Patriots stole Eagles Defensive Signals in SB 39

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by forevercursed, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. bartscott

    bartscott Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    It’s factual just because some fucking troll like you comes on here and says it’s factual?

    You want facts? The Patriots have been fined over 2 million dollars for cheating, and they lost two first round picks. How do you explain that? It’s the league picking on them? They are completely innocent victims?

    Fact: There is video evidence of a guy disappearing into a bathroom with the game balls. A guy who called himself “the deflator”. A guy who admitted via texts that he deflated balls all fucking season. But meathead Pat fans like you want to focus on cold weather and “a few ticks”.

    It’s so weird. These Patriot fans have to come on a Jets message board the week their team is going to another Super Bowl, and defend this team, like they were there, and fucking know what happened.

    Isn’t there a Pats message board you should be on, where you can break down Tom vs. Time with all the other Brady knob jobbers?
    tbruner12 and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  2. bartscott

    bartscott Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    What a joke. Yeah...he’s a Cardinals fan. Haha.

    Watch this one. It’s also made from a Cardinals fan, so it must be true.

    Start at around the 7 minute mark. Watch the Cooks catch vs. the James catch. Both are identical. The ball moves and touches the ground. Both reviewed. Two different outcomes. Either call goest against the Pats, and the Steelers have home field throughout.

    tbruner12 and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  3. Patriot

    Patriot Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    I am a Pats fan and I am also a Jets fans to answer your question.

    I have for years on this site and another Jets site tried to convince Jets fans that a lot can be learned from the way the Pats run their organization today. Using the excuse that they beat us because they cheated and the refs is intellectually lazy and never gets into the truth of what it takes to beat the Pats and be successful.

    In football development, the Jets are in 5th grade and the Pats are in high school in terms of players and player management. It is frustrating as a fan of both teams to see Jet fans dismiss the Patriots as cheaters and not try to learn from them. As the God Father said keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    I think if the Jets could just do a few simple common sense moves, they could field a much better competitive team. I would love to see the Jets be successful and if my Pats were to lose to a team, I would rather it be the Jets than some other teams.

    The fact that they have a lot of cap space makes me optimistic. But going after expensive veteran free agent players have got them what in the past? I hope they stop repeating this mistake. They need to develop their players young and that requires good coaching and mentoring of the players. I am concerned the staff they have at this time may not be the solution.
  4. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    We've all heard of the "Ideal Gas Law", why don't you tell us about the "Selective Ideal Gas Law", you know, the one that only affects 50% of the footballs in the stadium, those under the control of the Patriots?
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  5. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Actually, why don't you tell me why only three of the Colts balls were tested with two of them being recorded below the legal limit yet nothing is ever said about it? The Wells report states that the officials didn't "have time to test all the Colts balls and deemed it unnecessary because there was no complaint regarding them." Strange no? Or maybe you could explain this, the NFL came out prior to the next season and stated publicly that they would study the air pressure issue by recording all of the ball pressure readings at all games and in all weather conditions, and make those results public at the end of the season. Did anyone see those results? No, because when asked by reporters when the NFL would release the findings of that study Rodger said simply, "that no anomalies were recorded, and none of the studies data would be made public." Strange that you would spend all that time and money trying to definitively determine what the effects of weather conditions have on game balls, and yet not release those results. Especially if those results proved your assertions that tampering took place, and especially if knowing what actually happened and why was as crucial to the integrity of the game as you claimed. Lets see, knowing all that, why would the NFL not want those results made public? Unless???? The bottom line is none of this matters to Jet fans like you, god on high could come down and tell you the Patriots didn't tamper with the footballs and you wouldn't believe it, why because you don't want to. That's fine, because sooner or later, like Dallas fans found out this year, it will be the Jets fans under the knife and the truth won't matter, only what the Commissioner and League say is the truth will matter.
  6. joe

    joe Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    it's Jimi Hendrix.
  7. Jets fans dont give a crap about Deflate gate. Apparently you haven't picked up on that. It was a mere equipment violation that should've been overlooked or been a minimal fine w. MAYBE a late round pick surrendered given the Patriots prior history. That are just throwing around hot air w.o any end means beyond trying to make the Patriots out to be victims & create conspiracy.Whether you like it or not there was more than enough evidence under a preponderance of evidence burden of proof(NOT beyond a reasonable doubt like Pats fans always misinterpret) to put in place sanctions. I've read the Wells report & I didn't come away w. any conclussion based on those parameters other than the Patriots messed w. the balls. Should it have been a big deal? Given the prevelance of this type of activity within the league...No.But rather than just lay low,take the lousy fine & a few days of more cheater talk, you decided to take the matter to federal due process. You guys mock the entire ordeal..but it was YOU who wanted full defense to begin with! And then Tommy destroys his phone which technically was federal discovery Kraft says a bunch of hostile crap.

