for an offense as potent as Indy w/ the supposed greatest QB ever.
Not if you live in junc's world. I really wish I had some of whatever he's smoking, it would get my weekend started on the right foot.
Why is everything black and white? do yuo realize how hard it was to field that particular OS kick? and w/ the supposed greatest QB of all time and that grat offense it was clearly easier to lead a TD drive than recovere that particular OS kick. obviously in general where the conversion rate is low it wouldn't be but that particular one was an incredibly difficult catch. I'm sure glad I don't live in your world where everything is black and white, it'as mor fun digging deeper and realizing that not all situations are the same.
So the guy that is completely unyielding in his views is the man that thinks I live in the world that is too rigidly divine. Comedy, thy name is junc.
I am always willing to changemy stance a bit but throwing out blanket statements won't do it, you actually have to dig deeper and prove your position which you have not done.
you don't even need the argument that one is easier than the other in general. the argument is that if Manning is so great it should have been far more within his ability to lead a TD drive with a team practically universally favored to dominate the Super Bowl, run up and down the field on the Saints D, and win the game, than some 3rd rate journeyman receiver successfully anticipating an onside kick that surprised the entire team, readjust midplay and grab the ball as it bounced randomly at him at the last minute. Manning was supposed to be the reason why they won, and with the opportunity to make that happen as the game ended he did not come through in a scenario that everyone said he not only should be able to do so but was a foregone conclusion that he would do so simply because he is Peyton Manning. and yet he didn't. at that point point, the onside kick becomes irrelevant -- all that matters is the moment.
Your star QB is moving the team down the field for the go ahead TD late int the 4th Quarter and he hands the Saints the game with a bad interception. That's how you can pin the loss on Manning.
Peyton Manning threw a pick 6 on a terrible decision when they were only down a score. While I really like Manning he deserves as much blame as anyone for losing that game.
Your statement is illogical. Statistically it is harder to do several possible but not simple things than it is to do one not simple thing. Baskett is a WR; part of his job description involves taking big hits whilst going across the middle. You've proven you can be stubborn, but you've not made a single rational argument to back up just why you're being stubborn. I've made my point. You can reread it if you feel so inclined.