Petty- too soon to tell- anything else is BS

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Longsuffering88, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    Petty will be wearing the secondary out, throwing picks to them.
    FJF likes this.
  2. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    did you watch the game. petty has been on the team since last year. he isn't a rookie and he should have a decent grasp of the system. But it's not even the "rookie" mistakes. It's his ability to play the position. he missed anderson on so many throws that anderson had his man smoked. his throws just look ugly. He has no accuracy and he just doesn't look like an NFL starting QB. Dak is 10-1 as a rookie how is that a comparison. Same with goff he's a rookie who has no run game or WRs. Favre? lol come on favre shined when he got his chance and the NFL was different back then. I'd rather see hack and let him struggle and learn on the job. petty isn't the future of this franchise or any franchise.
  3. GasedAndConfused

    GasedAndConfused Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    yup. keeping us in line for that top 5 pick. sadly we might be playing a worse QB next week. SF is as terrible as we are. and kap is a turd as well.
    I said it before, people who were clamoring for petty like he is a savoir needed that dose of reality. No way do i want to start next season off with petty as our starter.
    If he gets fired i'll have to change my name. I doubt it though he deserves another season. it's not his fault revis fell off so hard and fitz fell off so hard
  4. Greenday4537

    Greenday4537 Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    So far he had one game where they literally called as conservative a gameplan as possible. There was no room to shine in that game. He had no shot at putting up decent numbers.

    In his second game, which was just one half, all they did was throw deep and that's a super risky gameplan. That's a low percentage completion rate for even the best QBs. Aaron Rodgers throws a great deep ball but even he couldn't do well throwing deep every play. The Colts picked up on it fast and just kept dropping everyone deep. First pick was just a little high but a great play by the safety. Honestly? He did well for the most part on short and medium passes (besides the pick) and there was a bunch of drops. As for the deep balls, he was okay but Anderson was getting double covered and he jogged it out a couple of those resulting in overthrows.
  5. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    This is true. But what really pisses me off is despite all the valid reasons you list here, Gruden brushed him off last night. He's usuallu Mr. silver lining, so I didn't get where he was coming from last night
  6. ColoradoContrails

    ColoradoContrails Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Yeah, I never saw too much of McElroy living where I live, but from what I did see, I thought he looked pretty good, and always wondered why he never got a chance. Maybe somebody here can enlighten us.
    LarryAlRalph likes this.

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