Why is the whole Pats Nation looking for someone else to blame. This denial is frankly a bit unsettling, I wonder how they feel about Barry bonds? Do they think because he got the HR title by cheating that it is OK? What do they teach their kids? Peter Gammons got it right when he said "This is a whatever it takes generation" Why not just say "Belly screwed up and we should not have been cheating" pay your penalty and move on. You got 3 superbowls out of cheating, now consider yourself lucky crawl into your inarticulate hole and pound dirt!
i dont think the jets are in danger of making the playoffs....this 1 game wont be the difference maker. the fact that there are 8 teams in the AFC that are better than the jets will make them miss the playoffs.
I don't necessarily disagree with that opinion but it's irrelevant because it's only an opinion and anything can happen.
very true. i hope im wrong. i want to see the jets get in and rip up the league...i just dont believe that can happen though. we can hope though.
??? First of all, the guy was busted in the 1st quarter......so what's your excuse for the other 3? Secondly, it's impossible to tape signals, decipher them, and break them down during the game. The footagee would be for future games. Can you understand what a 3rd base coach is signalling in a baseball game? Quick! You have 25 seconds to figure it out!!!
No he was stopped at halftime trying to get into the pat locker room... also we still haven't found out about the mysterious radio frequencies the pats were using...
I have seen conflicting reports about the timing, some saying as late as the third quarter. They could be looked at during half time, or sooner if the feed from the camera was being transmitted. Signals are changed every game so why would you want them for future use?
whats the excuse for defending cheating? i guess a fan of any boston sport team would accept cheating as long as they win....
1st quater second quarter who gives a fuck, IT HAPPENED. They f'ed up by getting caught now they gotta pay. bring on the forfeit. Trust me, you'll sleep much better knowing the Pats were fucked over.
To add to what others have already said, and reiterate what someone else said on here yesterday. The Packers and Lions have come out and accused the Pats of the same thing - the Pats play them once every FOUR years. They aren't using that film for future use.
You would have to have a live feed to make the film useful, obviously. You would have to live feed it to a discreet but nearby location. You would have to decipher the signal. Then you forward the information via radio to the coaching staff. The caoching staff determines on offensive play and radioes it onto the field. The quarterback huddles up, calls the play in the huddle, and gets the play off. That's a lot to do between plays. Then what if the defense audibles? If you can decipher the signals AFTER the game, you may get some insight into the defense signals. If you see a sign or audible and match the defense called to a previous game, you now have deciphered 1 sign. As far as recording againsts the Lions and Packers, you are cataloging defensive schemes of coordinators that you may face another time, perhaps on a different team, since they move around so much.
Is this one of those cases that if you say something enough times you actually believe it? or are you really that naive?
OK then, you explain to me how they get the information from the cameraman to someone who knows football enough to decipher the signals, to the coaching staff, to the players on the field.
He is a Rats fan. They justify anything. I just wonder why they seem so attracted to Jets boards. Do they post on the Bills and Phins forums too?
No, Phins and Bills fans aren't worth the bother. I just like the New York board because you guys are so easygoing and friendly.:grin: