Another interesting thing is that he was at a club in the first place. He is supposed to be hurt and unable to play Sunday in DC. You would think he would be resting up his hamstring and hoping to get better. When I miss work I don't go out and party. Oh and accidently shoot myself.
what a maroon... I agree with 227's sentiment. Excellent chemistry=excellent execution. Go Mangini, Go Jets!
I wonder if the Giants will use this breach of contract as an excuse to cut Plax and sue him for the return of his signing bonus?
The Giants are the one team that I do not want to face in the Superbowl. I haven't seen an offensive line dominate their opponents like that since the old Washington Redskins with the "Hogs" and John Riggins. Anything that will weaken them, I consider a plus.
even though he is a moron for carrying a loaded gun into a nightclub, i do wish him a speedy recovery and hope that he learns from this.
Feh. Burress hasn't really been a factor since early in the season. He's been useful in distracting top CBs, but the Giants are deep enough at receiver that they can still avoid throwing at the more talented defensive players.
The Giants would be fine without Plax. Their running game is top notch along with their defense. Eli may not be as good as Peyton, but he has a much better supporting cast. This shouldn't affect the play of the NYG at all.
Rotfl...what a fucking tard. WTF is running through these guys heads? "Hmmm...I'm a single millionaire paid to catch a ball...what to do tonight? Maybe I'll just bring my gun to a nightclub. Chicks dig guns more than money, fame, and muscles right?" Then again I shouldn't say anything...make me a millionaire athelte and I'm probably blowing lines off of some girls' asses. I'd at least have the decency to be a dumb fuck rich guy in my own mansion... The best part is that the Giants are fine. Toomer, Smith, and Hixon have done way more lately than Plaxidouche has done for them all season.
I see him having to pay the Giants back a significant amount of his signing bonus after he is suspended and the Giants release him. I'm rather confident shooting yourself with a violates the terms of his contract.
Somebody should teach this guy what a safety is used for, and probably not a good idea to leave one in the chamber when you are showing off your gun whn inside a night club. What a dumd ass.
whenever I see a guy in the movies with a gun shoved in his waistband, I think "that's a great way to blow your wiener off"
Yeah, Goodell will suspend Plax for shooting HIMSELF but let Light off with a slap on the wrist after he attacked another player.
Fuck this guy. The funny thing is he shot himself. The sad thing is he probably would have shot someone else, if not that night, but certainly somewhere down the road. I was listening to Kay a couple weeks back and he said something ironic about Plax, "If this guy wasn't making a living on the football field, he'd be a criminal, shooting people."
I agree totally. Living on the west coast for so long my interest in Jets football had waned, but when I found out the Jets had a coach who didn't want murderers and rapists on the team my enthusiasm got a second wind. I hate being in that position of being torn between wanting to root for your team, but knowing the player who is key to the play is a dirtbag. When someone like BF, TJ or KR is making the play I can root for them without feeling guilty and thats something you can't take for granted in today's America.
And of course, it went something like this... [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] (Yeah, its old, but pertinent to the situation :lol