The people who treated him at the hospital and helped cover it up are certainly now, fucked. Hopefully they will be able to sell their autographs and other freebies that Plax probably handed out like Santa as he told people to write down that his name is "Harris Smith": Plax got "special treatment at New York-Cornell Hospital, where he gave his name as Harris Smith, saying he'd been shot at an Applebee's restaurant. Nonetheless, hospital workers recognized him as Plaxico Burress, sources said, and the gunshot was not reported, as required by law."
I thought that was the law. I hope several people at the hospital get arrested for obstruction of justice, conspiracy, aiding and abetting a criminal, etc.
yo man, I was just settling a beef I had with another poster. Wasn't supposed to be guns or nuthin' but when you got oversized egos involved you got some idiot waving a gun around.
Plax was probably at a VIP table with Pierce and some guy walked up... "Yo Plax, suckkka ass. Giants dunt need you cuhhzz, check out that man Hixon, he plays. You garbage." Plax - "I got a gun, step away." Guy - "You don't got shit! I call yo bluff." Plax - "For real?"... POW!!! As Plax shoots himself in the leg... Plax - "Still think I'm playing?!................"
The relatively new HIPA laws are extremely strict and add a lot of work to the clerical staff's workload. My father is a doctor and HIPA has significantly added to his cost of doing business and he obviously passes this onto his customers. The current law is very strict on patient info and the health industry teaches its employees these rules and mandates compliance.
nah, you don't cut the guy before finding out whether you can recover bonus money. You let the NFL and courts decide it first.
If Plax ends up doing more time than Michael fucking Vick that would be some bullshit right there. LET HIM GO LET HIM GO
While what Vick did was disgusting and criminal, I have no problem with the law considering carrying an illegal loaded concealed weapon into a crowded club just as bad or worse. This happened while he was walking up the stairs - what if this moron's bullet hadn't hit his own leg, but instead had hit someone on the dance floor in the head? That's why the laws are so strict, and I'm all for it.
It's not even close to being just as bad and it's definitely not worse. Vick is doing 23 months for abusing defenseless animals, truly a scumbag thing to do and a light sentence. Plax is a knucklehead and should be fined at the most. You can play the what if game all day, but the bullet didn't hit anyone in the head and that's the end of it. What if Vicks Pitbulls escaped and mauled someone to death, should we add to the sentence? I'm not excusing what he did and the law is the law, he should have known that. I'm just saying it's total bullshit that he'll do more years than Vick if convicted.
It's a sad day when human life is compared to that of dogs. Plax endangered HUMAN BEINGS with his negligence. He should and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
With the big difference being Vick actually killed countless dogs in the most barbaric ways while Plax didn't kill any human beings.