Pats Punishment is in!!!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan2004, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Not nearly enough... He had to get suspended!!

    Always I just hope the players lose focus and start to lose some games.
  2. 3rdandlong

    3rdandlong Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    The prototypical psychopath has deficits or deviances in several areas: interpersonal relationships, emotion, and self-control. Psychopaths lack a sense of guilt or remorse for any harm they may have caused others, instead rationalizing the behavior, blaming someone else, or denying it outright. Psychopaths also lack empathy towards others in general, resulting in tactlessness, insensitivity, and contemptuousness

    Since psychopaths cause harm through their actions, it is assumed that they are not emotionally attached to the people they harm; however, according to the PCL-R Checklist, psychopaths are also careless in the way they treat themselves. They frequently fail to alter their behavior in a way that would prevent them from enduring future discomfort. Dr. Joseph Newman contends that the behavior displayed by psychopaths is the result of "an inability to process contextual cues."
  3. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    While I never realistically believed that the outcome of the game would be changed, this "punishment" is piss-poor, at best, a total sham at worst.

    Goodell has taken football away from men who committed poor judgement OFF the field. Belichick was caught, ON THE FIELD cheating.

    F Goodell, F Belichick, F the Patriots, and F anyone associated with the situation.

    I'm disgusted.
  4. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Please tell me some reporter is asking Wade Wilson about that...

    #64 Hobbes3259, Sep 13, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2007
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    See Above.. Wade Wilson. a Coach. Taking HGH. 5 games off.
  6. RichKotite

    RichKotite Banned

    Sep 12, 2007
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    BB will just win a couple more Lombardi's to seal it.

    Are the 70's Steelers tainted because Mike Webster did steroids, or the 49ers because Policy and DeBartolo fudged the salary cap? How about the Cowboys because they did illegal drugs and held orgys at the White House.

    Noboby's perfect.

    Go buy a bottle of tarnish remover, and see if you can get some of the rust off of Joe Namath's Lombardi trophy. Thirty eight years is a long time.

    Come to think of it, wasn't he involved with gamblers???
  7. BleedgreenIII

    BleedgreenIII Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Both first round picks would have been more appropriate but ohhh WTF i'm getting a serious kick from hearing everyone tear NE a new one for this fiasco...

    All this time I thought that the NFL is the only sport whereby an excellent coach can make an above average team great year in year out...after all this it's rather obvious that BB & co have the CIA equivalent in intellegence and most teams still have a security guard with a flashlight...

    I won't be shocked to see the Pats come short yet again this year based only of their loss of invincibility...
  8. bsaeagle64

    bsaeagle64 New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Here's another question, what do the following players have in common:

    Willie Andrews, Tom Brady, Kareem Brown, Tedy Bruschi, Matt Cassell, Kevin Faulk, Stephen Gostkowski, Jarvis Green, Ellis Hobbs, Nick Kaczur, Dan Koppen, Matt Light, Ryan O'Callaghan, Asante Samuel, James Sanders, LeKevin Smith, David Thomas, Eugene Wilson.

    Answer: They were all drafted by the Patriots over the past few years AFTER the 1st round.
  9. JetFighter

    JetFighter Active Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Guys, what does a suspension achieve other than making you feel good? A suspension does nothing to the Patriots this year, NOTHING. There destined for the playoffs. Taking a 1st round hurts the organization much more.
  10. craignyj

    craignyj New Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Weak fine,needed more punishment
  11. JetFighter

    JetFighter Active Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Who the hell is Nick Kaczur?
  12. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Not when they have 5 first day draft picks this year.
  13. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Honestly man I agree with you. I have the feeling though, since the offense was against our beloved Jets, no punishment would have alleviated our loss.

    Just a thought.
  14. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Are you absurd? They are gonna lose a first rounder? That's tremendous. That's alot more then I thought. Wow.

