Did Sanchez do your wife, daughter or girlfriend? Your hatred for the guy is really pathetic. For a QB taken at #6 and with as many starts as he's had, I agree he's been a disappointment but Peyton is NOT "the answer" at this point in his career. It's time for Manning to face his own football "mortality" and go out with class unlike certain other aged QBs in recent years.
Who do you draft with that low 1st or 2nd rounder? Luck, Barkley, Jones, and Griffin are likely gone by the time we pick. Do you think Nick Foles or Tannehill are better in the long term than Sanchez?
Nice post. I agree there are a lot of questions. If its possible financially, and everything else falls in place, I'd hope the JETS make the run for it.
Dunno I think a mobile quarterback would fit well for the Jets, someone who can constantly extend plays. If Sanchez wasn't our 5th pick and making 14.5 mil this year Rex would of benched him last year we both know that. The fact that he was the 5th pick and making so much money is a huge handicap to this team.
I think Titans has the answer (see below). After all, cut Sanchez, rent Peyton, and have to give away the farm again in 3 years to move up in a future draft for yet another 1st round QB. Agreed, but who's going to go? Revis? Cro? Harris? Do we really want to weaken our defense with a defense minded HC? How are we going to pay Wilson when his contract comes up? Let him walk? I know you are but what am I? Enjoy your AIDS banned troll. See above response to Jonnyd
Don't try to presume what I know. I've tried to be civil but you need to stop being such a dumbass. Benched for Brunell? And he would've taken us further in the playoffs? Are you fucking kidding me? No. I am not on that train.
Not my fault Tanny didn't leave us a backup plan retard, blame our gm not me. Both Sanchez and Brunell suck, you would think we could of given this scrub a few mil less(then 14.75 mil) and signed a decent backup. 25 out of 30 teams have a viable backup why are you blaming me and not Tanny.
Go back to your pats board troll. How many teams have backup QBs who are able to fill in right away and be successful. Would you rather have Josh Freeman?
2 cent head Sanchez will join him once he is on the unemployment line in 2 years and has all the paternity suits with the 16 year olds hes banging.
Listen, we don't run a Jerry Sandusky program here...Take that shit to a Philadelphia/Pittsburgh forum.