Hahahahahahahaha Damn Willie Colon is fucked. We won't be having another 1st round pick for like 10 years
You win an all expense paid trip to the land of "My bragging post got buried under a mountainous pile of personal arguments in a thread that will be closed in two days and everyone will forget in two months"
I respect your opinion, but we are talking here about league-issue punishment for cheating. So if that is so abundant, you'd have no problem giving a reference of such punishment, right Or are you saying that NFL routinely tolerates cheating, I'm a little confused ?
YES! I'd like to thank everyone who made this day possible. Tom Brady, The Deflator, Walt Anderson, Ted Wells, pclfan, JStokes, and all of the other posters who chimed into this steaming pile of personal attacks and stupidity.
Apparenty there is "cheating" all the time. And the punishment the league hands down is in the form of immediate yellow flags then a 5 or 10 or 15 yard walk off or spot foul or nullification of a play. So stupid. _
Only difference when U hold a guy it's not a plan. it's a spur of the moment penalty. The Brady cheating was a thought out plan.
You're right. His agent has already come out and said he will. I see it going down as he appeals (appeases the union). The league offers to cut it in half for his and the pats full cooperation (they want to know how deep this went). Brady rescinds in order to protect the pats and serves the 4 games. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
All cheaters, if caught, should be punished. Two wrongs will never make a right. Phony victories never count. I dont want the Jets cheating..ever.
Belichick thought he could outsmart everyone but he got caught big time twice. We all know about his stable of coaches and front office personnel from his Cleveland days. They all said they learned a lot from him. Cheating, too?
Josh McDaniels is also from the Belichick cheating tree and got fired for doing it when he was HC of the Broncos. Yet they let McDaniels back on the Patriots as OC.