I agree this is how it should be but it falls apart in the "integrity of the game" portion. Sean Peyton got a year because "ignorance is not an excuse." Is Bill getting a year? The NFL tends to more lenient if someone so-operates with an investigation, hell refusing a drug test is an automatic fail, Brady didn't comply with the investigation and practically made a mockery of it should this not expand his punishment? This a second offense by this regime, does not that factor in? Goodell set the standard himself at 51% guilty, does this not factor in? Roger has made discipline in the nfl a joke and at this point if he does easy then the favoritism is beyond apparent and he should be voted out by the other owners. if he goes too hard he will look like an idiot again. My guess is 8 games appealed down to 4 or 6. But the fact remains discipline in the nfl is insanely convoluted and this matter should in one way or another turn an ant hill into a mountain.
Wake me when the appeals are done (during which I'm sure he'll be painted as a victim) and he actually misses games.
If you hold a guy it gives you an unfair advantage. Which is what deflating balls does. And it's against the rules. It's cheating.
Dude, your point is moot. Brady lied, the balls were tampered with after they were measured, and they were caught. Thats it, thats all that mattered. The measurements dont matter.
Brady gets a 4 game suspension. The Pats lose a 1st rounder in 2016, a 4th rounder in 2017, and fined $1 million.
Ehh. I'll take it. I thought it would be 4. The million bucks is change to them. The picks should have both been this year. And you gotta love that game 5 is against the colts in Indy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh and no way he appeals now. No reason to. This was very calculated to make sure this was the end of it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hope he does Charlie. Let him appeal and let Players Union takes this to court. Let's see what those texts are all about. I hope he appeals.
You've been thrashed on this issue and made to look like the fool you are by basically everyone in the thread. Stop the trolling and go over to your real board Patsfag.com. _
Not trolling. Difference of opinion. You won't accept that. Ok with me but don't start telling others what to think or to say.