    A silly ordeal no doubt but the Patriots brought it on themselves & didn't do themselves any favors w. public perception. Don;t blame jet fans..look in the mirror
    tbruner12 and dcinct like this.
  8. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Wow, you are comical, watch a few episodes of "Law and Order", pretend to understand legal jargon, and then use it to try and sound smart. First off the phone, was not under "Federal Discovery" , the NFL's Attorney is on the record in open court stating that the phone was never requested and further more stated that they made Brady's and the NFLPA Attorneys aware that it was not going to be requested. You're like Mark Walberg and Ted in the scene were they pretend they could be lawyers by throwing out all kinds of Legal jargon they heard on T.V.!!!!! I'm LMAO!!!! THANK YOU>
  9. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Hey, Perry Mason, it doesn't matter what lawyers say in court - they do not provide testimony; what they do say is what will serve their clients' interests. You're out of your league here, GTFOH!
    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  10. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Objection!!!! Sidebar!!!! Harassing the Witness!!! LOL Oh, yeah you guys are brilliant legal minds. LOL!!!!!!!

  11. You know nothing of my background, line of work or otherwise. And to insult me w. by such amateur means suggests you are in over your head. If it's so amatuer & you're such an expert why not articulate that. What REALLY happened is you saw a bunch of "Legal terms" that made your petty bitching seem just that,felt cornered & lashed out b.c you don't know shit about the legal portion. All you know is making excuses for your football team. Nothing else.

    Wells requested the phone as an active piece of the investigation, reviewed said phone, gave it back to Brady w. the understanding that it may need to be given back for further dialogue. It was during that timeframe Brady destroyed the phone. A FEDERAL investigator in a FEDERAL proceeding constitutes FEDERAL discovery. Just b.c the NFLPA lawyer didn't request it or it wasn't included in the hearing doesn't mean that it wasn't still an active piece of evidence.

    But carry on w. making an idiot out of yourself
  12. shasta01

    shasta01 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    No, you're correct, I know nothing about the legal profession, and would never be able to spot a pretender. I wouldn't have the knowledge to spot a pseudo lawyer with a law degree from network T.V. LOL!!!! Funny thing is you can pretend to be anything on the internet, but I generally find that only kids and losers do so.
  13. Yes you can do anything on the internet. You can even pretend that you're smarter & more entitled than others based solely on what football team you align yourself with no matter how much of an insignificant loser you might really be.
    dogg and dcinct like this.
  14. NY Jets68

    NY Jets68 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2010
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    "My teams plays in the SB in 3 days, but rather than enjoy it I think I'll crawl out from under my bridge and troll other team sites."
  15. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Sorry in advance - this is going to be a long post. I get a kick out of Pats fans on a Jet board during the week of the SB complaining that Jet fans are "crazy". Except for Patriot (who seems to be a nice fellow and claims to be a Pats / Jet fan - which I don't know if I take seriously) why are you here at this time? Are you on Dolphin, Bills, and other fan forums the week before the SB? Are the Pats board that bereft of intellectual discussion? Do you have that much time on your hands?

    Face it, the Pats are the only NFL franchise who have had to lose first round draft choices because of two separate instances revolving around cheating (not including player / coach tampering). This has caused many Pats fans to claim bias against them. However, two points I'd like to make:

    1) Why would the NFL want to find their #1 franchise over the last 16 years guilty of wrongdoings if there was nothing there? Doesn't it give the NFL a black eye to have their model franchise "ridiculed" by many NFL fans? Why would they find against the Pats if there wasn't fire where the smoke was? It gives the NFL a bad name to have their marquis franchise look bad. So if anything, they would bend over backwards to "help" the Pats if the infractions were borderline / non-existent.

    Are the offices of the NFL so biased against the Pats (sick of their winning?) that they would rule against the Pats to punish them for their success? Unless there is a vendetta against the Pats it doesn't make sense for the NFL to hand out those punishments. If there was that much of a bias against the Pats, then the NFL could very easily do other things worse to hurt the Pats. Believe me, a few key plays called differently by the refs over the years could definitely have done more to damage the Pats chances.

    2) Many (not all) Pats fans in their "us against the world" / "they hate us because they ain't us" rants fail to realize that the Pats benefit from many officiating close calls in their favor - like most great teams get. Just this last year the Pats had three on-the field TD's over-turned. How many times has that happened for one team in one year? Also, when you honestly compare any one of those catches (NYJ, Steelers, Bills) vs. Cooks "TD" catch at the end of the Houston regular season game - I would have to say that most people objectively would say that the Cooks "TD" against the Texans was less of a TD than any one of those other three plays. Yet the call for all four of the plays all went in the Pats favor.

    The fact that the Pats consistently get many benefits (not always) of penalties / calls seems to elude some of their fans. People may disagree, but I truly believe that the pass interference against the Jax in the playoffs doesn't get called 50% of the time for similar plays. Also, I believe that the defensive holding on a key Jax third down and a offensive holding on the successful third down run at the end of the AFC championship game (it was pretty blatant and right in front of the ref) that weren't called against NE eludes many Pats fans.

