Yeah thats how u do it.....RT and pull up or down on the right thumb stick. Have no clue why they changed it myself.
You can switch back to the old controls to an extent but not fully. I woudl really liek to be able to juke with the right and left triggers ( r1 and L1) and jsut have the right joystick and the truck stick/highlight stick but now it's juke and highlight.... The other crappy thing is that there really isn;t a truck stick any it is jsut a highlight stick adn the highlight move they go for depends on the type of player they are....sort of cool and intuitive but sort of sucky becaue you cant decide the move...
I'm glad they changed it. When you're playing head to head and want to look at the receivers without showing the routes this prevents you from hitting the wrong button and showing them.
The smallest things in the world irritate me. Why are the Jets home jersey socks white? There green, and also the green stripe on the side of the jersey extends under the arm sleeve. I know its small but its the uniform, if your going to get the license get it right.
I hate the audio sucks. I also don't liek the controls...and call me old, but there are too many different things you can do....shit man let me jsut put the disc in and play without thinking I am missing stuff......I hate having to read a manual to see what else I could be doing that I am missing...though the mismatch pre-snap thing is cool
the in game audio is atrocious. its a cheap hanjob radio broadcast. i am actually to the point where i miss Maddens repetition of obvious statements. people with multiple weapons is annoying too. i didnt realize till the 4th qtr how to Switch Vilma from a brick wall defender to a smart LB. some of it is excessive. and why on ps3 they try to forcefeed you 360 controls is beyond me. i just end up having to watch my friends change the controls everytime we play. keep the ps3 controls the way theyve been since 06 on ps2. jesus its not hard to ask. although, I will say, the intro to games is nuts. I played my friend yesterday at the meadowlands and it looked exactly like the real thing. plus the player intros is awesome and authentic. my friend was the cowboys and he scored a TD with TO. and TO screamed over and over to a point where it was believably cocky. stuff like that is cool.
How do you switch weapons??? I thought they were always all the weapons that they are... And neither the Jets nor Giants run out of giant inflatable helmets
ionno I had to change my controls completely cause on ps3 the controls are the 360 ones. but its L1 on ps3 for me. soif you have 360 it should be one of the trigger buttons. you just take control of that player and tap the button presnap and youll see his weapon icon under him change.
Who was it that said Ty Law was such a great player in real life because he was rated a 98 in Madden? :rofl:
They never got the Jets uniforms right. Never. They either have green socks for away, or green socks with green pants, or white cleats with green pants, or white socks for home. Their throwbacks are half assed too. Meanwhile teams like the Bengals and Falcons have like 12 different sets of uniforms with every detail perfect. It pisses me off.
The life of a Jets fan. I lost 5 bucks b/c I bet EA would continue their shitting on Jets ratings historically and put Rhodes below a 90
Now some of you may understand why we think Madden is so arcady. The AI determines the game and the gameplay is too fake. Unfortunately, it's all about marketing and such because IMO- APF is truer to football. That said. I have not played or purchased 08 but have owned every single Madden of every year it's been made. I am also basing my opinion on reviews and Game videos of 08. Every single review comments on the TO Ratio and says it's ridiculous.
APF has a lot of downfalls also, neither is a bug free game. APF has an edge in gameplay but the offline is attrocious and I have faced enough earl campbell 7 foot wr teams online