Hey, I took a stab at that program. It's OOMPOSSIBLE!!!! WTF?! I spent five minutes earlier this morning and quit. Why even give you a book with it, when the book makes no friggin' sense whatsoever?!
just type photoshop into any dl tool its there and i wouldnt be afraid of getting caught as long as u have no uploads the gov cant check ur comp and isnt allowed to check ur comp without a warrant
i got mine free for downloading the free trial and listening to a few steps thanks to a friend at FH!
Incredible!!! Those guys @ FH are so smart. Amazing how they are the only ones to ever do this.....Wow!!
Sunday, I'm curious...what font do you need? I have a gagillion fonts and can probably either give it to you or find an equivalant.
I have a question. My wife is trying to convince me to purchase a $1200 software package that includes Photo Shop, Illustrator, In Design, and Suitcase (for font management). I know nothing about this stuff because I use statistical software. Anyway, can anyone tell me if this is worth it or if there are free downloads somewhere? Basically, whats the f^#%ing deal?
Paying for fonts is a bigger ripoff than paying for Photoshop. What's so special about the fonts you have to pay for?
Adobe makes the best photo editing, illustrating and design software, which is why they are a bit pricey. If you are a serious graphic designer, you cannot live without these programs. If you just want to screw around, you can get another limited version of Photoshop which does not come with all the bells and whistles. With regards to fonts, the free ones pretty much suck. If you need to put together a professional presentation, you will need to lay down some coin for some additonal fonts which give you many design more options than the standard ones.
yeah, there are definately some good fonts you can find for free. What are some of the best ones you've found, or your favorites?
It's called Catull. But, yes it does cost $99. So, go here and just use this tutorial to make the exact google font style. http://www.logoogle.com/Photoshop-Tutorials-Google-Logo-1.htm
I'm told "Berkley old style" was the font I had to buy. Many thanks LGG. I would have gladly taken you up on your offer, but what's done is done. Bought the thing a couple months back. If it ever happens again that I need to buy another font (grumblegrumblegrumble), I'll shoot you a line. It was the flippin' ampersand we had to match - which I found bizarre. Quoting myself at the time: "WHAT?!! This is the only way we can match that ONE character??!!!" "Yup" "<Grumblegrumblegrumble>"
Things really do come out with a professional look with this program, but you have to be able to devote hours and hours of time with tutorials and such. Not for me. Edit: I'd like to add that this program is also about as user-friendly as a spiked unicycle.