Passing on Young would like being

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by #1 Jets Fan, Apr 13, 2006.

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  1. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    They both lost twice their entire career, both have their strong and weak points, all you guys make such a big deal about his throwing motion this, not staying in the pocket that. C'mon please recognize talent when you see it, look his competitive spirit to will his team against the mighty USC. You say average at best college defence, all the QB's before face the same average defences and went on to have great careers. Vince is stereotyped as scrambling QB when he is obviously so much more.
  2. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Not to mention reading NFL defenses, and defenses are so fast today, that stopping a scrambling QB won't be a problem...

    A perfect college system ran at Texas, Vince played excellent...But in the pros?:lol: :lol:

    Just don't be a Jet, that's all.
  3. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    I think he's better than Leinart. I don't like Leinart at all. VY is bigger, faster and stronger, in terms of body and specifically arm strength (very fast release, one of the quickest I've seen out of college and would be one of the fastest if not the fastest in the NFL). I say VY is better based on his overall stats, his big-game record, and from watching him play. Now my question to you is, do you laugh at me for my opinion, or is it people that like VY only for the Rose Bowl that you're "laughing" at?

    And just out of curiousity, are you insinuating that Leinart was playing against NFL defenses all throughout college? Or that losing to another team even when your supporting cast is stacked, somehow makes you better than the other QB? Or am I misreading that?
  4. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    i still think that Jay Cutler is the best QB prospect in this draft. I wouldnt take him at 4, but if we traded down I'de love it
  5. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Has he ever played against a NFL defence how can you assume that he can't read the defence. Yeah the NFL defences really stopped Vick(who is somewhat one dimensional if you ask me). I'm not saying he's gonna be a HOF but he is a prospect you can take a chance on because the rewards could be great.
  6. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I think he(Leinart) is better than Young. I don't like Young at all...We're completely the opposite. Are Leinart's overall stats not good, he did win a Heisman Trophy, big-game record, Leinart has 2 National Titles.

    Leinart plays in an NFL system...Pocket-passer, reads through his progressions, check-downs to his 2nd-3rd options, scans the field, etc. Didn't Carson Palmer have a more stacked team, and if you ask me, he's a Top 4 QB in the NFL, even with his fluke injury...

    We've had this argument before...I'm pro-Leinart, by a mile...You're pro-Young, by a mile.
  7. CmartinHOF

    CmartinHOF New Member

    Feb 24, 2006
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    i couldnt agree with u more, we need to get him, everyone seems to forget about the NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!!!! 200 yds running, hes a beast we shud get him
  8. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Take a chance...A brand new regime, and take a chance...Right.

    Leinart to me is the most NFL ready QB since Peyton...Not at all saying he'll be Peyton, not at all, but to me he's just ready for it...I think he's the sure QB in this draft, just like how you feel about Young.
  9. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Yeah man – I saw an interview with Young and someone asked him “What would you say to a team considering passing on you in this years draft?”

    Vince said “If there be a Tuesday in April, then there be a Wednesday in June”

    To be honest – I cant say I’m on his level enough to unravel this; but I’m sure its pure genius. Then – what do I know; I came no where near getting a 6 on the wonderlic test.
    #69 VickBlows, Apr 13, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2006
  10. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    No sence to continue to each his own, great chat cuz
  11. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Leinart won 2 National Championships and a Heisman!

    200 yards running...So that'll rollover to the NFL right? Gimmie a break, he won't run nearly effective as he did in college.
  12. JETSFAN5180

    JETSFAN5180 Banned

    Jan 1, 2006
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    If we drafted Vince Young...........................................and we actually won something like a Super Bowl MOST of you all would have nothing to whine about. Imagine that................................................................
  13. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Yeah those NFL defenses also sure stopped Ben, McNabb, Plummer and even Brady and Hasselback. Those latter two aren't even half the speed and strength of Young, but somehow NFL defenses will completely stuff Young when they can't stop any other QB from picking up crucial first downs in big games. So many fans are either misguided or have a strange hatred of VY, it's weird. Even Hollywood Leinart tried to run, it's just he failed miserably since he's so slow and made those decisions badly (watch the first half of the Rose Bowl again, I felt he kept tucking it down and trying to run because he didn't know what to do), yet he is somehow immune from any criticism or inspection on it. Oh well, what can you do.
    #73 Serphnx, Apr 13, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2005
  14. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Likewise...You gave your points on why to draft Young, I have mine on Leinart.
  15. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Yeah that's cool, that's why I didn't jump on you for saying you laughed at people that were Pro-Young. Like I said in my post, you can hate VY for a lot of reasons, and as long as they're valid that's cool with me. I think your post is really easy to misread though.
  16. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    By the way GO METS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    You make it sound like Young is this combination of Culpepper's strength and Vick's legs...His strength, you think a linebacker is gonna have trouble bringing him down? Better slide Vince...

    Leinart is slow, ok? So what? Brady,Manning,Leftwich,Eli,Palmer and alot more are slow, so what? Do all of them suck? Give me a pocket-passer over a scrambling QB every-day of the week.
  18. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Wait...why was my post editted above? It looks exactly the same, and I don't think I broke any rules...
  19. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    Sometimes random user names will say "Last edited by(for example) NYJ2K06" It's a glitch.
    #79 EcKo151, Apr 13, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2005
  20. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    He is a bit slower than Vick, and he needs to add muscle to be as strong as Culpepper, but he is also faster than Culpepper. I think VY needs to add 20 pounds of muscle, and I've said that before in a few threads. His frame can support it.

    You're right, a linebacker will easily be able to take VY down, IF he has the right angle and is completely unblocked. Of course VY will have to slide sometimes and be smart about it, but it's not like he can't run at all.

    I just think Young can be a pocket passer plus a scrambler when he needs to be. I too think he can't possibly run like he did on USC again, but give me like one third of that, and that is an extremely powerful added tool to have. That's where we differ on our viewpoint.

    I think it might be somewhat interesting to mention my own experiences. First year I was mostly a bench warmer, occasional cornerback. Second Year I was a running back, and pretty good too. About midway into my third year I got to be QB, and it didn't really start off well, but by the next year I thought I was really good at that too. But I almost never fact...I was actually extremely slow as a QB oddly. The point is, atleast I think, just because you may start out as someone that has running ability, it doesn't mean you will rely on it and not become a pocket passer. I mostly scrambled in for TDs, because near the endzone it was always so hard to pass because it's so tight there, and it's hard to run a back in usually too if you don't have some sort of monster O-line. That's where I can see VY being at his most dangerous, getting us TDs in the redzone.
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