But but but dogs love you unconditionally! This is a good post, and sums up exactly what all the holier than thou Vick protestors don't understand whatsoever. Animal cruelty is not some epidemic that's on a pedestal above all the rest of the world's problems. In the grand scheme, it's barely in the top 5. And I say this as an absolute animal and specifically dog lover/owner.
That's the problem. It is sickening that society places dogs above human beings. If a dog dies from abuse, the public wants the owner dead. If a woman dies from abuse, the public says she could have left and knew exactly what she was marrying into. Fuckin bullshit and ignorant. It really pisses me off. That's why when a poster such as the ignorant ass above me says the woman could have left, I get pissed the fuck off
You're 100% right. It was maddening to read his original post, but I didn't have the actual stats to back up the retort to his absolutely ludicrous claim. Luckily you did.
Oh I have pages and pages of statistics that counter his bullshit. I'm not gonna post it all because it's a ton but I can bring out a ton of them if need be.
I'm not a fan of Vick and what he did was wrong. However, it was a long time ago and he has paid his debt to society. I root for the team more than the individual.
For all you contrarians who believe this thread's premise is bullshit because they're just dogs, please re-read the OP. You're entitled to your opinion, but why put it here when you were politely asked not to in the original post? Start your own thread about how dogs are just animals if you care to. Let people who are concerned post here without worrying about being attacked.
Your the moron, so get off your high horse. We were taking about football players, the ones YOU look up to and worship on Sundays. If these women are afraid of there lives, yes they have ample time to get away from the situation. They have the FUND$ to get away unlike most women. On a rare occasion they are abused and yes in the past even one was killed. But to compare them with the average abused wife when every aspect of their life is under the microscope by fans and media is stupid. Take your stack of papers and shove them where the sun don't shine. To simplify, my point was people have choices and pets don't. You are way to over educated for your own good. Must be a democrat.
You're a fuckin idiot and a disrespectful prick. I'm not arguing with someone who thinks like yourself and claims someone can be "over educated". Your stupidity is quite embarrassing.
Man, and you called me ignorant in the other thread for basically a joke. This is some high-level stupidity right here.
I see both sides of this argument but people need to stop saying he "paid his debt to society"as if the justice system is what governs how any given person should feel. Obviously the guy "paying his debt" allows him to play football but that doesn't mean people have to get over it. Plenty of sentences don't match up with what individuals feel is the appropriate punishment. Idt anybody should be admonished for not wanting to have to root for this guy.
Be careful. You might fall under the "over educated" umbrella he has. Over educated! Lmao is that a fuckin joke? How is that even remotely possible hahaha I guess that's a phrase used by the under educated
The ASPCA disagrees. He never really worked with them. You're thinking the Humane Society, if anyone. From '12: From '09: If anything, Vick has been able to dodge the criticism he's garnered and deserved. And, for the record, despite all this harsh rhetoric, the ASPCA noted in '10 that they believe in rehabilitation and that they believe that animal abusers shouldn't forfeit their right to animal ownership in all cases. However, pessimistically so:
Do you feel the same way about deer killers or bird killers or maybe even human killers? There are plenty of them to go round too.