Passing on Young would like being

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by #1 Jets Fan, Apr 13, 2006.

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  1. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Almost every QB taken has a break in period. And I would be THRILLED if they drafted Vince Young. Not only that, but I would openly laugh in the face of the boobirds. Most of them are the ones clamoring for a playmaker, and there is no bigger playmaker available in this draft then Vince Young.
  2. bigoakley

    bigoakley New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    "Passing on Young would like being the year we past on Dan Manrio"

    that's one of the best things i've ever read for so many reasons.
  3. Zcore

    Zcore New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Where ever Vince Young lands i wish him the best. I remember when Vick was going into the Draft they all said he wouldn't be succesful, no accuraccy, blah blah blah....I'm not saying Vick is the best QB out there but he's doing alright to me. They also said how Ryan leaf is the prototype QB, where is he now? Coaching High School football @ 26 -27 years old gimme a break. let's justwait & see what happens
    #43 Zcore, Apr 13, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2005
  4. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    reggie bush is probably a bigger playmaker but point taken....when it all boils down to it i really want vince young the most but i really don't think we could go wrong by taking cutler, lineart, d'brick, bush(somehow), or mario

    being at #4 is nice this year we have our pick of a couple very elite prospects
  5. ekaarons

    ekaarons Member

    Apr 15, 2005
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    stop all this talk about q.b.s. rumor has the jets trading up with houston and taking reggie bush.if this true then there goes all the mock drafts for the jets. I for one never thought this would happen.
  6. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    QBs are almost always bigger playmakers than RBs because of how much they touch the ball and direct the offense. Outside of Barry Sanders, the biggest playmakers have been QBs I think, although it depends on your definition of playmaker and what restrictions you put on it.

    Vince Young could very well be the best player to come out of the draft, and could be a once in a decade type player. Filling the QB position is absolutely HUGE. Just think how different history would be if Pennington stayed in 2002 form the past 4 years and was never injured...
  7. Lunatic

    Lunatic New Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I am not so much concerned about the amount of time Vince would need (although he would need more time then Matt, and maybe more then Cutler) , but as the high chance of him being a bust. Young is a high-risk high-reward type of prospect that I just haven't been able to see as a logical choice for this new reigme. So far it has mostly been low-risk high-reward moves and Young would be very far in the other direction. I have seen Young play all last year, the big game against Ohio State, The destruction of Oklahoma and Colorado, the legendary performance aginst USC, but I just cannot see this big of risk being taken this soon. In other words, I am not getting my hopes up.........
  8. New York Mick

    New York Mick Banned

    Mar 23, 2006
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    QB's are not almost always the "playmakers"
    SD. - LT was more of a playmaker than Brees
    OK. - Moss more than Collins
    NYJ - Abraham more than any of our QBs
    NYG - Barber more than Manning
    Mia - Runningbacks more than Quarterbacks
    Cin - Johnson and Palmer are neck and neck
    Pitt - Ward more than Ben
    KC - could be Green or Johnson
    Sorry at work dont have time too go through the whole NFL, but my point is that a "playmaker can be a QB, WR, RB,TE, or Def.
  9. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Well, what happens when the QB doesn't get the playmaking TE or WR the ball? You miss the playoffs usually, that's what happens. For all of LT's ability, his team didn't make the playoffs. Why is that? I personally think it's because Brees is pretty much garbage, and was living off his two playmakers. But look at the numbers anyway, Brees would frequently make 20-30 plays a game, about 2-3 TDs a game, whereas LT would have what, 20 plays a game and maybe 1 TD a game? Yardage was heavily skewed in Brees favor as well. The comparison between Gates and Brees is even worse for Gates. Even so, I think both players are MORE SKILLED than Brees and are more of an impact than he is. Yet, in terms of playmaking, on any form of measurement, I do not know how you can justify them being "bigger" playmakers.

    You can go through any list the same way. A WR can really only be as good as his QB, and a QB relies on his O-line to atleast be adequate. I don't think it's really simple by any means, but for our purposes, and for most of the NFL, the QB is the absolute most integral position on the team.
  10. New York Mick

    New York Mick Banned

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Teams can win Superbowls with an average Qb and a good running game and def like Pitt, Baltimore, Tampa, Chicago, Miami, NYG, and I am sure that I have missed a few. A good running game and defence is just as good as a good passing game.
    The Colts have not won the SB and they have had the best passing game and QB for a long time.
    #50 New York Mick, Apr 13, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2006
  11. New York Mick

    New York Mick Banned

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Sorry forgot LT
    2005 stats
    1462 yards - 18 tds - 45 plus 20 yard runs - 71 FD
    370 yards - 2 tds - 4 plus 20 yards - 15 FD
    3 tds
  12. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    1,505 this post 3 race card to be found.

    Why cant someone like Leinart more than Young because hes more of a pocket passer...and if Young tries that stuff he did in college...he will be on the DL more than on the field...he beat USC with his legs first.

    Personally, I dont want a QB this year...but come on...race?
  13. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    i'm not saying anybody who posted in this thread is racist but some people do keep that in mind.
  14. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Or it could be a case of those QBs playing an elevated game in the playoffs as well. I felt Dilfer did this years ago, and I've felt that Brady has been the best QB in football for 5 years running. Throughout history, you see that most dynasties seem to have a great QB behind them. That's not to say those other things aren't important, they are, it's just that players on a defense can be swapped in and out, and players on the O-line can be swapped around, but it seems you just can't play musical chairs with a QB and be a dynasty. Defense-only teams don't seem to repeat much, but defenses bolstered with a stud QB do seem to win. I don't think Peyton is a great QB, and I've said that many times all over the forums. The man crumbles in the playoffs, and that's why the Colts won't win the big one until he gets better, if he ever does. I hate Peyton anyway, so I'll be happy if he never wins anything important. Marino atleast got to the Super Bowl, and consistently carried his teams. I don't like Marino either though, so I don't care for him either :)
  15. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    No it wouldn't. Young is a project in the making and won't be immediately effective. He needs 2-3 years at best and has bust written all over him anyway.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Im not saying thats not out there...just wanted to point out its not in here.

    I do follow where your coming from though.
  17. New York Mick

    New York Mick Banned

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Here is the start of a list of non qb playmakers-
    Deion Sanders
    Barry Sanders
    Reggie White
    Bruce Smith
    Ronnie Lott
    Ed Reed
    Tory Holt
    Dante Hall
    L.T. jr
    Emitt Smith
    Walter Payton
    Jerry Rice
    Tony Gonzales
    Jeremey Shockey
    Ty Law
    John Vilma
    Zach Thomas
    Jason Taylor
    Julius Peppers
    Dwight Freeney
    Michael Strahan
    Jerome Mathis
    Antwaan Randle El
    Steve Smith
    Randy Moss
    there are alot more feel free to add your own
  18. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Please tell me what has Schaub done anyway?
  19. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    We didnt trade our #1 to the Raiders for Doug Jolley, he was involved in a trade of the Raiders moving up to our pick
  20. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    More and more I think Vince Young won't be a Jet, even if he has at 4. Which makes me smile.

    Flat out, I do not like Vince Young...And for the select few who say he's better than Leinart "LOOK AT THE ROSE-BOWL." I laugh at that, so a average at best COLLEGE defense couldn't stop Young, so that makes him better than Leinart? Right.
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