Would certainly suck driving home having not had any alcohol, getting pulled over, and having to prove your sobriety because someone drenched you in champagne
I think the issue isnt what she did (I did waaaay dumber shit all the time back in the day) but acting like an entitled bitch afterwards
While you guys are at defending dipshits, you want to defend this clown dancing on a dead guys number the day it was retired for a social media video? At least he apologized.
When you pour alcohol on someone purposefully at a football game you usually get punched in the mouth. I’ve seen it countless times at the old stadium and that was usually Jet on Jet crime.
To be fair to the A-hole, putting the guy’s number on the ground is a strange way to memorialize a dead player. Even though it was roped off. As you said, he did apologize afterwards. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. I can’t forgive him for being proud of the lame dance.
Don't have an issue with spraying champagne. It's not something I would do, but it does happen. My parents told me stories of how they snuck champagne into Shea Stadium for game 7 of the 86' World Series. The issue is how they act like entitled cunts and don't think about their actions.
back when football was football now they'd laugh on TikTok about dancing on the star and swap jerseys
And I wish I could just do what I want without getting attacked every week in response to criticism over it. A winning combination. One guy said, "What if that bottle fell off the ledge?" He's wrong and he's attacking her? It will never cease to amaze me how people who can't stop looking at themselves play victim when they do something boneheaded that they themselves made public. Look how persecuted I am! All she really had to do was give a limp-wristed apology and it would have gone away. Instead she comes out with I just wish I could do what I want without being attacked every week? No self-awareness at all. Cyberbullying is a real and awful thing and has ruined a lot of lives undeservedly, sometimes even leading to suicide, which is just awful. This doesn't even come close to qualifying as "cyberbullying". What happened to Leslie Jones, now THAT was cyberbullying. From all the snippets that I've read no-one even said anything that "mean" to Brittany Matthews, just that she should get off her high horse. Wah. We're expected to somehow feel sorry for someone who is set for life by extension when she stuck her own foot in her own mouth and does it repeatedly. OK. It's not even like she's 21 like Mahomes tool brother (not that that exonerates him). She's 26. LEAVE BRITTANY ALONE!!!! https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nf...g-after-brittany-matthews-backlash/ar-AATdHzq ^That's pathetic. Instead of putting on her big girl pants she's doubling down even more and this idiot is behind her. Look how bullied I am! GTFO.
I think if anything we need to bully people more. I'm not saying go out of your way to be a prick but we've gone way too far in the direction of handling everyone with kid gloves no matter how insane they act or how poorly they treat others. People will stop acting like dunces if there are consequences for doing so.
She and the brother are a couple of “entitled” idiots. An example of today’s younger society. Living off of somebody else’s image and $$$. Mahomes himself doesn’t seem to be a bad guy …. I’m waiting to read an article or something where he finally tells them to stop embarrassing themselves - at least the brother. But then again if it hasn’t happened yet it probably won’t. As far as the Champaign incident - while the act itself shows her immaturity and disregard for others I doubt anybody below got mad in that moment …… they were too delirious.
I want the The Chiefs to cover on Sunday But does anyone know if little brother talks like Mighty Mouse Voice Patrick?? Haha
It's glorious. People are heckling her on Twitter. Again, they're not saying anything "mean". Here are some clips from an article I found: “Many thanks to Joe Burrow and the #bengals for eliminating Jackson Mahomes and Brittany Matthews,” one Twitter user wrote. “Can we get a Tik Toc of Jackson Mahomes and Brittany Matthews dancing on the Chiefs season being over?” another user wrote. “Congrats Bengals!! We don’t have to see or hear from Jackson Mahomes or Brittany Matthews until September,” another user wrote. “Thank sweet baby Jesus we don’t have to see Brittany Matthews for another year,” another user wrote Hahahaha.