I live in Boston and my dad/ most my friends are giants fans, going for the Giants. I don't see how anyone would want to see Brady/Bill raise another trophy even if you are surrounded by Giants fans. About a week after the parade, everything is going to turn into why the Knicks are struggling and the Ranger resurgence. Oh throw in the Yankees talk starting around mid Feb and there won't be too much.
Ive made my peace w brady belicheck pats era. i hate them but it is what it is. I can't stand to see the giants win again.
as much as i hate to say this but i rather have pats winning...i won't be able to stand the giants talk all the summer long...it is brutal in the tri-state area....i hope they cancel the super bowl this year
I'm with you for the same reasons and a few others. The Giants turned their season around in the game against us. I don't want to be any part of propelling them to another Super Bowl. They were 9-7 and got to win their division and play a home game. That just wasn't deserved. I'm getting tired of having to win 12 plus games every year to even have a chance at the division and teams getting home games with 8 or 9 wins.
I hate to root against New York no matter what the occasion, but giant fans talk too much bs and I'm sick of it with all this big brother bs, if the giants win we'll never hear the end of it, that's why I'm pulling For the pats. I think I'm gonna be sick.
Who cares about the Giants. Yes they are the number one team in town and we are number two, and that is just fact that will never change - short of us winning four or five Super Bowls in a row!! The thought of watching that sissy Brady and that cheater Belicheck raise the VLT again, should make every Jet fan cringe!!! Wake up you jackoffs who say you are going to root for the Pats what the fuck is wrong with you!!!
Guess what genius? The Pats were 5-3 when they played us and have won 10 in a row since, so your arguement is shot because we turned their season around too!!
Me too...Who knows, maybe Bellidick retires? Brady leaves football? wishful thinking... Alot of the NY media will chew on the Giants being the only team in NY yada yada...It will be a mess
from the offical Giants twitter feed @Giants New York Giants Some teams are happy getting to Conference Championship games, but #ImReallyGoodAt winning them! 5-0 all time! #ALLIN Does this help everyone realize who they should be rooting for? say what you want about NE but they aren't worried about us like the Giants are.
I think your reading way too much into something on twitter. You might be right though maybe the Giants do hate the Jets, thank your loud mouth head coach and idiots like Craig Carton for that. What's the old adage, he who laughs last laughs loudest. I'd never root for the boys or eagles vs the jets in any game let alone a super bowl, then again I don't have an inferiority complex as a fan towards the jets.
Your team and fans are infatuated w/ the Jets, during our postseason runs the last 2 years the Gianst were never brought up. This is more of that phony Giant "class" we always hear about.
During the "runs" you also didn't see the giants coach gm owner qb making constant news. Most people didn't care what Rex said about owning the town our stadium blah blah blah, some did and now they are rubbing salt in the wound. Biggest mistake both franchises made was going to bed together on that shithole unneeded stadium. Now like miserable married people they are stuck with each other. I also don't know a giant fan who cared one iota About anything the jets do or did. MOst rooted for them hard and genuinely were happy for the jet fans they know. It's sports, it's not life or death. Watched the game with about 15 giant fans yesterday, you'd be sad to hear not one mention about the jets all game
The Giants since they don't screw up when it counts? I mean Brady was only thrilled when we didn't make the playoffs so he already threw his punch. Only Patriot fans should root for the Pats. Unless it affects our chances of getting into the playoffs there is no sane reason to root for the Cheatriots.
It's probably not going to happen but I'd rather see a blowout...if one of these teams has to win, then let the other be humiliated '95 Chargers style. But I guess I'll be kicking and screaming rooting for the Giants, it won't be anywhere near as easy as it was four years ago though.