Pete Prisco picks the most overrated and underrated players on each team...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Double Zero, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. lightning

    lightning Active Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    That's God-like
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Everyone knows laterals that are fumbled and Int's in big games are not mistakes.
  3. jetsfan119

    jetsfan119 New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    This is typical mass media bull*hit. This is a case of a guy who needs to cover all the nfl teams, and only scrathes the surface...therefore he knows absolutly nothing about any team but the one he likes personally (and even thats a streach) Here are the real overrated/underrated:

    Overrated: Shaun Ellis, He is not the big time DE that we all thought he would be...and if you're a jets fan you know this...Ellis cant change a game by himself like even abraham could do when he wasnt injured.

    Underrated: Dewayne Robertson, I hate to put two guys from the D-line in the same type of category, but Robertson is by far the most underrated player on the Jets. Rhodes is not underrated at all, everybody who knows jets football knows how special he is and even the espn and fox sports ppl realize this now.
  4. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I guess everyone forgets the 04 playoffs when Ellis was dominating and kept us in the Pitt game.
  5. Overrated: Pete Kendall- He's a decent leader, and during his time was a great Guard. But he truthfully only had one great year w/ the Jets, and that was his first year. He is rapidly depleting, and we're better off giving one of the youngsters a shot.

    Underrated: D rob. The guy just cannot catch a break from alot of jets fans, that blame him for basically any set backs to the defense. He is trufthully our best lineman, and deserves alot more credit than he gets.
  6. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Last year wasn't the 04 playoffs. Even if it was all of 04 I'd say this isn't 04. This is Caketown! Ellis is passable. He doesn't create much of a pass rush but that isn't his job now. He does do a decent job against the run: Decent. He also comes up big in clutch situations which is always great to have. He, however, is only decent and average. Serviceable. I really can't stress this enough despite my repetition here. Jets fans seem to think he is good and he just isn't.

    So . . .

    Overrated: Kimo Von Oelhoffen. We seem to think this guy is bad. He really isn't that bad. He's worse. No matter how bad you think he is, he's worse.

    Underrated: Dwayne Robertson. By the time he had adjusted to the NT position, he was the best player on our defense. Yeah we've got Kerry Rhodes but he is only noticed more due to the flashiness of the Safety position. NT don't get much respect, boiz. D'Rob collapsed the pocket in passing situations (Read: Job of the NT, not the DEs), made tackles and ate up blocks (Read: Job of the NT) and did not get pushed back (Read: Job of the NT, Also, I like the taste of lime). Some will argue that he didn't do well in the beginning of the season. To these people I say this: No one on our defense did. Anyone remember that Jacksonville game? It was sad and funny at the same time. I'm sure that BT and Rhodes were stellar in that game right? Barton must have come up with thirty tackles behind the line and Ellis had half a dozen sacks. Wait, no, they didn't. Our defense was simply not good in the beginning of the season. It gelled when the centerpiece of the 3-4 gelled: The NT. So for all of you D'Rob haters out there, don't hate D'Rob. Hate Kimo. I mean really, he's someone we can all agree to say sucks.
  7. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Teams ran up the middle on us and Vilma had cleat marks on his chest for most of last season. DRob is a talented guy who is pushed around, needs to be replaced often and doesn't show up much of the time. Yes he is talented and he seems to come on almost like a salary drive at the end of each year. Let's see him sustain it for a season which he has yet to do.
  8. jetsfan119

    jetsfan119 New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Obvioulsy you didnt watch any games after week 9! Drob turned out to be a very good 3-4 NT and really dug in. Why do you think the Jets wouldnt make some kind of move to get Allen Branch (other then his character issues) if Drob wasnt the answer? There has been no moves to say that they have any doubts in him, he really turned it up the last half of the season, but some people dont give him his props...therefore he is the most underrated Jet.

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