    You know what's ridiculous? The Commissioner just gave them a huge punishment and most of you are crying that it's not enough.
  15. bsaeagle64

    bsaeagle64 New Member

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Sometimes a starter at LT. Started 11 of the last 13 games in 2005 and 9 of 11 games in 2006 when he wasn't injured.
  16. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Belichick and the Patriots organization have the money, so it's not like the fine is going to put them in the poor house.

    Losing the draft picks are reasonable, however, I think if they don't qualify for the playoffs, it should be the 1st and 2nd round picks they are lose, not the 2nd and 3rd.

    I'm curious if the Pats look different on Sunday against the Chargers. I hope they get their ass whooped and humiliated even more.

    .... I wonder what Kraft had to say to Belichick.
  17. dreamwalker

    dreamwalker New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I never post- i am one of those "other team's fan" I usually never post because, if you dont have anything good to say- dont say anything at all.

    So now I am posting. You did good- the jets did good, thank you for being there.

    And no the punishment was not nearly enough, especially since they already have 2 1st rounders next year.

    I would be happy if they skipped the punishment and added an asterik to their championships and any future hall of fame inductees. oh well...

    Anyway good job
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No it doesn't

    thats only believable if you dont account for the fact that the cap $$$ dont go away.

    Merriweather at 24, got 11.5 mil, with 6 Guaranteed over 5 years.

    thats decent FA money.
  19. 3rdandlong

    3rdandlong Member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    So youve spent the last few days of your life explaining the penalty isn't a penalty and the infraction isn't an infraction and the actual person to fault here is EM for attempting to expose bill's...what was it.."interpretation" of the policy regarding the rules of the game.

    Why don't you next try and convince me that the Pats are actually better off without the pick because oh I don't know it gives them more to to concentrate on the system? Or that bill and Kraft wanted to give the money to the NFL, and they actually game planned it and it was all a scheme to expose EM?

    Please tell me, you do realize you sound make-a-9/11-conspiracy-video, eat-your-own-feces, live-in cardboard box crazy, right?
    #79 3rdandlong, Sep 13, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2007
  20. JetFighter

    JetFighter Active Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    I tend to agree with you #28Martin, but at least one NFL observer, John Clayton on agrees with a lot of people posting on this threat:

    John Clayton, ESPN:
    It took NFL commissioner Roger Goodell only five days to react to Bill Belichick's spying incident and the penalty was worse than expected. But maybe he acted a little too quickly on this one. The penalty was too light.

    The Patriots would lose a 2008 first-round choice if they make the playoffs, Belichick loses $500,000 and the Patriots will be fined $250,000. The only thing that might have been missing is a possible suspension, and that is the only thing that Goodell might have neglected.

    Goodell said he considered a suspension but he felt the draft choice penalty and the fines have a more lasting effect on the franchise. That's a fine premise, but spying affects the outcome of individual games. Taking Belichick out of one game could affect the Patriots chances of making the playoffs. For example, he's still coaching Sunday's game against the Patriots, and if he wins, he will have a potential home field tie-breaker if the two teams end up with the same record.

    Here's the problem with Goodell's decision. The Patriots had braced themselves for such a penalty because they are so good at what they do. They had acquired the 49ers first-round pick in a trade that enabled the 49ers to select Joe Staley. They have an additional third-round pick from the Raiders in a trade. They have enough draft choices to survive the loss of a first-round choice.

    Initial reaction around the league was negative. At the very least, Belichick should have been suspended one or two games along with the draft choice penalties. Those two games could be the difference of the Patriots making the playoffs or not making the playoffs. They have a tough schedule, and it will be hard for them to win more than 11 games against that schedule.

    Belichick now has the ability to coach 16 games, get into the playoffs and take the team to the Super Bowl. As everyone knows, Belichick doesn't think about the future. He focuses on the next game. Sure, he lost the ability to use signals of other teams to help him make offensive adjustments. He'll deal with that. He's the best coach in football.

    But the Patriots lost a pick that isn't even as good as the one they received from the 49ers unless the 49ers make the Super Bowl.

    This was a harsh penalty, but in many ways, the Patriots got off easy.

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