    I would like just once for a Pats fan to come here and say "You know the Pats actually did get lucky and didn't get called on that clear penalty" or "Clearly that wasn't a legitimate TD catch". Maybe they have and I missed it. I can honestly say that I was surprised that the "fumble" in the fourth quarter of the last AFC championship game wasn't overturned. I thought it could have been argued that the Pats RB actually had possession when his knee hit the ground. I don't know why it would make a difference whether the ball was "lodged" between his hand and his thigh (in this case) vs. his hand and his stomach (as in most cases).

    That's not to say that the Pats always get the calls. No team does. However, it just seems in the Pats games that I see (and I admit I don't watch every one) that the Patriots:

    1) hardly ever get called for offensive holding (I know they have a great, long-time OL coach)
    2) hardly ever get called on penalties on key third down plays either on offense or defense

    PS: This is not meant to denigrate the great play of Brady and the coaching of Belichick. They are undoubtedly superb compared to their competition at what they do.
    tbruner12 and KurtTheJetsFan like this.
  16. Yehoodi

    Yehoodi Active Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    Kurt, at the time Brady destroyed his phone what federal investigation was going on and who exactly was the federal investigator?

    My recollection was that we had a private organization investigating an employee of its hired union via a private attorney. Am I wrong?
  17. Yehoodi

    Yehoodi Active Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    Hey Johnny,

    Yes sometimes teams can get close calls and when it seems there are getting their extra share of close calls, it can be frustrating for opposing fans.

    It may come to a surprise the pats have been on the wrong side of some bad calls. This year alone we had a late hands to the face on Gilmore late in the game against Carolina on third down, and extended their drive and they scored with little time on the clock and we lost.

    Two years ago we has some shaky OPI against Mia, and calls go against us in Denver, costing us HFA, we went to Denver and lost in playoffs

    In 2013 we had the Carolina PI, which I did not mind flag being picked up, and cost us HFA and we lost in Denver.

    As for catches, the rule is pretty clear. When going to the ground the ball can not go dead, this is move without control and hit the ground or player is out of bounds when ball moves Also must get two feet in before control.

    With Pitt, the ball hit the ground as it spun in James hand, ball dead, incomplete pass.

    With Buf, the ref had the opinion, which i do not disagree, that his foot was off the ground before he gained control of the ball. And btw, Tony Romo agreed at the time it was happening.

    With Cooks, it comes down to if the movement was made by him moving his forearm as he was going to the ground, if so, TD, if not, incomplete

    With Jets, just depends on if the ball moved out of control as ASJ rolled out of bounds, I thought it was close and perhaps they should of left it a TD

    Interestingly, you bring up the Lewis fumble and you are 100% correct. Although he had control of the ball after the initial strip (pinned to his hip) and was down, he was going to the ground and needed to survive the ground. As the ball was stripped a second time, he did not survive the ground and thus no possession, thus no down by contact, ball to Jags. So yes this IS an example of the Pats being on the wrong side of the going to the ground possession rule.

    As for the holding on the last play of the game. It was not much and one can grab and hold so long as you grab inside the shoulder pads and you remain square with the defender or man handle him backwards. However, once the guy wants to release to get to a ball carrier, one must release or its a penalty. Here, it was not that much of a continue grab, but it was at the point of attack. I could see the refs throwing the flag, especially as it was at the point of attack. But it was not a grab with a major stretch of the jersey though, but i can see the flag being thrown.
  18. Yehoodi

    Yehoodi Active Member

    Oct 5, 2011
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    Hey George :).

    True some folks like to troll. Others, like me, can get tired of taking to friends and folks on home fan forums, and want to see what others are talking about. I just came back here to see what you were all talking about. I use to spend most of my time on Colts fan forum, but not as much anymore, so am finding other locations.
  19. Wells has done federal work so he is a federal investigator.But as it pertains to the “wells report” portion no the phone was not under federal provisions & you are correct wells was an appointed 3rd party investigator.

    Now my memory is a little fuzzy on the exact timeline but I remember based on the context immediately thinking that it could be federal contempt of court based on destruction of evidence & some “legal experts” in the media mirroring that notion.

    The complaint must have already been filed w the courtts setting the federal clock in motion sometime before or around the phone incident. If that wasn’t the case I have no issue retorting..I’m merely interested in the truth.

    The civil court has to interpret the CBA provisions within their ruling..bc deflating balls isn’t a wrong against the state or’s a conflict within a private entity w its own laws & rules of engagement.The CBA states specifically that they will appoint a 3rd party investigator to be factfinder & issue a ruling or conclusion. As such I’m not really sure how that evidence or the destruction would exactly be viewed

    Getting a judgement for federal contempt would be a very big stretch but an argument can certainly be made given the significance of those texts. Even so,removing the contempt/federal aspect from the equation no judge or jury is going to take lightly to the documented destruction of a crucial piece of evidence within a CBA orchestrated investigation.The fact that Wells is a highly respected attorney/investigator in the federal circuit only strengthened the NFL's case.Only way the Patriots were gonna get anywhere was trial.
    #39 KurtTheJetsFan, Feb 1, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2018
    dcinct likes this.
  20. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Destroying evidence is typically considered proof that there was no wrongdoing involved. Everyone knows this.
    dogg, KurtTheJetsFan and NY Jets68 like this.

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